인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
According to Marguerite La Caze, fashion contributes to
our lives and provides a medium for us to develop and
exhibit important social virtues. ① Fashion may be beautiful,
innovative, and useful; we can display creativity and good
taste in our fashion choices. ② And in dressing with taste
and care, we represent both self-respect and a concern for
the pleasure of others. ③ There is no doubt that fashion can
be a source of interest and pleasure which links us to each
other. ④ Although the fashion industry developed first in
Europe and America, today it is an international and highly
globalized industry. ⑤ That is, fashion provi□□□□ a sociable
글은 패션이 지닌 미적, 창의적, 사회적 가치에 초점을 맞추며 중요한 미덕을 구현한다는 취지를 설명하고 있습니다. ①, ②, ③, ⑤번 문장은 모두 패션을 통해 개인적·사회적 장점을 실현하는 내용에

Part 6
■ Fill in the blanks with the correct of verbs from
the box. (if necessary, add 'not'):
박스 안에서 알맞은 단어를 골라 빈칸을 채우시오 (필요
시 not을 추가할 것)
1. Please tell him not to ______ here - it's not
2. Anne didn't feel too good but we persuaded
her to call ______ to the party.2)
3. I asked her to stay ______ so late in the
evening because I go to bed early.3)
4. I tried to persuade them to ______ but
they said they were too tired.4)
5. I warned him ______ too quickly
because of the bad weather.5)
6. I asked Ann to lend ______ her book.6)
7. Can you help me to ______ this table??
8. Yesterday, □□□□□ to □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장의 적절한 답안 예시입니다.
1) Please tell him not to smoke here.
2) Anne didn't feel too good but we persuaded her to come to the party.
3) I asked her to stay so late in the evening.
4) I tried to persuade them to call, but they said they were too tired.
5) I warned hi

32. While leaders often face enormous pressures to make
decisions quickly, premature decisions are the leading cause
of decision failure. This is primarily because leaders respond
to the superficial issue of a decision rather than taking the
time to explore the underlying issues. Bob Carlson is a good
example of a leader □□□□□ in the face
of diverse issues. In the economic downturn of early 2001,
Reell Precision Manufacturing faced a 30 percent drop in
revenues. Some members of the senior leadership team
favored layoffs and some favored salary reductions. While it
would have been easy to push for a decision or call for a
vote in order to ease the tension of the economic pressures,
as co-CEO, Bob Carlson helped the team work together and
examine all of the issues. The team finally agreed on salary
reductions, knowing that, to the best of their ability, they
had thoroughly examined the implications of both possible
decisions. [□□□□□]
정답은 2) exercising patience 입니다.
리더가 겪는 여러 압박에도 불구하고 서두르지 않고 모든 문제를 충분히 검토함

29. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① Harry drew a cat eating a fish.
② Look at that crying baby.
③ He is playing the guitar.
④ Collecting stamps is my hobby.
⑤ I know many American students learning Korean.
30. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I heard the shocking news from him.
② She enjoyed playing the violin at the concert.
③ Cover this sleeping child with your coat.
④ They saw a □□□□□.
Step1. 문장의 -ing 형태 파악
각 문장에서 밑줄 친 -ing

3. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
It is foolish ______ you to say so.
① for
④ at
② by
⑤ to
③ of
4. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절하지 않은 것은?
It is ______ to plan for the future
① important
④ hard
② necessary
③ □□□
3번에서는 “It is foolish of you to say so.”와 같이 of가 사람(you)을 수식하는 표현에 쓰입니다.
4번에서는 다른 선택지들은 “It is important/necess

3. □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□, □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□
Hunting can explain how humans developed reciprocal
altruism and social exchange/ Humans seem to be unique
among primates in showing extensive reciprocal relationships
that can last years, decades, or a lifetime. Meat from a
large game animal comes in quantities that □□□□□ what
a single hunter and his immediate family could possibly
consume. Furthermore, hunting success is highly □□□□□;
a hunter who is successful one week might fail the next.
These conditions □□□□□ food sharing from hunting.
The costs to a hunter of giving away meat he cannot eat
immediately are □□□□ because he cannot consume all the
meat himself and leftovers will soon spoil. The benefits can
be large, however, when those who are given his food
return the generous favor later on when he has failed to
이 텍스트는 상호 이타주의(reciprocal altruism)와 사회적 교환(social exchange)에 대한 인류의 독특한 특징을 사냥과 연결하여 설명합니다. 한 사냥꾼이 큰 고기를 얻더라도 혼자 모든 양을 소비하지 못하기 때

76. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?(76)
• Being it fine, we went on a picnic.
• Taken the course, I now feel confident in my
writing skills.
• Not having seen him for a long time, I didn't
recognize him at first.
• Built over several years, the building has a strong
• Having □□□□□ I □□□□□
Step1. 문장별 분사구문 검사
다섯 문장을

【9-11】 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Would you expect the physical expression
of pride to be biologically based or culturally
specific? The psychologist Jessica Tracy has found that
young children can recognize when a person feels
pride. Moreover, she found that isolated populations
with minimal Western contact also accurately identify
the physical signs. These signs include a smiling face,
raised arms, an expanded chest, and a pushed-out
torso. Tracy and David Matsumoto examined pride
responses among people competing in judo matches
in the 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Sighted
and blind athletes from 37 nations competed. After
victory, the behaviors displayed by sighted and blind
athletes were very si□□□□□.
위 연구 결과들을 통해 pride의 표현이 문화적 맥락과 상관없이 나타난다는 점을 확인할 수 있습니

34. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
The modern adult human brain weighs only 1/50 of the
total body weight but uses up to 1/5 of the total
energy needs. The brain's running costs are about eight
to ten times as high, per unit mass, as ①those of the
body's muscles. And around 3/4 of that energy is
expended on neurons, the ②specialized brain cells that
communicate in vast networks to generate our thoughts
and behaviours. An individual neuron ③sends a signal
in the brain uses as much energy as a leg muscle cell
running a marathon. Of course, we use more energy
overall when we are running, but we are not always on
the move, whereas our brains never switch off. Even
though the brain is metabolically greedy, it still
outclasses any desktop computer both in terms of the
calculations it can perform and the efficiency ④at which
it does this. We may have built computers that can
beat our top Grand Master □□□□□, □□□□□. □□□□□ as a □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 ③번(sends)입니다.
'An individual neuron sends a signal in the brain uses as much energy...' 구문에는 연결사가 없어 문장이 매끄럽지 않습니다. 올바르게 쓰려면 “A

Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of
something to be thankful for. She thought that most of
the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables. But
Douglas drew something different.
(A) The class was so responsive that Mrs. Klein had almost
forgotten about Douglas. After she had the others at
work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand
it was. He answered softly, "It's yours. Thank you,
Mrs. Klein."
(B) Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and
stayed around her while his classmates went outside
together during break time. What the boy drew was a
hand. But whose hand? His image immediately attracted
the other students' interest.
(C) So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was.
"It must be the hand of God that brings us food," said
one student. "A farmer's," said a second student,
"because they raise the turk□□□□□."
이 글은 더글라스가 평소 혼자 지내는 아이임을 먼저 설명하고(B), 그가 그린 손 그림이 누구의 손인지를 선생님이 확인하는 과정(A)

Part 6
■ Make a sentence according to the given
주어진 상황에 맞는 한 문장을 쓰시오
The building shook. I felt it. I couldn't believe it.
→She felt the building shake.
1. (Man)¹
People were shouting. I heard them. There was
2. (Girl)²
An alarm was ringing. I could hear it. It went
on and on.
3. (Boys)³
The police arrived. We saw them. They were
over there.
4. (Man)⁴
I saw a woman. She was crying. She was in a
terrible state.
5. (Man)⁵
The □ bomb exploded. I heard it. It was a shock.
A □□□□□.
다음은 각 상황에 대한 문장 예시입니다. (주어는 제시된 화자에 맞추어 간단히 ‘He/She/They’로 표현했습니다):
1) “He heard people shout in panic.”
2) “She heard an alarm ring on and on.”
3) “They saw the police arrive over there.