인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 일맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. 1 A baby is sleeping in the . ① bed. ② pretty ③ little ④ cute ⑤ happily 2 The train is faster than the . ① very ② much ③ even ④ far ⑤ a lot [3-4] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 올바른 것을 고르시오. 3 ① Andrew walks slow. ② The people were quietly. ③ This bicycle is expensively. ④ They live in a largely house. ⑤ This sweater feels good. 4 ① This room has a nicely view. ② He listened to me carefully. ③ Jisu speaks English perfect. ④ Sue . [5-7] ( )안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 5 Susan is her mother. They're both 160 cm tall. (tall) 6 My bag is Eric's bag. I have more books in it. (heavy) 7 Tokyo is city in Japan. It's the center of the country. (big) [8-9] ( )안의 말이 들어갈 위치를 고르시오. 8 (usually) I ① go ② to ③ school ④ by ⑤ bus. 9 (n. ver) I will tell to you.
Step1. 형용사와 부사의 올바른 선택 명사
23. □□□ □□□ □□ 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? Every day, children explore and construct relationships among objects. Frequently, these relationships focus on how much or how many of something exists. Thus, children count —"One cookie, two shoes, three candles on the birthday cake, four children in the sandbox." Children compare — "Which has more? Which has fewer? Will there be enough?" Children calculate — "How many will fit? Now, I have five. I need one more." In all of these instances, children are developing a notion of quantity. Children reveal and investigate mathematical concepts through their own activities or experiences, such as figuring out how many crackers to take at snack time or sorting shells into piles. ① difficulties of children in learning how to count ② how children build mathemat□□□□□ □□□□□
글에서는 아이들이 사물을 세고 비교하며 에 대한 개념을 형성하고, 다양한 활동을 통해 수학적 이해를 발전시켜 나가는 과정을 구체적으로 보
4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것 은?4) The present moment feels special. It is real. However much you may remember the past or anticipate the future, you live in the present. Of course, the moment during which you read that sentence is no longer happening. This one is. In other words, it feels as though time flows, in the sense that the present is constantly updating itself. We have a deep intuition that the future is open until it becomes present and that the past is fixed. As time flows, this structure of fixed past, immediate present and open future gets carried forward in time. Yet as naturally as this way of thinking is, you will not find it reflected in science. The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now—they are like □□□□□
밑줄 친 표현 중에서 (4) naturally 부분이 어법상 어색합니다. 여기서는 natural (형용사) 형
21. □□□□ giving poverty a human face□□□□□ 23. □□□□□ 22. □□□□□ 24. □□□□□
Step1. 문항 21 답안 도출 그림이 전달하는 주
37. To be successful, you need to understand the vital difference between believing you will succeed, and believing you will succeed easily. (A) Unrealistic optimists, on the other hand, believe that success will happen to them — that the universe will reward them for all their positive thinking, or that somehow they will be transformed overnight into the kind of person for whom obstacles don't exist anymore. (B) Put another way, it's the difference between being a realistic optimist, and an unrealistic optimist. Realistic optimists believe they will succeed, but also believe they have to make success happen — through things like careful planning and choosing the right strategies. (C) They recognize the need for giving serious thought to how they will deal with obstacles. This preparation only incr□□□□□
The most coherent logical flow is (B) → (A) → (C). (B) introduces the difference between realistic and unrealistic optimism, (A) elaborates on the v
18. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?18) • The most famous thing in France is the Eiffel Tower (A)____ in 1889. • My father is the man (B)____ a rest under the tree. • In the movie, she watched ghosts (C)____ people. (A) (B) (C) ① building take attacking ② building taking attacked ③ built taking □□□□□
(A)에는 과거에 지어진 것을 나타내는 built가 적절합니다. (B)에는 ‘휴식을 취하고 있는 남자’라는 진행 상황을 표현해야 하므로 taking을 씁니다. (C)에는 ‘
18. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?18) ① I have been working here since 20 years. ② They have been building the tower for a month. ③ We have been knowing each other for years. ④ I have been studying English for 10 yea□□□□. ⑤ □□□□□last night.
위 문장들 중 (2) They have been building the tower for a month. 가 어법상 옳은 문장입니다. (1), (4)번은 for 대신에 since가 올바
35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? The Barnum Effect is the phenomenon where someone reads or hears something very general but believes that it applies to them. ① These statements appear to be very personal on the surface but in fact, they are true for many. ② Human psychology allows us to want to believe things that we can identify with on a personal level and even seek information where it doesn't necessarily exist, filling in the blanks with our imagination for the rest. ③ This is the principle that horoscopes rely on, offering data that appears to be personal but probably makes sense to countless people. ④ Reading daily horoscopes in the morning is beneficial as they provide predictions about the rest of the day. ⑤ Since the people reading □□□□□ t □□□□ ve □□ information □□□□□, □□□ will □□□□ for meaning □□ □□□□□ make it true. *□□□□□c□□□
바넘 효과의 정의와 사례를 제시하는 맥락에서, ④번은 '아침에 별자리 운세를 보는 것이 유익하다'라는 주장을 펼쳐 다른 문장들과 어긋난다. 나머지 문장들은 바
목적격 관계대명사 Part 5 Combine the two sentences into one sentence without using relative pronouns: 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 생략하여 한 문장으로 쓰 시오. <보기> I gave you a book. It had many pictures The book I gave you had many pictures. 1. People often buy things. They don't really need them. 2. You live in a town. The town is very old. 3. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday. 4. The letter had bad news. I received it this morning. 5. Nobody liked the cake. Rucy made it. 6. These are the jeans bought them for you. Who 7. The movie was a drama. We watched it. 8. Getting out of bed is the most difficult thing. I do it every day. . y.
해석과 결합 예시 1) People often buy things. They don’t really need them. → People often buy things they don’t really need. 2) You live in a town. The town is very old. → You live in a town that is very old. 3) The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday. → The sweets (that) I bought yesterday are delicious. 4) The letter had bad news. I received it this morning. → The letter (that) I received this morning had bad news. 5) Nobody liked the cake. Rucy made it. → Nobody liked the cake (that) Rucy made. 6) These are the jeans. I b
38. (□□□) Granted, it's not quite the same thing, and the computer is not going to tell you when something doesn't "sound right." □□□□□ It can be helpful to read your own essay aloud to hear how it sounds, and it can sometimes be even more beneficial to hear someone else read it. ( ① ) Either reading will help you to hear things that you otherwise might not notice when editing silently. ( ② ) If you feel uncomfortable having someone read to you, however, or if you simply don't have someone you can ask to do it, you can have your computer read your essay to you. ( ☑ ) The computer also won't stumble over things that are awkward—it will just plow right on through. ( ④ ) But hearing the computer read your writing is a very different experience from reading it □□□□□
이 글은 에세이를 직접 소리 내어 읽거나 다른 사람 혹은 컴퓨터를 통해 소리를 들어 봄으로써 글을 다듬는 방법을 제시합니다. 특히 직접 읽기컴퓨터 낭독을 비교하여, 어색한 문장이 있는지 발견하고, 글을 더 효과적으로 교정할 수 있음
보기와 같이 문장을 완성하시오. <보기> "Let's go shopping," Sue suggests. → Sue wants to go shopping. "Helen, call your father," her mother says. → Helen's mom wants her to call her father. 1. "Let me help you," Anne says.1) → Anne wants □□□□□ 2. "Peter, could you please open the window?" asks his father.2) → Peter's father wants □□□□□ 3. "Can I have some ice cream?" Michael says.3) → Michael wants □□□□□ 4. "Children, please be careful!" says their teacher.4) → The teacher wants □□□□□ 5. "I don't want to go to bed yet," says Tom.5) → Tom doesn't want □□□□□ 6. "Turn off the TV, please," Lisa's mother says to her.6) → Lisa's mother wants □□□□□ 7. "Mina, could you please □□□□ dinner tonight?" □□□□□ □□□□□
다음과 같이 문장을 완성할 수 있습니다: 1) Anne wants to help me. 2) Peter’s father wants him to open the window. 3) Michael wants to have some ice cream. 4) The teacher wants the children to be careful.