인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
29. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① Harry drew a cat eating a fish.
② Look at that crying baby.
③ He is playing the guitar.
④ Collecting stamps is my hobby.
⑤ I know many America □□□□□.
Step1. 각 선택지의 -ing 형태 쓰임 구분
문장에서 밑줄 친

16. 다음 대화의 흐름상 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
Semi: The weather is very nice. Let's go for a walk.
Kevin: Sorry, but I have a headache.
① I have to take a rest.
② He has to help my mom.
③ You have to make a house.
④ They have to write a report.
⑤ She has to take some pictures.
17. 다음 문장의 흐름상 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
• You (A) ______ answer my questions if you don't want to.
• You (B) ______ make a noise in the library.
• You (C) ______ finish your homework by tomorrow.
(A) (B) (C)
① must should not don't have to
② should not don't have to should not
③ don't have to should not must
④ don't have to must should not
⑤ should not must don't have to
18. 다음 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓔ에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은?
• I can hear you. You ⓐ ______ shout.
• Plants ⓑ ______ have water in order to live.
• Jason can't join us tonight. He ⓒ ______ work late.
• □ □ □ week Anne broke □ □ □ d ⓓ ______
Step1. 문장별 의미 파악
첫 번째 문장은 강제성이 아니라 선택 가능

다음을 수동태 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.
1 Mr. Lee didn't write this novel.
→ This novel was written by mr.lee.
2 You must keep milk in a cool place.
→ Milk must be kept in a cool place.
3 Did you push the button?
→ Was the button pushed by you?
4 His parents allowed him to go camping.
→ □□□□□.
5 When did they build □□□□□?
→ □□□□□ it by them.
1) This novel wasn’t written by Mr. Lee.
2) Milk must be kept in a cool place.
3) Was the button pu

42. Which one is NOT correct?42)
① We had to play outside, but we didn't.
→ We shouldn't have played outside.
② My friend is upset because I didn't return his
→ I should have returned his call.
③ I need to know. Where did you go last night?
→ I need to know where you went last night.
④ I didn't invite Sujin to my party. I'm sorry I
didn't invite her.
→ I should have invited Sujin to my party.
⑤ Plea □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□.
정답은 1번입니다. We had to play outside, but we didn't라는 문장은 사실상 밖에서 놀아야 했는데 놀지 않았음을 나타냅니다. 이를 후회하거나 아쉬워하는 말로 바꾸려

Part 2
■Complete the 'so- that... sentences so that
two sentences have the same meaning:
다음 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 문장을 완성하시오.
1. I love Korean houses because the floors are
very warm.
= The floors are □□□□□ that I love
Korean houses.
2. It was very dark, so he turned on the light.
= It was □□□□□ he
turned on the light.
3. Because she speaks so fast, I can't understand
= She speaks □□□□□
4. Because the movie was exciting, I wanted to
watch it again.
= The movie was □□□□□
I wanted to watch it again.
5. I couldn't go to school because I was very sick
= I was so □□□□□
go to school yesterday.
6. Because she was very sick, she couldn't go to
= She was □□□□□ to school.
7. Because the wind was so strong, it blew my
hat off my head.
= The □□□□□
아래는 주어진 문장들을 “so … that …” 형태로 바꾼 예시입니다:
1) The floors are so warm that I love Korean houses.
2) It was so dark that he turned on the light.
3) She speaks so fast that I can’t understand her.
4) The movie was so exciting that I wanted to watch it again.
5) I wa

1 The actress ______ born in 1985. (be)
2 I ______ going ______ to China next year. (go)
3 Lily ______ a business five years ago. (start)
4 The sun ______ necessary for life on earth. (be)
5 I ______ to Jejudo with my friends last year. (travel)
6 Steven ______ a reality show on TV now. (watch)
7 Dana always ______ happy when she receives gifts. (feel)
8 I ______ a movie tomorrow. (not, watch)
9 Ask Bruce. He ______ a lot of things about car. ______
아래는 각 문장에 맞는 동사의 형태 예시입니다.
1) The actress was born in 1985.
2) I will go to China next year.
3) Lily started a business five years ago.
4) The sun is necessary for life on earth.
5) I traveled to Jejudo with my friends last year.
6) Steven

D 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.
1 Dean was happy to win the singing contest.
2 She would be disappointed to hear the news.
3 I was sad to hear that I had failed the test.
4 He grew up to be one of the world's best hairdressers.
5 To study in the USA, I should study English harder.
6 The church is quite hard to get to from here.
7 We need to practice more to win the championship.
8 Logan went to work only to find that it was a holiday.
Th □ □ □ bi c □□□□□.
D □□□□□.
1) Dean은 노래 대회에서 우승하게 되어 기뻤다.
2) 그 소식을 듣는다면 그녀는 실망할 것이다.
3) 시험에 떨어졌다는 소식을 듣고 나는 슬펐다.
4) 그는 자라서 세계 최고의 미용사 중 한 명이 되었다.
5) 미국에서 공부하기 위해, 나는 영어를 더 열

Part 5
■Rewrite the following sentences using unless
or if
unless 또는 if를 사용하여 다음 문장들을 다시 쓰시오.
If I don't practice, my English won't improve.
→ Unless I practice, my English won't improve.
1. If we don't leave now, we will miss the train.1)
Unless we leave now, we will miss the □□□□.
2. Unless it rains, we will go camping.2)
If it □□□□.
3. You will be sick if you don't stop eating.3)
4. If you don't exercise, you will get fat.4)
5. I will call the police if they don't stop fighting.5)
6. Unless you hurry, you won't arrive on time.6)
7. Unless she buys the tickets, she won't go to
the concert.7)
8. If she doesn't apologize, he will never speak to
her again.8)
9. I'll go to the beach with m□□□□□.
□□□□□, □□□□□ room is
해결 방법
1) If we don’t leave now, we will miss the train.
→ Unless we leave now, we will miss the train.
2) Unless it rains, we will go camping.
→ If it doesn’t rain, we will go camping.
3) You will be sick if you don’t stop eating.
→ Unless you stop eating, you will be sick.
4) If you don’t exercise, you will get fat.
→ Unless you exercise, you will get fat.
5) I will call the police if they don’t stop fighting.
→ Unless they stop fighting, I will call the police.
6) Unless you hurry, you won’t arrive on time.
→ If you don’t hur

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available
for improving young children's behavior, it is equally
powerful for improving your child's self-esteem. Preschoolers
believe what their parents tell ① them in a very profound
way. They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to
reason ② analytically and reject false information. If a
preschool boy consistently hears from his mother ③ that he
is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that
information into his self-image. Thinking of himself as a boy
who is smart and knows how to do things ④ being likely to
make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and
increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks.
Similarly, thinking of himself a □ □ □ □ □ □ is
good □ □ □ □ □. □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
with tasks □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
□ □ □ □ □ □ sophistication.
어법상 틀린 부분은 ④ being likely 입니다. 적절한 표현은 is likely*

Part 2
■ Put the verb into the correct form:
주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 쓰시오.
1. I always watch comedies if I ______ (feel) sad.¹⁾
2. If you ______ (squeeze) an orange, you get orange juice.²⁾
3. Phone this number, if you ______ (have) any problems.³⁾
4. If you ______ (heat) water to 100℃, it boils.⁴⁾
5. If the baby ______ (not, eat), we will see the doctor.⁵⁾
6. If you ______ (sit) in the sun, you get burned.⁶⁾
7. I ______ (go) shopping on the way home, if I ______ (have) time.⁷⁾
8. If you ______ (see) Jason, ______ (tell) him to email me.⁸⁾
9. Put those plants in the sun. If they ______ (not, get) enough light, they die.⁹⁾
10. She doesn't sleep well if she ______ (□□□□).¹⁰⁾
______ (□□□□) ______ (not, □□□□) □□□□□?
아래는 동사를 적절한 형태로 바꾼 예시 답안입니다.
1) I always watch comedies if I feel sad.
2) If you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice.
3) Phone this number if you have any problems.
4) If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
5) If the baby doesn't eat, we will see the doctor.
6) If you sit in the sun, you get burned.

The few times that they do occur, it is the possessor
who tries to make someone leave the circle.
Reciprocity can be explored in captivity by handing one
chimpanzee a large amount of food, such as a watermelon or
leafy branch, and then observing what follows. ( ① ) The
owner will be center stage, with a group of others around him
or her, soon to be followed by newly formed groups around
those who obtained a sizable share, until all food has been
distributed. ( ② ) Beggars may complain and cry, but
aggressive conflicts are rare. ( ③ ) She will hit them over their
head with her branch or bark at them in a high-pitched voice until
they leave her alone. ( ④ ) Whatever their rank, possessors
control the □□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
문맥상 aggressive conflict(공격적인 충돌)이 드물기는 하지만 어쩌다 발생할 때를덧붙이는 내용이므로, “Beggars may complain and