인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Before a trip, research how the native inhabitants dress,
work, and eat.
The continued survival of the human race can be explained
by our ability to adapt to our environment. ( ① ) While we
may have lost some of our ancient ancestors’ survival skills,
we have learned new skills as they have become necessary.
( ② ) Today, the gap between the skills we once had and
the skills we now have grows ever wider as we rely more
heavily on modern technology. ( ③ ) Therefore, when you
head off into the wilderness, it is important to fully prepare
for the environment. ( ④ ) How they have adapted to their
way of life will help you to understand the environment and
allow you to select the best gear and learn the correct skills.
( ⑤ ) This is crucia□□□□□
□s a □□□□□. □□□□□.
[ ]
네이티브 주민(native inhabitants)에 관한 조사와 어떻게 생활환경에 적응했는지에 대한 내용이 연결되어야 하므로, 다음 문장

Although sport clubs and leagues may have a fixed
supply schedule, it is possible to increase the number of
consumers who watch.
A supply schedule refers to the ability of a business to
change their production rates to meet the demand of
consumers. Some businesses are able to increase their
production level quickly in order to meet increased demand.
However, sporting clubs have a fixed, or inflexible
(inelastic) production capacity. ( ① ) They have what is
known as a fixed supply schedule. ( ② ) It is worth noting
that this is not the case for sales of clothing, equipment,
memberships and memorabilia. ( ③ ) But clubs and teams
can only play a certain number of times during their season.
( ④ ) If fans and members are unable to get into a venue,
that revenue is lost forever. ( ⑤ ) For example, the supply
of a sport product can be increased by providing more seats,
Sporting clubs are limited in the number of games they can produce within a season, meaning the physical supply of live events is fixed. However, they can increase the number of consumers who watch by expanding venue capacit

100. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 올바른 것은? (100)
• I hope getting a good score.
• She hates playing games all day.
• He kept to talk on the phone.
• Do you mind opening the door?
• She enjoys watching dramas on TV.
• We gave up writing all the sentences.
• She decided buying a new refrigerator.
• The actors □□□□□.
Step1. 동사와 뒤에 오는 형태 확인
각 문장에서 hope, hate, keep, mind, enjoy

102. Which of the following does NOT have the
same meaning to each other?102)
① He delivered the box.
= The box was delivered by him.
② Did Junsu finish the work?
= Was the work finished by Junsu?
③ They built a beautiful house last year.
= A beautiful house was built by them last year.
④ He will bring the cart tomorrow.
= The cart will be brought by him tom□□□□.
정답은 5번입니다.
수동태 문장으로 정확히 나타내려면
\(Her\ name\ may\ be\ forgotten\ by\ him.\)

too ~ to-v, enough to-v
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
1 It is impossible □ me to read three books in a day. for
2 That bag is so large to carry. too
3 She is too tired □ that she can't go hiking with us. to
4 The tea was too bitter □ me to drink. for
5 It was wise for Jane to bring her umbrella.
6 He's tall enough □ reaching the top shelf.
7 Carey is enough □ smart to solve this math question.
8 The dog is clever enough □ understand my words.
9 It was very □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 알맞게 수정한 예시입니다.
1. It is impossible for me to read three books in a day.
2. That bag is too large to carry.
3. She is too tired to go hiking with us.
4. The tea was too bitter for me to drink.
5. It was wise of Jane to bring he

Lesson 1 | 관계대명사 what
Part 9
■Translate the following sentences into English.
다음 문장을 영작하시오.
1. 이것이 네가 원했던 것이니?1)
this, want
IS □
want □ this □ what □ you
2. 내가 필요한 것은 마실 것이다. 2)
What □ need, something, drink □
Pattern 1
8. 네가 하고 있는 것을 멈추어라.)
stop, do
9. 나는 그들을 위해 할 수 있는 것을 할 것이다. 9)
do, can, for
10. 그 결과는 그들이 예상한 것이 아니었다. 10)
the result, expect
3. 나는 그가 말한 것을 이해할 수 없었다. 3)
understand, say
I □ can't □ understand □ what
he □ say
11. 여러분은 여러분이 보는 것을 항상 믿는가?11)
always, believe, see
4. 그들은 우리가 가져온 것을 보고 놀랐다. 4)
surprise, see, bring
5. 이것은 우리가 주문했던 것이 아니다. 5)
this, order
12. 그 관객들은 그들이 보고 있는 것을 믿지 못했
다. 12)
the audience, believe, see
6. 그는 나에게 내가 가진 것에 만족하라고 조언했다. 6)
advise, sa □ □ □ □
13. 내가 그에게서 들은 것은 내가 알고 있던 것과
달랐다. 13)
hear, from, different from, know
1. Is this what you wanted?
2. What I need is something to drink.
3. I couldn't understand what he said.
4. They were surprised at what we brought.
5. This is not what we ordered.
6. He advised me to be satisfied with what I have.
7. What I want for Christmas is you.
8. Stop what you are d

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Vegetarian eating is moving into the mainstream
as more and more young adults say no to meat,
poultry, and fish. According to the American
Dietetic Association, “approximately planned
vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritional□□□□□in□□□□□.
이 글은 채식주의 식단이 주류화되고 있으며, 적절히 계획된 채식이 영양적으로 충분하고 건강에 유익함을

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
You can say that information sits in one brain until it is
communicated to another, unchanged in the conversation.
That's true of sheer information, like your phone number or the
place you left your keys. But it's not true of knowledge.
Knowledge relies on judgements, which you discover and polish
in conversation with other people or with yourself. Therefore
you don't learn the details of your thinking until speaking or
writing it out in detail and looking back critically at the result.
"Is what I just said foolish, or is what I just wrote a deep
truth?" In the speaking or writing, you uncover your bad ideas,
often embarrassing ones, and good ideas too, sometimes
fame-making ones. Thinking requires its expression.
① critical roles of speaking or writing in refining thoughts
② persuasive ways to communicate what you think to people
③ important tips to sel□□□□□
글에서는 지식이 단순 정보와 달리 말하거나 글로 표현하는 과정에서 스스로 판단하고 다듬어진다고 설명합니다. 다시 말해 생각을 상세히 풀어놓고 비판적으로 돌아보는 과정을 통해 사

다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오.
This toy looks □
① cute
③ great
⑤ like a real train
② really
④ fun
[13-15] ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰시오.
I heard him □ the flute.
10 Kristen
me to learn a new
14 My teacher had us □ a
classroom newspaper. (make)
① told
③ wanted
⑤ helped
② advised
④ made
He □ me climb the mountain.
I don't want you □ me.
① made
③ got
⑤ had
② helped
④ let
12 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
그의 부모님은 그가 훌륭한 야구선수가 되길 원했다.
① His parents wanted him is a good
baseball player.
② His parents wanted him be a good
baseball player.
③ His parents wanted him to be a good
baseball player.
④ His pa□ wanted him being a good
baseball player.
[16-18] 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞을 말을 쓰시오.
I made her a small hair pin.
→ I made a small hair pin □
Step1. 동사 구조와 to부정사 확인

72. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것끼리 바르게 묶인 것은?72)
① It's a balloon that is flying in the sky.
② Mina is walking her dog which has long legs.
③ Alice lives in a house who has a round window.
④ Look at the man and his dog which are running.
⑤ I like the actor who played Spiderman □□□□.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
Step1. 각 문장에 사용된 관계대명사 확인

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
According to Marguerite La Caze, fashion contributes to
our lives and provides a medium for us to develop and
exhibit important social virtues. ① Fashion may be beautiful,
innovative, and useful; we can display creativity and good
taste in our fashion choices. ② And in dressing with taste
and care, we represent both self-respect and a concern for
the pleasure of others. ③ There is no doubt that fashion can
be a source of interest and pleasure which links us to each
other. ④ Although the fashion industry developed first in
Europe and America, today it is an international and highly
globalized industry. ⑤ That is, fashion provi□□□□ a sociable
글은 패션이 지닌 미적, 창의적, 사회적 가치에 초점을 맞추며 중요한 미덕을 구현한다는 취지를 설명하고 있습니다. ①, ②, ③, ⑤번 문장은 모두 패션을 통해 개인적·사회적 장점을 실현하는 내용에