인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
A. 우리말과 일치하도록 관계대명사와 ( )안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. (단, that은 제외) 1 그는 스케이트 보드를 잘 타는 소년이다. (ride a skateboard) → He is the □□□ who ride a skateboard well. 2 강 중간에 있는 저 보트를 봐라. (the boat) → □□□□□ in the middle of the river. 3 Mr. Han은 모두가 존경하는 선생님이다. (everyone, admire) → Mr. Han is the teacher □□□□□. 4 나는 색깔이 노란 자동차를 갖고 싶다. (color, yellow) → I want to have a car □□□□□. 5 이것이 내가 Jenny에게 준 책이다. (give) → This is the book □□□□□ to Jenny. 6 나는 패션디자이너가 되 □□□□□ (□□□□□)
Step1. 사람을 주격으로 수식 He is the
34 One of the main reasons that students may think they know the material, even when they don't, is that they mistake familiarity for understanding. Here is how it works: You read the chapter once, perhaps highlighting as you go. Then later, you read the chapter again, perhaps focusing on the highlighted material. As you read it over, the material is familiar because you remember it from before, and this familiarity might lead you to think, "Okay, I know that." The problem is that this feeling of familiarity is not necessarily equivalent to knowing the material and may be of no help when you have to come up with an answer on the exam. In fact, familiarity can often lead to errors on multiple-choice exams because □□□□□looks familiar, only to □□□□□. *equivalent:□□□□
핵심 요점: 위 글은 학습자가 교재나 자료를 반복해서 읽고, 이미 본 내용이라는 친숙함(familiarity) 때문에 내용을 실제로 이해한 것으로 착각하기 쉽다는 점을 지적합니다. 즉, 한두 번 읽었다고 해서 기억이 난다는 사실만으로 학습 내용이 완벽하게 습득된 것은 아닙니다. 이러한 착각은 시험 문제
9. 다음 문장의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절 한 것은? • It's hard (A) □□□ you to climb the mountain. • It's very nice (B) □□□ her to help old people. (A) (B) (A) (B) ① to for ② for □□□
It + be + 형용사 + for + 대상 + to부정사는 일반적인 상황에서 대상이 무엇을 하게 되는지 설명할 때 쓰고, It + be + 형용사 + of + 사람 + to부정
1. It's lunch time.1) A B C 2. It is necessary to recycle waste.2) A B C 3. It is 20 dollars.3) A B C 4. It is difficult to answer the questions.4) A B C 5. It'll be very cold and windy there.5) A B C 6. It may be safe to keep the door closed.6) A B C 7. It is not easy to understand other language and culture.7) A B C 8. It's too hot inside. Can you open the door?8) A B C 9. It is good for health to walk in the morning.9) A B C 10. It is very fun to play chess.10) A B C 11. It is my favorite movie.11) A B C 12. It is very warm and pleasant outside.12) A B C 13. It's spring. The leaves on the trees are light green.13) A B C 14. I have a puppy. - It is 3 months
문제 풀이 예시 a) “It is Friday.” → A, b) “Did you see it?” → B, c) “It is fun to read comic books.” → C 와 같은 유형으로 문장에서 ‘It’의 쓰임에 따라 A, B, C를 분류할 수 있습니다. 아래는 각 문장별 분류 결과입니다. 1) It's lunch time → A 2) It is necessary to recycle waste → C (It + be + 형용사 + to부정사) 3) It is 20 dollars → A 4) It is difficult to answer the questions → C (It + be + 형용사 + to부정사) 5) It'll be very cold and windy there → A (날씨, 기상 표현) 6) It may be safe to keep the door closed → C (It + be + 형용사 + to부정사) 7) It is not easy to understand other language and culture → C (It + be + 형용사 + to부정사) 8) It's too hot inside. C
11. They reserved the hotel room, which was on the third floor. → They reserved the hotel room, □□□□□ was on the third floor. 12. He loves bibimbap, and it is healthy Korean food. → He loves bibimbap, □□□□□ is healthy Korean food. 13. I visited a castle, which was built in 1890. → I visited a castle, □□□□□ was built in 1890. 14. He lied to me, which didn't make me upset. → He lied to me, □□□□□ didn't make me upset. 15. I saw the man, who was hurt yesterday. → I saw the man, and □□□□□. 16. Jerry has a new bag, which his mom got for him. → Jerry has a new bag, and □□□□□. 17. Twilight is one of my favorite books, and I read it three times. → □□□□□. Jason □□□□□.
Step1. 관계대명사 절 파악 원문의 ‘w
1 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? 기술! The term "objectivity" is important in measurement because of the scientific demand that observations be subject to public verification. A measurement system is objective to the extent that two observers (A) evaluate / evaluating the same performance arrive at the same (or very similar) measurements. For example, using a tape measure to determine the distance a javelin (B) threw / was thrown yields very similar results regardless of who reads the tape. By comparison, evaluation of performances such as diving, gymnastics, and figure skating is more subjective — although elaborate scoring rules help make (C) it / them more objective. From the point of view of research in motor behavior, it is important to use performances in the laboratory for which the scoring can be as objective as p□□□□□. it
정답: (A) evaluating / (B) was thrown / (C) them 두 관찰자를 수식하려면 evaluating이라는 현재분사가 적합합니다
A 우리말과 일치하도록 to부정사와 ( )안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 1 가장 중요한 것은 네가 최선을 다하는 것이다. (do one's best) → The most important thing is □□□□□. 2 그 아이를 집에 혼자 두고 오다니 너는 어리석었다. (leave) → It was stupid □□□□□ the child alone in the house. 3 Dana는 너무 어려서 혼자 지하철을 탈 수 없다. (young, take the subway) → Dana □□□□□ by herself. 4 이 노트북 컴퓨터는 어디든 갖고 다닐 수 있을 만큼 가볍다. (light, carry) → This laptop is □□□□□ anywhere. 5 Jim은 너무 당황해서 내 질문에 답하지 못했다. (embarrassed, answer) → Jim was □□□□□ m□□□□□.
Answer 1) The most important thing is to do your best. 2) It was stupid of you to leave the child alone in the house. 3) Dana is too young to take the subw
D 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오. 1 Keeping a diary every day is not easy. 2 My favorite activity is hiking with my children. 3 Lyle went fishing with his friends. 4 Tony was busy preparing dinner yesterday. 5 Jina doesn't feel like going out tonight. 6 Peter couldn't help laughing at her suggestion. 7 Would you mind helping me open this jar? 8 The shirts are worth buying because they look great. 9 On arriving home fr□□□□□
1. “Keeping a diary every day is not easy.” → 매일 일기를 쓰는 것은 쉽지 않다. 2. “My favorite activity is hiking with my children.” → 내가 가장 좋아하는 활동은 아이들과 함께 하이킹하는 것이다. 3. “Lyle went fishing with his friends.” → 라일은 친구들과 낚시하러 갔다. 4. “Tony was busy preparing dinner yesterday.” → 토니는 어제 저녁 식사를 준비하느라 바빴다. 5. “Jina doesn’t feel like going out tonight.” → 지나는 오늘 밤에 나갈 기분이 내키지
17 [16-17] 다음 우리말과 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. 16 내게는 축구가 야구보다 더 신난다. ① Soccer is exciting than baseball to me. ② Soccer is very exciting than baseball to me. ③ Soccer is much exciting than baseball to me. ④ Soccer is a lot exciting than baseball to me. ⑤ Soccer is more exciting than baseball to me. 그는 세계에서 제일 성공한 남자이다. ① He is a successful man in the world. ② He is successfully man in the world. ③ He is most successful man in the world. ④ He is the most successful man in the world. ⑤ He is the most successfully man in the world. 20 나의 새 신발은 예전 신발만큼 편하다. (comfortable) → My new shoes are □□□□□ my old ones. [21-22] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. 21 우리는 학교에서 항상 교복을 입는다. (always, we, wear, school uniforms) → □□□□□ at school. 22 Amy는 한국어를 매우 잘 말한다. (very, speaks, Korean, Amy, well) → □□□□□. [18-20] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 18 그녀는 첼로보다 피아노를 더 잘 연주한다. (good) → She plays the piano □□□□□ than cello. ( □□□□□ ) → □□□ ft. □□□□□ i□□.
풀이 16) 내게는 축구가 야구보다 더 신난다. → 5) Soccer is more exciting than baseball to me. 17) 그는 세계에서 제일 성공한 남자이다. → 4) He is the most successful man in the world. 18) 그녀는 첼로보다 피아노를 더 잘 연주한다. (good) → She plays the piano better than the cello. 19) 한라산은 제주에서 가장 높은 산이다. (high, mountain) → Mt. Halla is the highest mountain on Jeju. 20) 나의 새 신발은 예전 신발만큼 편하다. (comfortable) → My new shoes are as comfortable as my old ones.
26. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? Touring caravans are mobile homes which are connected to the back of your family car and (A) [tow / towed] to where you want to go. These caravans, which can have two to six beds, can be moved and many families enjoy (B) [to travel / traveling] from place to place on holidays. Many families can go anywhere they want if there is a camp site or caravan park open. Touring caravan parks have basic services such as shower blocks, toilet blocks, and perhaps a small shop. It is up to the family to make sure they have food, water, electricity, gas, and whatever else is needed (C) [during / while] their □□□. B □□□□□
(A)에서는 towed가 맞습니다. 카라반이 '끌려 간다'는 수동의 의미이므로 과거분사형이 적절합니다. (B)에서는 traveling이 타당합니다. 'enjoy' 뒤에는 동명사가 오는 것이 자연스럽기 때문입니다. (C)에서는 d
43. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?43) ① What I need is a lawyer. ② Tell me what happened to you last night. ③ What he said was perfectly true. ④ They did not like what he wrote. ⑤ That is just what I want to say. 44. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?44) ① I can't believe what he said. ② I will do what makes you happy. ③ I think what Mina told me is a lie. □□□□ □□ □□□□□.
what은 명사절을 이끄는 관계사(이른바 자유관계대명사)로 쓰이거나, 간접 의문절로 쓰일 수 있습니다. 1), 3), 4), 5)에서 what은 ‘…하는 것’을 나타내는 명사절(자유관계대명사)로