인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
get up early ○ can travel in space have a magic pencil travel around the city join hands 14. If I had a magic □□□□□, I could get a 100 on the test.(14) 15. If I □□□□□, I would not be late for school.(15) 16. If I had enough time, I □□□□□.(16) 17. If I □□□□□, I would go to Mars.(17) 18. If we all □□□□□ the line □□□□.(18)
다음은 제시된 표현(get up early, can travel in space, have a magic pencil, travel around the city, join hands)을 활용하여 문장을 완성한 예시입니다. 14) If I had a magic pencil, I could get a 100 on the test. 15) If I got up early, I would
Part 5 ■Combine the two sentences into one sentence without using relative pronouns: 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 생략하여 한 문장으로 쓰 시오 <보기> I gave you a book. It had many pictures. → The book I gave you had many pictures. 1. People often buy things. They don't really need them. 1) 2. You live in a town. The town is very old. 2) 3. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday. 3) 4. The letter had bad news. I received it this morning. 4) 5. Nobody liked the cake. Rucy made it. 5) 6. These are the jeans. I bought them for you. 6) 7. The movie was a drama. We watched it. 7) 8. Getting out of bed is the most difficult thing. I do it every day. 8) 9. Why don't you make a list of □□□□□. □□□□□.
아래 문장들은 각각 관계대명사를 사용하지 않고 한 문장으로 결합한 예시입니다. 1) People often buy things they don't really need. 2) The town you live in is very old. 3) The sweets I bought yesterday are delicious. 4) The letter I received this morning had bad news. 5) Nobody liked the cake R
Part 2 Choose the correct tense: 알맞은 시제를 고르시오. 1. (Has / Did) the postman come yet? 2. We (haven't seen / didn't see) his cat recently. 3. I (didn't paint / haven't painted) the room yet. 4. We (already saw / have already seen) this film. 5. It (didn't rain / hasn't rained) since last month. 6. This is the best chicken soup I (ever ate / have ever eaten). 7. Molly and Henry (visited / have visited) us at Christmas. 8. I (got up / has got up) very late last Monday. 9. (Were you / Have you been) to Disney World before? 10. Denis (just came back / has just come back) from work. 11. I (have received / received) an email from him yesterday. 12. When (have you got / did you get) married? 13. I (have never worked / never worked) for this company. 14. She (has left / left) at six this morning. 15. I □□□'t think (have met / met) bef□□□□.
Step1. 시제 구분 기준 이해 과거 시점이 명확
10 In China, most people drink □□□. (tea) 11 다음 중 보기의 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것은? 보기 She works five days a week. ① They live in a city. ② I got an email from Paul. ③ I bought a new bike last week. ④ There is a bakery on the corner. ⑤ Mark drove his car 60 km an hour. 14 Do you have □□□ email address? 15 Students don't go to □□□ school on Sundays.
정답 및 간단 해설 • 9) leaf → leaves (복수형을 사용) • 10) 일반적으로 차(tea)는 관사가 필요 없는 tea • 11) "She works five days a week"와 같은 쓰임(불특정 대상 앞에 a 사용하는 경우) → 정답은 ① They live in a city. • 12) 처
Part 4 ■Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 괄호 안의 동사를 알맞은 형태로 써서 문장을 완성하시오. <보기> 내가 그녀를 만났을 때 그녀는 막 취업 면접에서 돌 아온 참이었다. = When I met her, she had just returned (just, return) from a job interview. 1. Sarah가 파티에 도착했을 때, Paul은 이미 집에 가고 없었다.1) → When Sarah (arrive) at the party, Paul (go, already) home. had already gone arrived. 2. Lisa는 콘택트렌즈를 잃어버려서 일을 할 수 없었 다. 2) → Lisa couldn't work because she (lose) her contact lenses. had lost. 3. 우리가 집에 도착했을 때, 아이들은 먼저 잠들어 있었다. 3) → When we (get) home, the children (fall) asleep. had got fallen 4. 우리가 극장에 도착했을 때, 모든 표가 이미 다 팔렸다.4) → When we (arrive) at the theater, all the tickets (be, sell). had 5. 그 소년은 드디어 그의 할머니가 그에게 특별한 약초에 대해 말씀하셨던 것을 기억했다.5) → The boy finally (remember) that his grandmother (tell) him about a special herb. had remember told 6. 내가 공항에 도착했을 때 비행기는 이미 이륙해 있었다.6) → The plane (already, take .
Step1. 사건 순서 파악 먼저 각 문
C 다음을 현재완료 문장으로 바꿀 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 1 I first knew her ten years ago. I still know her. - I have known her for ten years. 2 She lost her favorite sneakers, so she doesn't have them now. - She has lo□□ her favorite sneakers. 3 He went to Vietnam. He isn't here now. - He □□□□ to Vietnam. 4 I left my smartphone at home. I don't have it now. - I □□□□□ my smartphone at home. 5 She ate all the cookies. There's nothing left. - She □□□□□ all the cookies. ..... C. □□□□□ busy las□□□□□. □□□□□. Mr. □□□□□.
아래와 같이 현재완료 문장으로 바꾸면 됩니다: 1) I have known her for ten years. 2) She has lost her favorite sneakers. 3) He has gone to V
Pattern 2 동아(윤정미) stay do buy call cheat 10. The doctor told me to stay in bed.(10) 11. I don't expect him □□□ to □□ me tonight.(11) 12. My parents let me to buy a new computer.(12) 13. She watched him not to □□□ on the test.(13) 14. The doctor advised her □□□□□ exercise regularly.(14) help cancel collect go 15. Tomorrow we will g□□□□□.
아래는 각 문장에 들어갈 적절한 형태의 동사입니다. 10. The doctor told me to stay in bed. 11. I don't expect him to call me tonight. 12. My parents let me buy a new computer. 13. She watched him cheat on the test. 14. The doct
27. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] [2015 6월, 78%] In the twentieth century, advances in technology, from refrigeration to sophisticated ovens to air transportation ① that carries fresh ingredients around the world, contributed immeasurably to baking and pastry making. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the popularity of fine breads and pastries ② are growing even faster than new chefs can be trained. Interestingly enough, many of the technological advances in bread making have sparked a reaction among bakers and consumers ③ alike. They are looking to reclaim some of the flavors of old-fashioned breads that ④ were lost as baking became more industrialized and baked goods became more refined, standardized, and some would say □□□□less. Bakers are researching method ⑤ □□□□□.
문장에서 the popularity라는 단수 주어에 동사 are(복수형)을 사용한 (2)가 어법상 틀린 부분입니다.
A 우리말과 일치하도록 관계대명사와 ( )안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. (단, that은 제외) 1 그는 스케이트 보드를 잘 타는 소년이다. (ride a skateboard) - He is the □□□ ride a skateboard well. 2 강 중간에 있는 저 보트를 봐라. (the boat) - □□□□□ in the middle of the river. 3 Mr. Han은 모두가 존경하는 선생님이다. (everyone, admire) - Mr. Han is the □□□□□. 4 나는 색깔이 노란 자동차를 갖고 싶다. (color, yellow) - I want to have a car □□□□□. 5 이것이 내가 Jenny에게 준 책이다. (give) - This is the book □□□□□ to Jenny. 6 나는 패션디자이너가 되는 것 □□□□□.
해설 1) He is the boy who rides a skateboard well. 2) Look at the boat which is in the middle of the river. 3) Mr. Han is the teacher whom everyone admires
D. to부정사를 이용하여 두 문장을 연결하시오. 1 We were angry. We saw some rude people. — We were angry 2 I am saving money. I'm going to buy a laptop. — I am saving money 3 She was surprised. She met Robin at the party. — She was surprised 4 I came home early. I wanted to talk with my mom. — I came home early 5 Dan wrote an email. He wanted to complain about the service. — Dan wrote an email 6 Naomi and Charlie were □□□□□.
정답 예시 1. We were angry to see some rude people. 2. I am saving money to buy a laptop. 3. She was surprised to meet Robin at the party. 4. I ca
81. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?(81) (A) If he were not busy, he would come to my party. (B) If Minju comes tomorrow, I won't let her leave me again. (C) If she can travel in space, she would go to Mars. (D) If I were a doctor, I help the poor around the world. (E) If you listened to the lecture, you will understand it. (F) If ocean water weren't salty, people drank it. (G) □□□□□. □□□□□.
우선 (A)는 가정법 과거로 If he were not busy, he would come이 바른 형태이며, (B)의 If Minju comes tomorrow, I won't let her leave는 실제 가능성을 나타내는 1형식으로 적절합니다. (C)는 can과 would를 섞