인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Part 6 ■ Make a sentence according to the given situation: 주어진 상황에 맞는 한 문장을 쓰시오 <보기> (Woman) The building shook. I felt it. I couldn't believe it. →She felt the building shake. 1. (Man)¹ People were shouting. I heard them. There was panic. →□□□□□. 2. (Girl)² An alarm was ringing. I could hear it. It went on and on. →□□□□□. 3. (Boys)³ The police arrived. We saw them. They were over there. →□□□□□. 4. (Man)⁴ I saw a woman. She was crying. She was in a terrible state. →□□□□□. 5. (Man)⁵ The bomb exploded. I heard it. It was a shock. →□□□□□. (□□□□□) A □□□□□. →□□□□□.
다음은 각 상황에 대한 문장 예시입니다. (주어는 제시된 화자에 맞추어 간단히 ‘He/She/They’로 표현했습니다): 1) “He heard people shout in panic.” 2) “She heard an alarm ring on and on.” 3) “They saw the police arrive over there.
48. 다음 James Cook에 대한 소개 글을 읽고 어법상 어색한 두 군데를 찾아 기호를 쓰고 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.(48) The man in the picture @wearing a hat is James Cook. He was born in Middlesbrough, England. His family was poor. So, he had to work when he was ③grow up. He studied hard and later became a captain. He traveled around the world, ④trying to find many new lands. □□□□□ (□□□)
어색한 두 군데는 b)와 d)이다. b) grow up 은 growing up으로, d) founded 는 found(또는 discovere
34. One of the main reasons that students may think they know the material, even when they don't, is that they mistake familiarity for □□□□□ Here is how it works: You read the chapter once, perhaps highlighting as you go. Then later, you read the chapter again, perhaps focusing on the highlighted material. As you read it over, the material is familiar because you □□□□□ it from before, and this familiarity might lead you to think, "Okay, I know that." The problem is that this feeling of □□□□□ is not necessarily equivalent to □□□□□ the material and may be of no help when you have to come up with an answer on the exam. In fact, familiarity can often lead to □□□□□ on multiple-choice exams because you might pick a choice that looks familiar, only to find later that it was something □□□□□. □□□□□
지문의 흐름상, “이미 읽은 내용이긴 했지만 사실 그 질문에 대한 최적의(혹은 올바른) 답은 아니었다”라는 의미가 이어져야 하므로, 2번 it
64. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것끼리 짝지어진 것은?64) ①It's very important to follow the rules. ②Isn't that difficult to learn to fly an airplane? ③It is kind of you to help the disabled. ④It is difficult by me to decide how to fix. ⑤It is important to protect the environment. ⑥That is dangerous for us to ride a bike without a helmet. ⑦It is dangerous to swimmin□□□□□. □□□ □□□□□ □□□□□
문장에서 (a), (c), (e), (f)가 어법상 적절합니다. (d)와 (g)는 전치사나 동
Part 14 ■Translate the following sentences into English. 다음 문장을 영작하시오. 1. 나는 이집트에 간 적이 있습니다.1) , Egypt 9. Jenny는 3년 동안 일본어를 공부해 왔다.9) , Japanese 2. Jack과 Paul은 지금 막 저녁 식사를 마쳤다.2) , 10. 마침내, 내 꿈이 이루어졌다. 10) □□□□□, 3. 그녀는 프랑스로 가버렸다. 3) , France 4. 그녀는 30세 때부터 이 회사에서 일했다.4) , □□□□□ 30. 5. 그녀는 시계를 잃어버렸다. 5) , □□□□ 11. 나는 그녀가 아이일 때부터 그녀를 알아 왔다. 11) , , 12. 여러분은 어려움에 처한 누군가를 도와준 적이 있나요?12) , , 6. 너는 이 게임을 해 본 적이 있니?6) , 13. 예술의 역사에서, 예술가들은 서로에게 영향을 끼쳐왔다. 13) □□□□□, In the history of art, . 7. 나는 영국에 가 본 적이 없다.7) □□□. 14. 여러분은 '재능 1) . 8)
Step1. 문장에서 적절한 시제를 파악하기 한국어 문장을 보고,
28. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 것은?28) ① Ask them □□□□ they want for dinner. ② □□□□□ Anne did this morning was to study. ③ There's nothing □□□□ you can do now. ④ □□□□ Judy needs is a good long holiday. ⑤ □□□□□
해설 1), 2), 4), 5) 문장의 빈칸에는 공통적으로 명사절을 이끄는 what이 자연스럽게 들
27. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?27) <보기> The amount of time to stir the milk depends on the amount of milk. ① To camp alone in the woods is dangerous. ② Do you want to play computer games? ③ My dream is to speak five languages. ④ It is my hobby to □□□□□.
정답은 ⑤번입니다. <보기> 문장에서 to stir는 앞에 있는 time을 수식하는 형용사적 용법입니다. 즉 “젓는 데 필요한 시간”처럼, 명사(time)를 더 구체적
32. In 1995, a group of high school students in Miner County, South Dakota, started planning a revival. They wanted to do something that might revive their dying community. Miner County had been failing for decades. Farm and industrial jobs had slowly dried up, and nothing had replaced them. The students started investigating the situation. One finding in particular disturbed them. They discovered that half of the residents had been shopping outside the county, driving an hour to Sioux Falls to shop in larger stores. Most of the things that could improve the situation were out of the students' control. But they did uncover one thing that was very much in their control: inviting the residents to □□□□. They found their first slogan: Let's keep Miner dollars in Miner □□□□□. []
Answer: The students wanted residents to make purchases in their own local community, so the blank should be filled with spend money locally*
66. 다음 중 '경험'의 의미로 해석되는 문장의 총 개수는?(66) ✓ They have been friends for six years. • How long have you stayed here? ✓ We haven't eaten tacos before. • Have you written the letter yet? • Have you heard about the Song □□□□□.
경험적 용법으로 쓰인 문장은 3번과 5번이므로 총 2개이다. (3) "We haven't eaten tacos before." 과거에 타코를 먹어 본 적이 없다는 경험
so ~ that ... Pattern 2 동아(윤정미) 10. The problem was so difficult that I couldn't find the answer. 20. My father was so tired that he couldn't drive. 11. The stone is so heavy that you can't lift it. 21. His friends warned him that the fox was too mean to be a friend. 12. She is too arrogant to speak to us. 13. The movie was so boring that I couldn't watch all the way to the end. 14. He is so poor that he can't buy it. 15. The pants are too tight for him to wear. 16. When I finished cleaning, I was too tired to exercise. 17. He is too proud to admit his fault. ) )
Step1. so ~ that 구문 확인 문장에서 s
Benjamin Franklin once suggested that a newcomer to a neighborhood ask a new neighbor to do him or her a favor, citing an old maxim: He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged. In Franklin's opinion, asking someone for something was the most useful and immediate invitation to social interaction. Such asking on the part of the newcomer provided the neighbor with an opportunity to show himself or herself as a good person, at first encounter. It also meant that the latter could now ask the former for a favor, in return, increasing the familiarity and trust. In that manner, both parties could overcome their natural hesitancy and mutual fear of the stranger. ① How to Present Your Strengths to Others f a Favor ② 3.
이 글은 부탁을 통해 관계를 여는 방법을 가장 강조하므로, 2번 “A Relationship Op