인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Benjamin Franklin once suggested that a newcomer to a neighborhood ask a new neighbor to do him or her a favor, citing an old maxim: He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged. In Franklin's opinion, asking someone for something was the most useful and immediate invitation to social interaction. Such asking on the part of the newcomer provided the neighbor with an opportunity to show himself or herself as a good person, at first encounter. It also meant that the latter could now ask the former for a favor, in return, increasing the familiarity and trust. In that manner, both parties could overcome their natural hesitancy and mutual fear of the stranger.
① How to Present Your Strengths to Others
□ □ □ □ □ □ f a Favor
② □ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
3. □ □
이 글은 부탁을 통해 관계를 여는 방법을 가장 강조하므로, 2번 “A Relationship Op

65. 다음 중 짝지어진 문장의 현재완료 용법이 서로
다른 것은?65)
① I have already finished my homework.
He has just done it.
② Sam has reduced food waste since last year.
Dojin has recycled things for three years.
③ He has forgotten her address.
She has gone to America.
④ How long have you been in Korea, Jessica?
We have hurt the Earth so much until now.
⑤ I have lost my wallet. Can you lend me some □□□□?
정답은 (5)입니다.
(1)번은 이미 끝낸 동작(완료) 중심,
(2)번과 (4)번은 과거부터 지금까지 계속 이어지는 현재완료의 지속 용법,
(3)번은 어떤 동작의 결과가 현재 상태에 영향을 미치는 현재완료의 결

■Combine the two sentences using 'too ~ to':
다음 두 문장을 'too ~ to...' 구문을 사용하여 한 문장
으로 만드시오.
17. 17)
• He is very busy.
• He can't take a break.
He is too busy to take a break
18. 18)
• I was very hungry.
• I couldn't say a word.
I was too hungry to say a word
19. 19)
• She has become very fat.
• She cannot wear her old clothes.
She has become too fat □□□□□ her old clothes
20. 20)
• He was very nervous.
• He couldn't perform well on stage.
He was too nervous to perform
well on stage
21. 21)
• Judy arrived very late.
• She couldn't catch the train.
Judy arrived too late to catch the train
22. 22)
• Her behaviour was very rude.
• I couldn't tolerate it.
Her behaviour was too rude for me
to tolerate it
23. 23)
□□□□□ □□□□□
정답: The problem was too difficult for me to solve.
원문의 '아주 어렵다(very difficult)'와

9. 나는 Kevin이 신문을 읽었는지 아닌지 잘 모르겠어.⁹
→ I'm not sure _______________
(Kevin, read, if, the newspaper)
10. Sally는 방과 후에 내가 그녀와 놀 수 있는지 물
→ Sally asked me _______________
after school. (play with, could, I, her, whether)
11. 나는 네가 우리와 함께 저녁을 먹고 싶은지 궁
→ I wonder _______________
(to, have, you, if, dinner, would like, with us)
12. Tom은 이번 주말에 내가 영화를 보러 갈 수 있
는지 물었다.¹²
→ Tom ask □□□□□ go □□□□□.
답은 다음과 같습니다:
(9) I'm not sure if Kevin read the newspaper.
(10) Sally asked me whether I could play with her after school

In living birds, feathers have many functions
other than flight. They help to keep a bird (A)
[warm / warmly] by trapping heat produced by
the body close to the surface of the skin.
Feathers may also be used to (B) [attract /
attracting] mates. The tail of Caudipteryx carried
a large fan of long feathers, a structure that
would have made a very impressive display.
The rest of the body seems to have been
covered in much shorter feathers, (C) [which /
that] would have kept out the cold. A few large
feathers were present on the arms, and these
might have been involved in display.
*Caudipteryx 깃털공룡
정답은 (1)인 warm … attract … which 이 맞습니다.
(A)에서는 "keep a bird warm" 처럼 keep + 목적어 + 형용사 구문이므로 warm 이 맞고,

우리말과 일치하도록 () 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하시오.
1 내가 어젯밤에 꾼 꿈은 아주 무서웠다. (night, last/1, scary, very, was, had)
→ The dream was very scary I had □□ last night.
2 신발을 파는 남자는 매우 친절했다. (selling, kind, was, shoes, very)
→ The man □□ selling shoes was very kind.
3 네가 들고 있는 바로 그 책은 우리 아버지에 의해 쓰였다. (holding, very, book, you, that, the, are)
→ The book that you □□□□ was written by my father.
4 그녀는 그 과제를 한 유일한 학생이었다. (only, the, student, homework, the, that, did)
→ She was □□□□□.
5 내가 매일 보는 쇼는 다음 달에 끝날 것이다. (end, watch, I, month, will, every day, next)
→ The show □□□□□.
6 이것은
→ □□□□□.
아래는 ( ) 안의 영어 단어들을 올바르게 배열한 예시입니다.
1) The dream I had last night was very scary.
2) The man selling shoes was very kind.
3) The book that you are holding was written by my father.
4) She was the

Part 9
■Rewrite the sentences with putting already or
yet into them.:
already 또는 yet을 넣어 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
Have they arrived? → Have they arrived yet?
1. We have rung the bell.1)
2. Anne has never worn that pink skirt.2)
3. They have sold their house.3)
4. The kids have understood the rules.4)
5. Has Tom done his homework?5)
6. What have you bought?6)
what have you already bought?
7. Sunny has lost her keys twice this year.7)
8. The show hasn't begun.8)
The show hasn't begun yet
9. I've washed my face three times to □□□.
1) We have already rung the bell.
2) Anne hasn’t worn that pink skirt yet.
3) They have already sold their house.
4) The kids have already understood the rules.
5) Has Tom done his homework yet?
6) What ha

우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오.
1 내가 어젯밤에 꾼 꿈은 아주 무서웠다. (night, last, I, scary, very, was, had)
→ The dream □□□□□
2 신발을 파는 남자는 매우 친절했다. (selling, kind, was, shoes, very)
→ The man □□□□□
3 나는 네가 쓰고 있는 안경과 같은 것을 가지고 있다. (the, are, you, same, glasses, that, wearing)
→ I have □□□□□
4 그녀는 그 과제를 한 유일한 학생이었다. (only, the, student, homework, the, that, did)
→ She was □□□□□
5 내가 매일 보는 쇼는 다음 달에 끝날 것이다. (end, watch, I, month, will, every day, next)
→ The show □□□□□
6 이것은 내가 먹어본 것 중 가장 맛있는 케 □□□□□.
Step1. 첫 번째 문장 구성
주어진 단어를 배열해 꿈을 수식하는 절을 만든 뒤, 문장을 완성합니다

B 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오.
1 냉장고 안에 있는 것은 무엇이든 마셔도 된다. (you, that, can, anything, is, drink)
Anything you can drink is □ □ in the refrigerator.
2 나는 지난주에 샀던 그 디지털 카메라를 잃어버렸다. (f, last, the, week, digital camera, bought)
I lost the digital camera I bought last week.
3 내일은 가을 학기가 시작하는 날이다. (the, begins, day, when, the, semester, fall)
Tomorrow is the day when the □ □ semester begins.
4 Eric은 서울에서 일을 구했다. 그것이 그가 서울로 이사했던 이유이다.
(reason, moved, Seoul, to, why, that, is, the, he)
Eric got a job in Seoul. That is the reason why he moved to Seoul.
5 저기서 커피를 마시고 있는 사람이 나의 부인이다. (drinking, there, the, coffee, over, person)
The person drinking coffee over there is my wife.
6 Lena의 □□□□□. (□□□, □□□, □□□, □□□)
□□□□□ about her □□□□□ life.
아래는 각 문장에 대한 간단한 해석 및 정답 예시입니다.
1) You can drink anything that is in the refrigerator.
2) I lost the digital camera I bought last week.
3) Tomorrow is the day when the fall semester begins.
4) Eric got a jo

Part 4
Match the sentences:
문장을 알맞게 연결하시오.
a. so that he could win the contest
b. so that he could catch the bus
c. so that he could wake up early
1. Andy went to bed early ... ( )
2. Tom practiced hard ... ( )
3. Minsu ran hard ... ( )
a. so that I can pass by
b. so that she can exercise
c. so that we can have dinner on time
d. so that my mom could get some rest
e. so that she can buy a gift for her parents
4. Come home early ... ( )
5. Sh□□□□□ ... ( )
6. □□□□□ ... ( )
7. □□□□□ ... ( )
8. □□□□□ ... ( )
정답 매칭
1. Andy went to bed early so that he could wake up early
2. Tom practiced hard so that he could win the contest
3. Minsu ran hard so that he could catch the bus
4. Come home early so that we can have dinner

4. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
(2011년도 9월 전국연합모의고사 21번)
"My secret is hidden within me; my name no one
shall know." Those are the words, roughly
translated, from the famous Puccini aria Nessun
Dorma. You have probably heard Luciano Pavarotti
sing it once or twice. But it has never had so much
meaning as it (A) did / was on a stage in Great
Britain, being sung by a mobile phone salesman
named Paul Potts. Potts is an average-looking man
(B)his / whose teeth are not straight. He admits to
having battled self-confidence issues for his whole
life. Still, he decided to audition for a television
show. Then, he made it. We all have a passion, a
secret buried within us. And yes, for the most part,
the world will never know our names. But that does
not mean we haven't made an impact, changed
lives for the better, or (C) had / have a □□□□□.
(A) □□□□□
정답: 2번(did - whose - had)
(A) 문맥상 ‘이전과 달리 그때(당시 무대에서) 더욱 특별한 의미를 지니게 되었다’라는 뜻이므로 did가 적절합니다.
(B) ‘Potts는 평범해 보이는 남자로, 치아가