인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Fill in the blanks: 빈칸을 채우시오. 7. 나는 그를 잡기 위해 속력을 높여야 했다.7) → I needed to speed up □□□□□ to □□□□ I could catch him. 8. 다른 사람들이 그를 이해할 수 있도록 그는 천천 히 말했다.8) → He spoke slowly □□□□□ others □□□□□ understand him. 9. 우리는 좋은 자리를 차지하기 위해 일찍 갔다.9) → We went early in □□□□□ that we could get good seats. 10. 그는 그녀와 오래도록 같이 있고 싶어서 결혼했 다. 10) → He married her so □□□□□ to be with her forever. 11. 나는 좋은 점수를 받기 위해 열심히 공부했다.11) → I studied hard □□□□□ I could get a good grade. 12. 그는 내일 아침에 □□□□□ et □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장에 들어갈 일반적인 영문 표현 예시입니다. (7) I needed to speed up so that I could catch him. (8) He spoke slowly enough for others to understand him. (9) We went early in order that we could get good seat
36. If you start collecting and analyzing data without first clarifying the question you are trying to answer, you're probably doing yourself more harm than good. (A) In the design plan, you clarify the issues you are trying to solve, state your hypotheses, and list what is required to prove those hypotheses. Developing this plan before you start researching will greatly increase your problem-solving productivity. (B) You'll end up drowning in a flood of information and realize only later that most of that research was a waste of time. To avoid this problem, you should develop a problem-solving design plan before you start collecting information. (C) In addition, putting your plan down on paper will not only clarify your thoughts. If you're working in a group, this plan will also help your team focus on what to do and provide the □□□□□.
이 지문은 ‘계획을 먼저 세우지 않으면 시간과 노력의 낭비가 생긴다’는 논리를 전개하는 구조입니다. (B) 문장에서 계획 없이 정보를 수집했을 때의 부정적인 결과가 먼저 언급됩니다. 그다음 (A)에서 문제 해결 설계안을
38. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장끼리 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?38) a. Andrea had finished dinner before Kris got home. X b. When Stacy had gotten home yesterday, her brother ate all the cookies. c. I hadn't known the news when I met her. d. He insisted that he hasn't stolen any paintings. e. The bus had left when we arrived at the bus stop. f. He said he had already finished his homework. g. I found out that □□□□□
Step1. 각 문장의 시제 확인 문장
5 112 정답률 30% | 고1 2019년 9월 학력평가 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? To be successful, you need to understand the vital difference between believing you will succeed, and believing you will succeed easily. (A) Unrealistic optimists, on the other hand, believe that success will happen to them — that the universe will reward them for all their positive thinking, or that somehow they will be transformed overnight into the kind of person for whom obstacles don’t exist anymore. 0 (B) Put another way, it’s the difference between being a realistic optimist, and an unrealistic optimist. Realistic optimists believe they will succeed, but also believe they have to make success happen — through things like careful planning and choosing the right strategies. (C) They recognize the need for giving □□□□□’s own ability to
가장 자연스러운 전개 흐름은 (B) → (A) → (C) 입니다. (B)에서는 현실적 낙관주의와 비현실적 낙관주의라는 차이를 먼저 밝힌 뒤, (A)에서 "비현실적 낙관주의자
10. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? In Philadelphia, planners have been experimenting with a new way of slowing drivers down: painted 3-D triangles that look like speed bumps. At one quarter of the cost of physical bumps, the devices also have the advantage of not tearing up emergency vehicle axles as they speed over them. A month of investigation on a half-mile stretch of road found that driver speeds fell from an average of 38 miles per hour to 23 miles per hour. While this drop is impressive, the effect may be temporary as drivers, particularly those who regularly travel that route, to learn which bumps □□□□□.
밑줄 친 (4) to learn이 어법상 틀렸습니다. 해당 문장에서는 ‘운전자들이 착각일 뿐인 범프를 알아차리기 때문에’라는 의미를 자연스럽게 표현하기 위해 동사 le
5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어법상 올바른 것은?5) ① Anna stares at Jake, which is reading a book. ② I went to the post office, who my father worked in. ③ He had an argument with Mina, whom was very angry. ④ Mr. Smith, whom every student likes, will leave for Canada. ⑤ Sarah will buy □□□□□, □□□□□ □□□□□.
정답은 ④번입니다. whom은 목적격 관계대명사로, 문장에서 모든 학생들이 Mr. Smith를 좋아한다는 의미에
J10 * 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? My dad worked very late hours as a musician — until about three in the morning — so he slept late on weekends. As a result, we didn't have much of a relationship when I was young other than him constantly nagging me to take care of chores like mowing the lawn and cutting the hedges, ① which I hated. He was a responsible man ② dealing with an irresponsible kid. Memories of how we interacted ③ seems funny to me today. For example, one time he told me to cut the grass and I decided ④ to do just the front yard and postpone doing the back, but then it rained for a couple days and the backyard grass became so hig□□□□□. □□□□□. y□□□□□too□□□□to□□□□,□□□o□□on. *ickle:
밑줄 친 ③번이 어법상 틀린 부분입니다. Memories처럼 복수 명사가 주어일 때는 seem을 써야 하므로
■ Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 괄호 안의 동사를 알맞은 형태로 써서 문장을 완성하시오. 1. My sister is a writer. She have writed (write) three novels.1) 2. She □□□□□ (speak) to Susan a minute ago.2) 3. I □□□□ (not, see) my grandparents since last month.3) 4. Jane □□□□□ (stay) at home yesterday.4) 5. Your letter □□□□□ (arrive) two days ago.5) 6. I have lived (live) here for ten years.6) 7. Last week we □□□□ (go) to the cinema.7) 8. The game □□□□□ (start). They are playing now.8) 9. I (phone) □□□□□ you at five and you weren't there.9) 10. I (lose) □□□□□ my watch, I can't find it.10) 11. Last month Judy traveled (travel) to Italy.11) 12. I □□□□□ (work) all day and now I'm tired.12) . We □□□□□ (bu) a new house □□□. □□. □□□□□ my □□□□□. □□. I □□□□□ (□□□□□) □□□□□ time.□□
Step1. 문장에 나타난 시간 정보를 바탕으로 시제 결정하기 시간 부사(ago, sin
31. We don't send telegraphs to communicate anymore, but it's a great metaphor for giving advance notice. Sometimes, you must inform those close to you of upcoming change by conveying important information well in advance. There's a huge difference between saying, "From now on, we will do things differently," which doesn't give people enough time to understand and accept the change, and saying something like, "Starting next month, we □□□□ to □□□□□. "
지문에 따르면, ‘From now on...’과 같은 즉각적인 통보보다 ‘Starting next month...’ 식으로 미리 알려주는 것이 중요하며, 이것을 ‘텔레그래핑(telegraphing)’이라고 칭합니다. 즉 사전에 정보를 제공함으로써 변화에 대한 충분한 대비가 가능해지고, 이를 통해
296. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것 은? [3점][9월 인천시]296) Suppose, on your wedding day, your best man delivers a heart-warming, moving toast that makes you ①cry. You later learn he didn't write it himself but bought it online. Then, would the toast mean less than it ②was at first, before you knew it was written by a paid professional? Most people would agree the bought wedding toast has less value than an authentic ③one. Although a bought toast might "work" in the sense of achieving its desired effect, that effect might depend on deception. That is, if you ④ purchased a moving masterpiece of a toast online, you would probably cover it up! If a bought toast depends for its effect on concealing its origin, that's a reason to suspect it's □□□□□ value. □□□□□an, □□□□□nse, b□□□□□ing them diminishes value. * toast: □□□
가장 어색한 부분은 (2)번 'was'입니다. 문맥상 '처음에 그것이었던 것보다 덜 의미가 있을
52. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?(52) ① She needs a bigger house to live in. ○ ② Are there enough chairs to sit on? ○ ③ Do you have any friends to play with? ○ ④ Please give me one more spoon to eat wi□□□. ○
정답은 5번입니다. 보통 연필을 이용할 때는 ‘write with a pencil’라는 표현을 쓰므로