인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of using pesticides □□□□ and fertilizers ① that
kill off beneficial bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create many of the essential
nutrients in the first place and prevent the uptake of nutrients into the plant. Fertilizing crops with
nitrogen and potassium ② has led to declines in magnesium, zinc, iron and iodine. For example,
there has been on average about a 30% decline in the magnesium content of wheat. This is partly
due to potassium ③ being a blocker against magnesium absorption by plants. Lower magnesium
levels in soil also ④ occurring with acidic soils and around 70% of the farmland on earth is now acidic.
□□□□, □□□□□ characteristics of □□□□□ of □□□□□ in plants. Indeed,
nowadays our soil is less □□□□□ □□□□□ it.
이 문장에서 어법상 문제가 되는 부분은 ④의 occurring입니다. “Lower magnesium levels in soil also oc

Part 4
■ Complete the sentences using the correct form
of the verbs in brackets:
괄호 안에 주어진 동사의 알맞은 형태를 사용하여 문장
을 완성하시오.
Judy: Mark, please close the window. (ask)
→ Judy asked Mark to close the window.
1. Jane: Be quiet! Paul. (tell)1)
→ Jane told □□□□□
2. Tom: Don't be late, Yuri! (tell)2)
→ Tom □□□□□
3. Mom: Judy, don't turn on the TV. (tell)3)
→ Mom □□□□□
4. teacher: Julie, can you tell me the answer
please? (ask)4)
→ The teacher □□□□□
5. Jenny: John, don't forget to bring your camera.
→ □□□□□
6. woman: You can have some cake. (allow)6)
→ □□□□□
7. Judy: You can use my camera. (allow)7)
Ann: Thanks.
→ □□□□□
8. Jenny: You should exercise every morning. (ad.is,)
→ □□□□□, □□□□□. □□□□□. (tell)9)
→ □□□□□
아래 예시처럼 직접 화법을 간접 화법으로 바꾸면서 to부정사 구조를 사용하면 됩니다.
1) Jane told Paul to be quiet.
2) Tom told Yuri not to be late.
3) Mom told Judy not to turn on the TV.
4) The teacher asked Julie to tell her the answer.
5) Jenny asked

두 문장의 의미가 통하도록, 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
If Bob had a license, he could drive the car.
— As Bob □□□ a license, he □□□□□ the car.
2 If I had had enough time, I would have studied all the subjects.
— As I □□□□□ enough time, I □□□□□ all the subjects.
3 If they had won the game, they would have received the cash prize.
— As they □□□□□ the game, they □□□□□ the cash prize.
4 If I were not sick, I could go camping.
— As I □□□□□ sick, I □□□□□ camping.
5 If we had gone by subway, we would have arrived on time.
— As we □□□□□ by subway, we □□□□□ on time.
6 If she knew the □□□□□.
Step1. 가정법 과거와 과거완료 구분
문장에서 could, would 등을 통해 현재

진 후, 그 이유를 쓰시오.
The Internet allows information to flow more
① freely than ever before. We can communicate
and share ideas in unprecedented ways. These
developments are revolutionizing our self-
expression and enhancing our freedom. But
there's a problem. We're heading toward a
world ② where an extensive trail of information
fragments about us will be forever preserved on
the Internet, displayed instantly in a search
result. We will be forced to live with a detailed
record ③ beginning with childhood that will stay
with us for life wherever we go, searchable and
accessible from anywhere in the world. This
data can often be of dubious reliability; it can
be false; or it can be true but deeply ④
humiliated. It may be increasingly difficult to
have a fresh start or a second chance. We
might □ □ □ □ □ □ □. □ □ □ □ □
in □ □ □ □ □ □ □. □ □ □ □.
이 글은 인터넷이 정보를 이전보다 더 자유롭게(freely) 유통하게 함으로써 소통과 아이디어 공유에 있어 획기적인 발전을 가져왔지만, 그와 동시에 개인 정보가 영구적으로 저장되고 검색될 수 있는 위험성을 지적합니다. 인터넷에 남은 기록은 잘못된 정보일 수도 있고, 사실이라 해도 개인에게 수치심(④ humiliated)을 줄 수 있어, 다시 시작(fresh start)을 하거나 두 번째 기회(second ch

24. 다음 문장을 분사구문으로 바르게 고친 것은?24)
Since it was written in German, it was not easy to
① Writing in German, it was not easy to understand.
② Having written in German, it was not easy to
③ Written in German, it was not easy to understand.
④ Having been writing in German, it was not easy
to understand.
⑤ □□□□□.
정답은 3번: Written in German, it was not easy to understand.
영어 문장에서 분사구문을 만들 때, 시제에 맞춰 과거분사*

31 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 조건에 맞게 문장을 완성하
그 노래는 부르기 어렵다.
<조건> 1. difficult, sing을 이용할 것
2. The song을 주어로 할 것
서술형 고난도
[32-33] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.
32 I can't go out with you tonight. I am to
finishing the report by tomorrow. (1개)
33 On my mother's birthday, I wanted to
do something for her. But I didn't have
□□ough money buying a presen□. □□, I
□□□□□. □□□(□)
Step1. 문장 32의 오류 교정
‘I am to finishin

36. 36)
• Can you tell me?
• Who is the girl?
37. 37)
• He doesn't know.
• When does the concert begin?
38. 38)
• Please tell me.
• Does she live here?
39. 39)
• Do you think?
• When did she leave for Paris?
40. 40)
• I want to know.
• Did the police officer catch the criminal?
41. 41)
• I wonder.
• Did John call this morning?
42. 42)
• Do you think?
• Wh□□□□□ to eat for dinner?
이 문제들은 간접 의문문을 만드는 연습입니다. 직접 의문문의 어순을 평서문의 어순으로 바꾸고, 접속사 if나 의문사(when, what, why 등)를 그대로 두되 동사와 주어의 위치를 바꿔서 문장을 연결합니다. 예시 답안은 아래와 같이 바꿀 수 있습니다:
36) Can you tell me who the girl is?
37) He doesn’t know when the concert begins.
38) Please tell me if (또는 whether) she lives here.
39) W

48. 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은
단어를 쓰시오.48)
(1) 나는 손 하나가 내 어깨를 만지는 것을 느꼈다.
□ □ hand
(2) 나는 Carl이 무서운 이야기를 하는 것을 들었다.
□ □ Carl □ □ a
49. 다음 <보기>와 같이 주어진 문장을 한 문장으로
고쳐 쓰시오.49)
The boy played the piano. She saw this.
→ She saw the boy play the piano.
Many people laughed a lot. I heard this.
□ □
50. 다음 <보기>와 같이 문장을 고쳐 쓰시오.50)
He carried books.
→ I saw him carry the books.
(1) My sister played basketball.
→ I saw □ □ □ □
(2) Somebody was coming in.
→ □ e □ h □ d
52. 다음 <보기>와 같이 주어진 문장을 우리말과 일
치하도록 고쳐 쓰시오.52)
He played soccer.
→ I saw him play soccer.
(나는 그가 축구하는 것을 보았다.)
(1) Birds flew up into the sky.
→ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
(2) The whole house shook.
→ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
53. 다음 문장에서 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 올바른
문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.53)
(1) I saw a pretty girl to smile at me.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
(2) The boy watched his mother ran down the
□ □ □ □ □
54. 다음 문장에서 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 올바른
문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.54)
(1) I saw Ann got on the bus.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
Step1. 지각동사 구문 이해
문장에서 지각동사가

1. 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
건강을 유지하기 위해 매일 운동을 한다.
= He exercises every day □□□ he can stay healthy.
① or ② but ③ how ④ when ⑤ so that
2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
He often walks his dog □□□ it can stay healthy.
① because ② so that ③ as long as ④ when ⑤ although
3. 다음 주어진 문장과 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
She traveled to Jeju Island to take pictures of it.
= She traveled to Jeju Island □□□ that he □□□ take pictures of it.
① so - can ② too - will ③ too - could ④ so - could ⑤ so - will
4. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A: Wow! What a nice bike!
B: I saved money so that I □□□ buy this new bike.
① ca ② □□ ③ □□ ④ ill
9. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Please turn off the light □□□ that I can □□□.
It was □□□ e□□y □□□□□ c□.
Step1. 문장의 목적 표현 확인

18. (A)~(C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 바르게 짝지은 것
The Inchcape Rock is a great rock in the North
Sea. Most of the time it is covered with water. That
causes many boats and ships (A)[□ / to crash]
onto the rock. The rock is so close to the top of
the water that all the vessels that try to sail over it
(B)[hit / □] it. More than a hundred years ago, a
kind-hearted man lived nearby. He thought that it
was tragic for so many sailors to die on that hidden
rock. So he fastened a floating mark to the rock
with a strong chain, on top of (C)[□ / which] a bell
was attached. When ships came near, the waves
made the mark float back and forth and the bell
ring clearly. Now, sailors were no □ □ □.
□ crash □ hit □ with
□ crash □ hits □ it
□ to crash □ □ □ it
□ □ □ □ □ it
Step1. 동사 구문 점검
문장에서 'causes many boats and sh

Lesson 5 | 분사구문
53. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 같은 것끼리 짝지
어진 것은?
(A) Having no time, I cannot do it.
(B) Smiling brightly, he walked toward me.
(C) Being sick in bed, I finished my group project.
(D) Not living in the city, I hardly know about the
traffic system.
(E) Having dinner, we all went to the theater.
① □ □ (C) □ □ , □ □ (D)
□ □ , □ □ (E)
Step1. 문장마다 분사구문의 의미 파악
각 문장에서 밑줄 친