인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
29. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① Harry drew a cat eating a fish.
② Look at that crying baby.
③ He is playing the guitar.
④ Collecting stamps is my hobby.
⑤ I know many American students learning Korean.
30. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I heard the shocking news from him.
② She enjoyed playing the violin at the concert.
③ Cover this sleeping child with your coat.
④ They saw a singing bird on the tree.
⑤ The boy wearing a blue hat is □□□□□.
31. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I'm afraid of dogs barking at people.
② She wanted a doll wearing a red dress.
③ Look at the smiling baby. She is so cute.
④ The man was cooking dinner for his wife.
⑤ Yumi's hobby is taking pictures of people.
32. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I saw □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장에서 -ing 형태 확인
문장의 밑줄 부분이 동명사인지, 현재분사(형용사)인지, 진행형인지 확인합니다.
\( (1)\) \(eating\) : 고양이를 꾸며주는 현재분사
\( (2)\) \(crying\) : 아

2. As I don't know her address, I can't write to
→ If I know her address, I could
write □ to her.
3. If I had time, I could help her.
→ As I have not □ time, I
can't help her.
4. Because he tells lies all the time, we don't like
→ We would like him if he
□□□□□ lies all the time.
5. If my uncle were in the office, I could meet
→ As my uncle □□□□ in
the □□□□□, I can't meet him.
6. Because he works, he has some money.
→ If he were□□ works, he could
have □□□ money.
7. As I don't have enough money, I can't buy a
→ If I were enough money, I
could buy a car.
8. As he didn't want to take a walk, he stayed at
→ If he does want □□□□□, he
would not □□□.
Step1. 조건문 전환 규칙 이해
‘if+주어+과거 시제, 주어+조동사(과거형)+동사원형’ 형태로 현재

우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.
1 그가 이메일을 하나 쓰는 동안, 그녀는 TV를 보았다. (write, email)
□□□□□, she watched TV.
2 나는 이를 닦은 후에 잠자리에 들 것이다. (brush one's teeth)
→ I will go to bed □□□□□.
3 너무 시끄러워서 나는 그의 목소리를 들을 수 없었다. (hear, voice)
→ It was too noisy, □□□□□.
4 그 소설이 너무 재미있어서 Jen은 그것을 두 번이나 읽었다. (interesting, that)
The novel was □□□□□, it twice.
5 네 숙제를 마칠 때까지 외출을 하지 마라. (finish)
→ Don't go outside □□□□□.
6 나는 오늘 오후에 테니스를 칠 것이기 때문에 테니스화를 □□□□□ (□□□□, □□□□). □□□□□.
Step1. 첫 번째 문장 완성
While he was

89. 다음 중 수동태로 바르게 전환한 것이 아닌 것을
모두 고르면?89)
① What do they call this in English?
→ What is this called in English?
② Judy can teach us music.
→ Music can taught to us by Judy.
③ We painted our house green.
→ Our house was painted green by us.
④ Did Brian solve the puzzle?
→ Was the puzzle solved by Brian?
⑤ The police captured the pickpocket.
→ □□□ □□□ □□□□□ □□ □□□□□.
92. 다음 능동태 문장을 수동태로 전환했을 때 가장
적절한 것은?92)
① My dad will build a house.
→ A house will built by my dad.
② He broke the cup.
→ The cup was broked by him.
③ I found the wallet.
→ The wallet was found by me.
④ My mom cooks dinner.
→ Dinner was cooked by my mom.
⑤ Marc Chagall painted □□□□□.
Step1. 수동태 문장 비교하기
문제 89의 예문들을 각

D ∙ 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 ○표, 틀리면 바르게 고치시오.
1 This soup smells well.
2 The radio show sounded boring.
3 These blankets feel softly.
4 Ellen look lovely in her red dress.
5 These apples smell freshly.
6 This computer game sees easy.
7 We felt tired after the soccer game □□□□□.
1) This soup smells good. (well→good)
2) The radio show sounded boring. (정답, ○)
3) These blankets feel soft. (softly→soft)
4) Ellen looks lovely in her red dress. (look→looks)
5) These apples smell fresh. (freshly→fresh)
6) Th

20. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)~(D)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절
한 것은?
• Justin was (A)____ to hear about the accident.
• This book has many (B)____ stories.
• I bought a (C)____ car because I didn't have
much money.
• Hard (D)____ eggs are my favorite food.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
① surprised touching used boiled
② surprised touched using boiled
③ surprising touched using boiled
□ □□ t□ching using boil□
정답은 ①번이 적절합니다.
(A) surprised는 ‘듣고 놀란’ 주체의 감정을 나타내며, (B) touching은 ‘감동을 주는’이므로 이야기의 성격

88. 다음 능동태 문장을 수동태로 전환했을 때 가장
적절한 것은?(88)
① Everyone in this city knows him.
→ He is known to everyone in this city.
② Yuri will invite the boy to her birthday party.
→ Her birthday party will be invited to the boy.
③ Korean history interests me.
→ I am interested by Korean history.
④ Smoke filled the room.
→ The room is filled with smoke.
⑤ We will always □□□□□.
→ □□□□□.
가장 적절한 전환은 첫 번째 문장인 He is known to everyone in this cit

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Animals as well as humans engage in play activities. In
animals, play has long been seen as a way of learning and
practicing skills and behaviors that are necessary for future
survival. In children, too, play has important functions during
development. From its earliest beginnings in infancy, play is a
way in which children learn about the world and their place in it.
Children’s play serves as a training ground for developing
physical abilities—skills like walking, running, and jumping that
are necessary for everyday living. Play also allows children to
try out and learn social behaviors and to acquire values and
personality traits that will be important in adulthood. For
example, they learn how to compete and cooperate with others,
how to lead and follow, how to make decisions, and so on.
① necessity of trying out creative ideas
② roles of play in children’s □□□□□
글은 아이들의 신체적 능력, 사회적 기술, 인성과 가치 습득 등을 놀이를 통해 이루어진다는 점을 설명한다. 놀이가

우리말과 일치하도록 (□) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.
1 우리는 방금 이 도시로 이사 왔다. (just, move)
— We □□□□ to this city.
2 Lia는 일요일에 자원봉사를 할 것이다. (do volunteer work)
— Lia □□□□□ on Sunday.
3 우리 형은 4년째 저 안경을 껴 왔다. (wear, glasses)
— My brother □□□□□ four years.
4 그녀는 나의 부모님을 두 번 만난 적이 있다. (meet, parents)
— She □□□□□ twice.
5 그는 그의 방에서 머리를 말리는 중이다. (dry one's hair)
— He □□□□□ in his room.
6 나뭇잎들은 가을에 빨갛고 노랗게 변한다. (turn, red and yellow, fall)
— Leaves □□□□□.
7 나는 □□년 전에 □□□□□.
— I □□□□□.
정답 예시
1) We have just moved to this city.
2) Lia will do volunteer work on Sunday.
3) My brother has worn glasses for four years.
4) She has met my parents twice.
5) He is drying his hair in his room.
6) Leaves turn red and yellow in the fall.
7) I graduated from elementary school two year

D22 *
고2 2011(11월)/교육청 21
(A)~(C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 바르게 짝지은 것은? [2점]
When the volcano in Iceland erupted for the first time in
over 200 years, many people were surprised. The
volcanic ash, after blasting high into the atmosphere,
(A) □□□□□ / presented a risk to the engines of
airplanes. Even after the eruption had died down, the
ash still remained in the sky. According to many experts
at that time, a satellite using laser technology could
determine the concentration of the ash. They also added
(B) that / what they would be able to figure out how
much of a risk the ash would be for aircraft engines. By
shooting beams of light at the ash clouds, the satellite
could catch the light that was bounced back. From this
they believed they would be able to determine how
concentrated the ash was and, thus, how (C) dangerous
/ dangerously it could be for aircraft to fly through.
Step1. A항 시제 확인
과거 사건을

44. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 다른
것은? (44)
<보기> She managed to escape from the burning car.
① Who is the crying baby?
② I saw him crossing the street.
③ John sat reading the magazine.
④ We slept in sleeping bags during the vacation.
⑤ Jenny was □□□□□.
Step1. (보기)와의 쓰임 비교