인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Warm-up ■Match the expressions: 표현을 연결하시오. ① I couldn't stop crying. ② I met an old friend of mine. ③ I had some questions to ask. 1. Walking on the street, ( ) 1) 2. Studying math, ( ) 2) 3. Watching the movie, ( ) 3) ■Complete the sentences using the expressions in the box: 박스 안의 표현들을 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오. a. listen to music loudly b. carry a lot of baggage c. be surprised by the barking dog 4. 음악을 크게 들었기 때문에, Mike는 Ann이 그를 부르고 있는 것을 들을 수 없었다.4) → couldn't hear Ann calling him. , Mike 5. 짖는 개에 놀라서, Kate는 갑자기 비명을 질렀다. 5) → suddenly , Kate → ,
1. Walking on the street, I met an old friend of mine (b) 2. Studying math, I had some questions to ask (c) 3. Watching the movie, I couldn't stop crying (a) 4. Listenin
496. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [6월] 142) Can you imagine ①what life was like 200 years ago? There was no electricity, and oil lamps ② were used at night. In addition, there were no cars or telephones, so travel was mostly on foot and communication was very difficult. These days, our lives are ③completely different. We have jet planes, cell phones, the Internet, and many more aspects of life that our ancestors couldn't even dream of. However, have all these improvements had good results? Pollution and fossil fuels have given us global warming, ④resulted in extreme □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ increasing number □□□□ people.
정답은 ④번이다. 문맥상 “Pollution and fossil fuels have given us global warming, (__) in extreme weathers” 구조에서 resulted 단독 형태가 아닌, res
40. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은? (정답 2개)40) <보기> The boys are making a model airplane. 1 Drinking coffee will help you stay awake. 2 I heard someone knocking on the door. 3 His hobby is playing ice hockey. 4 Who is the girl wearing the blue ja□□□□.
해설 <보기> ‘are making’은 현재분사 형태로 동작이 진행 중임을 나타내는 용법입니다. 문장 안에서 동사+ing가 목적어나 주어(명사적 역할)로 쓰이면 동명사, 사람이나 사물을 꾸며 주거나 동작이 진행 중
[17-18] 다음 우리말과 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. 17 나는 친구들에게 핫도그를 사주었다. ① I bought hot dogs my friends. ② I bought my friends hot dogs. ③ I bought hot dogs to my friends. ④ I bought for hot dogs my friends. ⑤ I bought my friends for hot dogs. [21-23] 우리말과 일치하도록 () 안에 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. 21 그는 내게 그의 방을 보여주었다. (me, to, his room, showed) - He showed to me his room 22 신선한 공기는 우리를 건강하게 유지해준다. (us, healthy, fresh air, keeps) - Fresh air keeps us healthy. 23 교장선생님께서 네가 교장실로 오길 원하셔. (you, to, wants, the principal, come) - Principal wants you to come to his office. [19-20] 우리말과 일치하도록 () 안의 말을 이용하여 문장 을 완성하시오. 19 그녀의 목소리는 또렷하게 들린다. (clear) - Her voice sounds clear. □□□□ (rough) - □□□□ feels □□□□. [24-25] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 24 A: This cheese smells badly! B: I know. But it tastes greatly. (2개)
Step1. 감각동사 뒤에 형용사 사용하기 감각동사(sounds, smel
--- 시술 [16-17] 빈칸에 알맞은 관계부사를 쓰시오. 16 This laptop is small and light. This is the reason □□□ I like it. 21 Look at the bird which is flying high in the sky. 17 Yesterday was the last day I worked for the company. □□□□□ [22-23] 우리말과 일치하도록()안에 주어진 단어를 배열 하시오. 22 저곳이 우리 가족이 휴가 동안 머물렀던 호텔이다. (stayed, at, hotel, family, the, my) That is □□□□ for our vacation. 서술명 [18-19] 우리말과 일치하도록()안의 말을 이용하여 문장 을 완성하시오. 18 하와이는 우리가 신혼여행을 갔던 섬이다. (island, go) Hawaii is □□□□□ for our honeymoon. 23 내 뒤에 앉아 있는 남자는 매우 잘생겼다. (handsome, me, sitting, very, behind, is) The man □□□□□. 19 나는 무대에서 기타를 치고 있는 저 남자를 좋아한다. (play, guitar) I like the man on the stage. □□□□□ 서술형 [24-25] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 24 This is the village in that I grew up. I have very good memories of living there. (1개) 서술형 [20-21] 다음 문장에서 생략 가능한 부분을 찾아 괄호 치시오. 25 I will go to India next month. That I 20 This is □□□□□. need now is some information about □□□□□. ---
Step1. 선행사 파악하기 ‘reason’, ‘day’, ‘bir
17. 17) He is too busy to take break. • He is very busy. • He can't take a break. 18. 18) I was too hungry to say a word. • I was very hungry. • I couldn't say a word. 19. 19) She was too fat to wear her old clothes. • She has become very fat. • She cannot wear her old clothes. 20. 20) He was too nervous to perform well on stage. • He was very nervous. • He couldn't perform well on stage. 21. 21) Judy arrived too late to catch the train. • Judy arrived very late. • She couldn't catch the train. 22. 22) Her behaviour was too rude to tolerate it. • Her behaviour was very rude. • I couldn't tolerate it. 23. 23) The weath . . Jenny . • . • I it.
17) He is too busy to take a break. 18) I was too hungry to say a word. 19) She has become too fat to wear her old clothes. 20) He was too nervous to perform well on stage.
간접의문문 15. 당신은 그 남자에게 어떤 문제가 있다고 생각하 는가?15) think, wrong, with, the man what □□□□ 22. 우리는 우리의 미래가 어떤 모습일지 궁금했었 습니다.까 wonder, might, look, like □□□□□ 16. 너는 문제가 뭐라고 생각하니?16) think, the problem 23. 나는 열쇠를 어디에 두었는지 확실치 않다. 23) sure, put, the key □□□□□ 17. Tom은 Jane이 그녀의 남동생을 사랑하는지 궁 금하다. 17) wonder, love 24. 매일 밤 나는 내가 다음날 무엇을 해야 하는지 에 대해 생각한다. 24) think, should, the next day Every night □□□□□ 18. 그녀는 내가 과학 시험에서 어떻게 A를 받았는 지 물었다. 18) ask, get, an A on my science test. 25. 그녀는 그것이 크고 갈색인지 알고 싶다. 25) want, know, big □□□□□ 19. 여러분이 어떤 사람인지 알아야 합니다.19) have to, know, kind of, person 20. 너는 그녀가 왜 늦는지 아니?20) kno□□□why □□□□□ Can you tell me where my □□□□ is 26. 그는 Sujin이 공항에 언제 도착할지 모른다. 26) know, be going to, arrive □□□□□ at the airport. 27. 여러분은 스스로에게 자신이 무엇을 정말 좋아 하는지 물어봐 한다. 27) nee; as, re ll; □□□□□
Step1. 간접의문문 형태 이해하기 직접 질문이 아닌, 문장의 일부로 질문이 들어가는
36. Choose the sentence that has the different word in the blank from others. 36) 1. ______ summer is a fun season, I can't stand the heat! 2. ______ tomatoes are low in calories, they make you feel full. 3. ______ it explains everything very clearly, it is a really useful book. 4. ______ he was in poor health, he continued to carry out her □□□□□.
대부분의 문장은 'Although'(또는 'Though')와 같은 반대 의미를 담는 접속사가 들어가는데, 3번 문장은 'Because'(또
41. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?41) ① Some people question that the news is true. X ② I really wonder what he said is the right answer. ③ The field trip will be canceled if it will rain tomorrow. X ④ We can't tell right now if our team is going to take care of this part. ⑤ It will be easy to communi□□□□□.
① ‘question that’보다 ‘question whether’가 자연스러운 표현이므로 어색합니다. ② 간접의문문에서는 ‘I really wonder what he said’ 다음에 바로 문장이 이어지면 어색하므로 올바르지 않습니다. ③ 조건절(if절)에는 보통 미래시제 ‘will’을 쓰지 않으므로 잘못된 표현입니다. ④ 일상적으로 쓰기에는 큰 오류
Lesson 4 | 83. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장끼리 바르게 짝지어진 것은?83) a If I had a robot, I would make it do my homework. b If there were a flying car, we would not late for school. c If I saw a famous actor in the street, I would ask him to take a picture with me. d If I were a poet, I would described this world with a beautiful poem. e If I finded a bag full of money under a □□□□□
정답은 2) a, c 입니다. (b)는 ‘would not late’ 대신 would not be late로 써야 하며, (d)는 ‘w
5. He has been explaining the same subject (for / since) the last class.5) 6. I have been taking history classes (for / since) six months.6) 7. Tom has not been eating fast food (for / since) he was 10.7) 8. He has been cooking dinner (for / since) he arrived home.8) 9. The scientists have been studying this project (for / since) many years.9) 10. Sally has been singing (for / since) she was a little □□□.
영어에서 for는 기간(시간의 길이)을 나타낼 때, since는 특정 시점을 나타낼 때 사용합니다. 따라서 문장별 정답은 다음과 같습니다. 5) the last class → 시점이므로 since 6) six months → 기간이므로 for 7) he was 10 → 특정 시점이므로 since 8) he arr