인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분과 용법이 다른 것은?9)
People wave the hand sideways to say "no."
① I plan to buy a new bike.
② Sally studies hard to be a teacher.
③ Brian was happy to take a picture.
④ Dean went to the park to play badminton.
⑤ Minho □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장의 to부정사 용법 분류
문장에서 언급된

1 Dean was happy to win the singing contest.
2 She would be disappointed to hear the news.
3 I was sad to hear that story.
4 He grew up to be one of the world's best hairdressers.
5 To study in the US, I should study English harder.
6 The church is quite hard to get to from here.
7 We need to practice more to win the championship.
8 Logan went to work only to find that it was a holiday.
9 Those □□□□□.
1) 딘은 노래 대회에서 우승해서 기뻤다.
2) 그녀는 그 소식을 들으면 실망할 것이다.
3) 나는 그 이야기를 듣고 슬펐다.
4) 그는 자라서 세계 최고의 미용사 중 한 명이 되었다.
5) 미국에서 공부하기 위해, 나는 영어를 더 열심히 공부해야 한

34. It is difficult to know how to determine whether one
culture is better than another. What is the cultural rank
order of rock, jazz, and classical music? When it comes to
public opinion polls about whether cultural changes are for
the better or the worse, looking forward would lead to one
answer and looking backward would lead to a very different
answer. Our children would be horrified if they were told
they had to go back to the culture of their grandparents.
Our parents would be horrified if they were told they had to
participate in the culture of their grandchildren. Humans tend
to □□□□□. After a certain age,
anxieties arise when sudden cultural changes are coming.
Our cultur□□□□□,□□□□□, and
□□□ short-lived. □□□□.
결국 지문은 사람들이 자신의 문화적 위치를 안정적으로 유지하려는 경향이 있으며, 너무 급격한 문화 변화를 부담스러워한다는 점을 강조하고 있다. 문화

[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
[6-7] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
The sweater □□□□□ by my mom.
① knit
② knits
③ to knit
④ knitted
⑤ was knitted
6 ① The robot was named Kim.
② An action film will be shown on TV.
③ Your package is being delivered now.
④ The white laptop was had by Sam.
⑤ Pieces of paper were given to me.
This computer must □□□□ quickly.
① fix
② is fixing
③ is fixed
④ be fixing
⑤ be fixed
7 ① Were the flowers watered often?
② The film is loved by many people.
③ The shirt was bought to me by Zoe.
④ The desk was painted white by Dad.
⑤ The plan was delayed by them.
I was made □□□□□ home by Dad.
① stay
② stays
③ staying
④ to stay
⑤ stayed
[8-9] 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오.
• I was disappointed □□□□□ the
test result.
• I'm satisfied □□□□□ my new car.
① of
② at
③ in
④ with
⑤ to
The children were seen □□□□□ computer games.
① playing
② played
③ be playing
④ be played
⑤ play
• This skirt □□□□□.
• □□□□□.
• □□□□□.
□□□□ to □□□□□.
Step1. 문제 1 해석
‘스웨터가 엄마에 의해 (

When is the right time for the predator to consume the fruit?
The plant uses the color of the fruit to signal to predators
that it is ripe, which means that the seed's hull has hardened
—and therefore the sugar content is at its height. Incredibly,
the plant has chosen to manufacture fructose, instead of
glucose, as the sugar in the fruit. Glucose raises insulin levels
in primates and humans, which initially raises levels of leptin, a
hunger-blocking hormone—but fructose does not. As a result,
the predator never receives the normal message that it is
□□□□. That makes for a win-win for predator and prey.
The animal obtains more calories, and because it keeps eating
more and more fruit and therefore more □□□□, □□□□ □□□□.
과당을 섭취할 때에는 렙틴 분비가 충분히 일어나지 않아 포만감을 느끼지 못한다는 점이 핵심입니다. 따라서 지문에서 포식자는 배부르다는 신호를 받

1 I saw Mia yesterday. + She was talking to Henry.
→ I □ □ □ □ □
2 Something was falling from the sky. + Did you see it?
→ Did you see □ □ □ □ ?
3 I joined the book club. + My teacher got me to do it.
→ My teacher □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
4 I worked until late last night. + My boss made me do it.
→ My boss □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
5 She felt the wind. + The wind was blowing thro□ □ □ □ □ □.
→ □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
Step1. 지각동사 see 적용

193. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [9월]
When Daniel Boone, an expert in wilderness exploration, was asked ① whether he was ever lost, his reply was, "Disoriented for a couple of days, maybe. Lost, never." The major difference between Mr. Boone and the majority of weekend wilderness explorers is skill. Mr. Boone could always hunt, trap, find water, make a boat, and gradually ②find his way out of most wilderness problems. Average people, however, do not have the acquired wilderness skills to survive off the land. So before venturing into the great outdoors, you must realize ③that anyone can get lost. All it takes to disorient most people outdoors ④being a dense mist, a few unplanned turns in th□□□□□.
밑줄 친 표현 중 어법상 틀린 부분은 ④번의 being입니다. 문맥상 “All it takes to disor

32. Research has confirmed that athletes are less likely to
participate in unacceptable behavior than are non-athletes.
However, moral reasoning and good sporting behavior seem
to decline as athletes progress to higher competitive levels,
in part because of the increased emphasis on winning. Thus
winning can be □□□□□ in teaching character
development. Some athletes may want to win so much that
they lie, cheat, and break team rules. They may develop
undesirable character traits that can enhance their ability to
win in the short term. However, when athletes resist the
temptation to win in a dishonest way, they can develop
positive character traits that last a lifetime. Character is a
learned behavior, and a sense of fair play develops only if
coaches plan to teach □□□□□.
문맥상 winning(승리)은 선수들에게 긍정적인 특성을 길러줄 수도 있지만, 부정적인 행동 양식을 학습하게 만들 수도 있기에 그

1. 나는 오빠가 하나 있는데, 그는 □□□□□이다.
(who, brother, I, be, a, doctor, a, have)
2. 나는 Jack에게 공을 던졌는데, 그는 그것을 □□□□다.
(it, the ball, I, miss, to, throw, who, Jack)
3. Sharon에게는 애완동물이 하나 있는데, 그것은 □□
으로 귀엽다.
(quite, pet, cute, be, a, which, Sharon, have)
4. 지난여름에 나는 로스앤젤레스를 방문했는데, 그
곳은 Hollywood로 유명하다.
Last summer, (be, Los Angeles, which, Hollywood,
visit, I, for, famous)
5. 그녀는 그 문을 열려고 애썼지만, 그것이 불가능
하다는 것을 깨달았다.
(impossible, she, the door, she, try, find, which,
open, to)
6. 그녀는 미용실에 갔지만, 그 미용실이 여전히 □□
혀 있었다.
(she, go, still, the hair salon, closed, be, which, to)
7. 당신이 서울을 방문할 때는 꼭 N 서울 타워에 가야 하
는데 그곳은 방□□□□□.
(□□□□□, be, must, □□□□□wer,
□□□□□, to)
Step1. 문장 구조 파악
주어, 동사, 목적어

17. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?17)
① I have been liking reading since I was littleX
② They have just being finished their reports.
③ Jimmy doesn't have been sleeping well lately
because of the test.
④ Linda has been take caring of a penguin since
she was 10 years old. X
⑤ Where ha□□□□□o
정확한 문장은 ⑤번 문장입니다. ①번은 like 동사를 진행형으로 쓰지 않는 것이 자연스럽고, ②번은 being 대신 been 혹은 finished만 쓰는 형태가 적절하며, ③번과 ④

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Although there is usually a correct way of
holding and playing musical instruments, the
most important instruction to begin with is ①
that they are not toys and that they must be
looked after. ② Allow children time to explore
ways of handling and playing the instruments
for themselves before showing them. Finding
different ways to produce sounds ③ are an
important stage of musical exploration. Correct
playing comes from the desire ④ to find the
most appropriate sound quality and find the
most comfortable playing position so that one
can play with control over time. As instruments
are □□□□□, learning
□□□□□ becomes
주어진 글에서 어법상 오류가 있는 부분은 (3)입니다. Finding different