인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
32. Face-to-face interaction is a uniquely powerful — and sometimes the only — way to share many kinds of knowledge, from the simplest to the most complex. It is one of the best ways to stimulate new thinking and ideas, too. Most of us would have had difficulty learning how to tie a shoelace only from pictures, or how to do arithmetic from a book. Psychologist Mihály Csikszentmihályi found, while studying high achievers, that a large number of Nobel Prize winners were the students of previous winners: they had access to the same literature as everyone else, but □□□ a crucial difference to their creativity. Within organisations this makes conversation both a crucial factor for high-level professional skills and the most important way of sharing everyday informa□□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ ...it □□□□□ □□□□□ pledge
지문에서 노벨상 수상자들이 똑같은 문헌을 접했음에도 불구하고 독보적인 창의성을 얻게 된 결정적 요인은 3) personal conta
3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? The competition to sell manuscripts to publishers ① is fierce. I would estimate that less than one percent of the material ② sent to publishers is ever published. Since so much material is being written, publishers can be very selective. The material they choose to publish must not only have commercial value, but ③ being very competently written and free of editing and factual errors. Any manuscript that contains errors stands ④ little chance at being accepted for publication. Most publis□□□□□.
정답은 ③번입니다. 구문상 'must not only have commercial value, but (also) be*
16. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?16 The ancient Egyptians developed a way of preserving the bodies of their dead, in the belief ①that the body would be necessary in the ancient Egyptian afterlife and this would ensure their eternal survival. The liver, lungs, and brain ②removed. The heart, however, was left in the body so that it could be judged on the Day of Judgement. The body was then covered with a salt-like substance to stop it from ③decaying. After that the body was packed with dry material such as linen or straw and ④wrapped in bandages. The process and techniques differed according to the □□□□□.
문장에서 “The liver, lungs, and brain removed.”라고 서술할 때, 주어에 대응하는
Vision is like shooting at a moving target. Plenty of things can go wrong in the future and plenty more can change in unpredictable ways. When such things happen, you should be prepared to __________. For example, a businessman's optimistic forecast can be blown away by a cruel recession or by aggressive competition in ways he could not have foreseen. Or in another scenario, his sales can skyrocket and his numbers can get even better. In any event, he will be foolish to stick to his □□□□□ in modifying □□□□□ even abandoning it, as necessary. []
정답 예시: "to revise or modify your vis
11. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것 은?11) ① She asked me ______ celebrated her birthday. ② ______ he will go there or not depends on me. ③ I don't know ______ he will accept my advice. ④ It doesn't matter ______ you made a mistake. ⑤ Jiho asked me ______ I co□□□□□.
정답은 (1)번입니다. (2)·(3)·(4)·(5)는 모두 ‘직접적으로 대답이 Yes/No로 나뉘는 간접의문문’이므로 보통 \( whether \)
12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? The psychologist Gary Klein tells the story of a team of firefighters that entered a house ① where the kitchen was on fire. Soon after they started hosing down the kitchen, the commander heard ② himself shout, "Let's get out of here!" without realizing why. The floor collapsed almost immediately after the firefighters escaped. Only after the fact ③ did the commander realize that the fire had been unusually quiet and that his ears had been unusually hot. Together, these impressions prompted ④ that he called a "sixth sense of danger." He had no idea what was wrong, but he knew something □□□□□. □□□□□ not □□□□□.
정답은 ④번째입니다. ‘prompted ④ that he called…’는 문법적으로 자연스럽지 않습니다. prompt는 보통 'prompt + 목적어 + to 동사원형' 혹은 ‘
28. Which is correct?(28) | | Karl | Bolt | | :---- | :------- | :------- | | Name | | | | Age | 20 | 22 | | Height | 180cm | 177cm | | Weight | 80kg | 80kg | | 100m record | 11seconds | 10seconds | ① Karl is as old as Bolt. ② Karl is twice as old as Bolt. ③ Karl is not as tall as Bolt. Karl is not as heavy as □□□.
Karl은 20세, Bolt는 22세이므로 나이가 같지 않으며, Karl의 키는 180cm로 Bolt의 177cm보다 더 큽니다. 무게는 둘 다 80kg로 동일
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오 (2011년도 6월 전국연합모의고사) Grandma does not know which year she was born in. I know my father is fifty years old, so I estimate that she must be at least seventy. She is healthier \( \text{\(^{1}\)than} \) my father. In fact, she has never been in the hospital and criticizes my father for \( \text{\(^{2}\)being} \) weak and going to the hospital frequently. One of her pastimes \( \text{\(^{3}\)are} \) telling us a lot of stories from legends and, best of all, ghost stories. She has also told many stories, \( \text{\(^{4}\)which} \) she claims are her own adventures □□□□□ a devil
문제에서 ‘One of her pastimes ③are telling us…’ 구문은 단수 주어
33. There is good evidence that in organic development, perception starts with □□□□□. For example, when two-year-old children and chimpanzees had learned that, of two boxes presented to them, the one with a triangle of a particular size and shape always contained attractive food, they had no difficulty applying their training to triangles of very different appearance. The triangles were made smaller or larger or turned upside down. A black triangle on a white background was replaced by a white triangle on a black background, or an outlined triangle by a solid one. These changes seemed not to interfere with recognition. Similar results were obtained with rats. Karl Lashley, a psychologist, has asserted that simple transpositions of this type are universal in all animals including humans. [3점] ① interpreting different gestures ② establishing social □□□□□ □□□□□ re □□□□□. * transposition: 치환
위 사례에서는 삼각형의 크기, 방향, 색상 등 여러 속성이 달라져도 대상(삼각형)을 인식할 수 있음을 보여줍니다. 이는 형태(구조)를 중심으로 사물을 지각하는 능력이 발
66. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것끼리 짝지어진 것은?(66) a I know the man, who wrote the poetry. b My mother is a weather caster, which tells us about the weather. c Yesterday, I called my friend Julie, who lives in New York. d Sarah will buy the red bag, □□□ the famous designer made. e Mr. Smith, whom every student likes, will leave for Canada. f Liam bought me this black □□□ who my , ,
Step1. 각 문장의 관계절 올바른지 확인 문장을
Yet libraries must still provide quietness for study and reading, because many of our students want a quiet study environment. Acoustic concerns in school libraries are much more important and complex today than they were in the past. ( ① ) Years ago, before electronic resources were such a vital part of the library environment, we had only to deal with noise produced by people. ( ② ) Today, the widespread use of computers, printers, and other equipment has added machine noise. ( ③ ) People noise has also increased, because group work and instruction are essential parts of the learning process. ( ④ ) So, the modern school library is no longer the quiet zone it once was. ( ⑤ ) Considering this □□□□□, it is important to design □□□□□, at least □□□□□.
이 글은 현대 학교 도서관에서의 소음 문제가 과거에 비해 더욱 복잡해지고 있음을 다룹니다. 과거에는 사람에 의한 소음만 신경 쓰면 되었지만, 오늘날에는 전자기기와 기계의 사용 증가로 인해 기계 소음이 추가되었고, 그룹 활동