인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
38. The few times that they do occur, it is the possessor who tries to make someone leave the circle. Reciprocity can be explored in captivity by handing one chimpanzee a large amount of food, such as a watermelon or leafy branch, and then observing what follows. ( ① ) The owner will be center stage, with a group of others around him or her, soon to be followed by newly formed groups around those who obtained a sizable share, until all food has been distributed. ( ② ) Beggars may complain and cry, but aggressive conflicts are rare. ( ③ ) She will hit them over their head with her branch or bark at them in a high-pitched voice until they leave her alone. ( ④ ) Whatever their rank, possessors control the □□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
문맥상 aggressive conflict(공격적인 충돌)이 드물기는 하지만 어쩌다 발생할 때를덧붙이는 내용이므로, “Beggars may complain and
■ 다음 우리말에 맞도록 괄호 안의 단어를 순서대로 배열하시오. (필요시 형태를 변형할 것) 37. 에펠탑은 언제 지어졌니? (Eiffel Tower / when / built / was / the) 38. 그 영화는 많은 사람들에 의해 사랑받고 있다. (the / love / movie / by / have / people / be / many) 39. 많은 나무들이 종이를 만들기 위해 베어진다. (a / to / make / trees / of / are / cut / lot / down / paper) 40. 다음 표를 참고하여, 광고문의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 <보기>의 단어를 활용하여 쓰시오. 판매 품목 soccer shoes 모델명 Icarus, 270 mm 사용 기간 since May 특징 • white, black and red • worn only twice 희망 가격 49,000 won 연락처 artsoccer@tmail.com <보기> interest, buy, wear SALE! Icarus / 270mm □□□□□ this pair of soccer shoes in May. They cost 129,000 won, but I want to sell them for □□□□□ won. □□□□□.
Step1. 수동태 문장 재배열 수동태 문장
63. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?(63) ① Can you tell me when your birthday is? ② I don't understand why they are angry. ③ I don't care where you are from. ④ She asked me how I was .
(4)번 문장이 어색합니다. 정상적인 표현은 \( \)She asked me how ol
【서술형 1】 밑줄 친 those activities가 가리키는 구체적인 예를 본문에서 찾아 서술하시오. (3.0) A job search is not a passive task. When you are searching, you are not browsing, nor are you "just looking". Browsing is not an effective way to reach a goal you claim to want to reach. If you are acting with purpose, if you are serious about anything you chose to do, then you need to be direct, focused and whenever possible, clever. Everyone else searching for a job has the same goal, competing for the same jobs. You must do more than the rest of the herd. Regardless of how long it may take you to find and get the job you want (being proactive will logically get you results faster than if □□□□□. □□□□□.
본문에서 those activities는 구체적으로 browsing online j
11. that 12. that 13. (A) that (B) that 14. The woman [who / that] lives next door is an English teacher. 15. (A) that (B) what (C) that 16. 17. that that that
Step1. 문맥과 선행사 파악 각 문장에서 어떤 사물 혹은 개념을 지칭하는지 확인합니다.
Part 2 ■Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences and identify its usage: 다음 문장에서 알맞은 동사의 형태를 선택하고, 조건과 가정 중에 무엇인지 판단하시오 1. If I find your book, I (will / would) tell you.¹⁾ 조건 가정 2. If you were a turtle, you (can / could) live for 150 years.²⁾ 조건 가정 3. We (will / would) have a holiday next year if we work hard this year.³⁾ 조건 가정 4. If I were you, I (will / would) buy those red shoes.⁴⁾ 조건 가정 5. If it (will rain / rains) tomorrow, I will stay home.⁵⁾ 조건 가정 6. If you (meet / met) him, tell him to wait.⁶⁾ 조건 가정 7. If Judy (invited / invites) me to the party, I would go there.⁷⁾ 조건 가정 8. If I (spend / spent) all my money, I would be poor.⁸⁾
정답 및 용법 1) will → 조건 2) could → 가정 3) will → 조건 4) would → 가정 5) rains → 조건 6) meet → 조건 7) i
Part 4 Identify the usage of the underlined part: 밑줄 친 부분의 용법을 식별하시오. 1. It is said that she is a liar.1) ✓가주어 강조용법 비인칭주어 2. It's his side profile that I showed you.2) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 3. It was at 7 that Hilary began her acting career.3) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 4. It's 500m from home to my school.4) 가주어 강조용법 ✓비인칭주어 5. It is certain that John will win the election.5) ✓가주어 강조용법 비인칭주어 6. It was in the park that Harry met Sally yesterday.6) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 7. It is expected that she will marry him.7) ✓가주어 강조용법 비인칭주어 8. It is getting dark already, and I am lost in the woods.8) 가주어 강조용법 ✓비인칭주어 9. It was John that broke the window.9) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 10. It was Mike Gibson that I met there.10) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 11. It was here that we met each other.11) 가주어 ✓강조용법 비인칭주어 12. It is im□□□□□.□□□□□.
문장마다 가주어, 강조용법, 비인칭주어를 다음과 같이 구분할 수 있습니다. 1) It is said that she is a liar. → 가주어 2) It's his side profile that I showed you. → 강조용법 3) It was at 7 that Hilary began her acting career. → 강조용법 4) It's 500m from home to my school. → 비인칭주어 5) It is certain that John will win the election. → 가주어 6) It was in the park that Harry met Sally yesterday. → 강조용법 7
33. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?33) ① I couldn't make him ate out. ② Tom always makes her laughs. ③ Mom made me taking out the garbage. ④ She made me wake up early in the morning. ⑤ Your advice made me to decide to study harder. 34. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?34) ① David always makes us laugh. ② Dad made me watered the flowers. ③ Tim's dad made him cleaned the floor. ④ Mom made me taken out the garbage. ⑤ Dad made me helping an old lady on the street. 35. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?35) ① My teacher made me to tell the truth. ② The boring movie made me to feel sleepy. ③ She had her sister buy some snack. ④ □□□□□.
Step1. 사역동사의 기본 구조 점검 ‘make, have
21. 다음 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 로 가장 적절한 것은?21) • Peter walked on the (A)(falling / fallen) leaves. • I think his success is really (B)(surprising / surprised). • There was a very (C)(interesting / interested) article in the newspaper. (A) (B) (C) ① falling surprising interesting ② fallen surprising interesting ③ falling surprised interested ④ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□
정답은 (A)는 이미 바닥에 떨어진 상태를 나타내는 fallen, (B)는 놀라움을 주는 의미의 surprising, (C)는 흥미롭게 만드는 의미의 interesting을 쓰는 것이 알맞습니다. fa
7 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? There is no one right way to draw. Don't you believe me? Collect 100 amazing artists in a room and have them ① draw the same chair. What do you get? One hundred very different chair drawings. ② Keeping this in mind, you'll have a lot more fun drawing the unique art that comes from you. You're the only artist in the world ③ which can draw the way you do. Exploring your personal drawing styles ④ is important. Notice how you have grown or □□□□□.
밑줄 친 ③번(which)이 어법상 틀린 표현입니다. 사람을 지칭할 때에는 who 또는 that를 사용해야 하
9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분과 용법이 다른 것은?9) People wave the hand sideways to say "no." ① I plan to buy a new bike. ② Sally studies hard to be a teacher. ③ Brian was happy to take a picture. ④ Dean went to the park to play badminton. ⑤ Minho □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장의 to부정사 용법 분류 문장에서 언급된