인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
whether do the □□othes suit him well
if him the □□othes suit well
that the □□othes suit him well
the □□othes suit him well
32. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 만들 때 가장 적절한
• I'd like to know.
• When did she come to the party?
① I'd like to know when she comes to the party.
② I'd like to know when she came to the party.
③ I'd like to know when came she to the party.
④ I'd like to know when she has come to the party.
⑤ I'd like to know when did she came to the
33. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 만들 때 가장 적절한
• Can you tell me?
• What did she say?
① What can you tell me she said?
② What can you tell me she says?
③ Can you tell me □□□□□ay?
Step1. 직접의문문에서 의문사 확인
직접의문문인 “When did she co

Creativity is a skill we usually consider uniquely human. For all of
human history, we have been the most creative beings on Earth. Birds
can make their nests, ants can make their hills, but no other species on
Earth comes close to the level of creativity we humans display.
However, just in the last decade we have acquired the ability to do
amazing things with computers, like developing robots. With the
artificial intelligence boom of the 2010s, computers can now recognize
faces, translate languages, take calls for you, write poems, and beat
players at the world's most complicated board game, to name a few
things.(All of a sudden, we must face □□□□□.
□□□□□. □□□□□
□□□□□. □□□□□ universal
위 지문에 따르면, 인공지능의 발전으로 인해 더 이상 인간의 창의력이 독보적이지 않을 수 있

57. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 하
① My hobby is playing tennis.
② Speaking in English is difficult.
③ My dad loves cooking for my family.
④ He is looking for his sister at the park.
⑤ They st□□□□□.
정답은 4번입니다.
1번, 2번, 3번, 5번의 밑줄 친 동사는 모두 동명사(~ing)로 쓰여 취미, 주어

35. □□□□□
르시오. [3점]
Ideas about how much disclosure is appropriate
vary among cultures.
(A) On the other hand, Japanese tend to do little
disclosing about themselves to others except to the
few people with whom they are very close. In general,
Asians do not reach out to strangers.
(B) Those born in the United States tend to be high
disclosers, even showing a willingness to disclose
information about themselves to strangers. This may
explain why Americans seem particularly easy to talk to
and are good at cocktail-party conversation.
(C) They do, however, show great care for each other,
since they view harmony as essential to relationship
improvement. They work hard to prevent those they
view as outsiders from getting information.
* □□□□□
미국인(미국 출생)들의 정보 공개 성향(B) → 일본인을 비롯한 아시아인들의 정보 공개 성향(A) → 아시아인들(특히 일

() 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
1 The players helped (each others, one another) during the game.
2 I can do well next time. Give me (other, another) chance.
3 Sam and his friend are sharing a room with (another, each other).
4 I have two nephews. One lives in the U.S.A., and (the other, another) lives
in Japan.
5 I went to three countries last year. One was Italy, (another, other) was
France, and the other was Spain.
6 Can I drive a car in (others, another) country with my license?
7 Some people like baseball and (others, the others) like basketball.
8 (One, Some) people agree with early education, but others don□□□.
아래는 각 문장에 들어갈 알맞은 단어입니다.
1) one another
2) another
3) each other
4) the other
5) another
6) another
7) others
8) Some

33. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?33)
① I've been taking history classes for four months.
② Judy has been lived in Seoul for six years.
③ Tom has been learning French since 15 years.
④ We have been marrying for ten years.
⑤ I have been knowing Alex since he was a child.
⑥ James and Jane have been playing chess three
hours ago.
⑦ He ha□□□□□.MC□□□□□
(a)는 현재완료진행형 용법이 적절하여 옳습니다. (b)는 has been lived가 잘못되었고, (c)는 for 대신 since를 잘못 썼습니다. (d)는 marrying 대신 married를 써야 하고, (

■ Find out grammatical errors and correct them:
문법적 오류를 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오.
1. Mrs. Dorothy was baked by some bread.1)
$\to$ □□□□□
2. Some books are bought by Dad last night.2)
are $\to$ was
3. Do your meals cooked by your dad on weekends?3)
$\to$ □□□□□
4. Soccer plays in most countries of the world.4)
$\to$ □□□□□
5. Why did the letter send to the wrong address?5)
$\to$ □□□□□
6. English and French is spoken in Canada.6)
$\to$ □□□□□
7 Jean Valjean wa□□□□□.
$\to$ □□□□□
Step1. 잘못된 수동태와 시제 확인
문장을 먼저 읽고 수동태가

It has been observed that at each level of transfer, a
large proportion, 80 – 90 percent, of the potential energy
is lost as heat.
Food chain means the transfer of food energy from the
source in plants through a series of organisms with the
repeated process of eating and being eaten. ( ① ) In a
grassland, grass is eaten by rabbits while rabbits in turn are
eaten by foxes. ( ② ) This is an example of a simple food
chain. ( ③ ) This food chain implies the sequence in which
food energy is transferred from producer to consumer or
higher trophic level. ( ④ ) Hence the number of steps
or links in a sequence is restricted, usually to four or
five. ( ⑤ ) The shorter the food chain □□□□□
음식사슬은 식물 같은 생산자에서 시작하여 소비자나 더 높은 영양 단계로 이어지는 일련의 먹고 먹히는 관계를 의미한다. 각 단계로 이동할 때마다 에너지의 80~90%가 호흡, 대사 등으로

Part B
■Complete the sentences using the passive
(present or past) of the verbs from the box.
박스 안 단어를 알맞은 형태로 빈칸을 채우시오.
1. The room □□□□□ every day.(1)
2. Paper □□□□□ from wood.(2)
3. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of
the rooms □□□□□.(3)
4. My car □□□□□ last week but the next day
it □□□□□ by the police.(4)
5. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people
□□□□□ to hospital.(5)
6. Many accidents □□□□□ by dangerous
7. Police are looking for the missing boy. He can't
□□□□□ anywhere.(7)
8. 'Where did you get this picture?'
'It □□□□□ to me by a friend of
9. □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□.(3)
□□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ go'.
□□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ in □□□□.
1) The room is cleaned every day.
2) Paper is made from wood.
3) Two of the rooms were damaged.
4) My car was stolen last week but the next day it was found by the police.
5) Two people were taken

51. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 같은 것끼리 연결
된 것은?51)
(A) He went outside to exercise.
(B) It's important to keep promises.
(C) We went to the zoo to see animals.
(D) I'd like to meet the man this afternoon.
(E) Minji practices the piano to be a pianist.
(F) He went to the hospital to see the doctor.
(G) During lunch time, I want to play soccer.
① (A), (B), (D), (G)
② (A), □, □, (F)
□, □, (D), □, (F)
Step1. 각 문장의 to 부정사 용법 확인
문장에서 to 부정사가 명

67. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는? (67)
ⓐ We met Ms. Lee, who made us interested in science.
ⓑ My favorite painting is Starry Night, what was painted by Vincent van Gogh.
ⓒ Once there lived a poor farmer whose wife was beautiful.
ⓓ Seoul, that is the capital of South Korea, has many tourist attractions.
ⓔ Look at the boy and his dog which are swimming in that river.
ⓕ The skirt that has a lovely dark blue color only costs $10.
ⓖ Every summer she goes to her hometown, when is near a beautiful beach.
ⓗ Ann, that lives next door, is very friend□□□.
Step1. 문장별 관계사 확인
각 문장에 쓰인