인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Part 5
■ Rewrite the following sentences using unless
or if
unless 또는 □□ 사용하여 다음 문장들을 다시 쓰시오.
If I don't practice, my English won't improve.
→ Unless I practice, my English won't improve.
1. If we don't leave now, we will miss the train.1)
Unless we leave now, we will miss □□ □□ □□.
2. Unless it rains, we will go camping.2)
If it doesn't rain, we will go camping.
3. You will be sick if you don't stop eating.3)
4. If you don't exercise, you will get fat.4)
5. I will call the police if they don't stop fighting.5)
6. Unless you hurry, you won't arrive on time.6)
7. Unless she buys the tickets, she won't go to
the concert.7)
8. If she doesn't apologize, he will never speak to
her again.8)
9. I'll go to the beach with m□□□□□.9)
정답 예시
1) If we don’t leave now, we will miss the train.
→ Unless we leave now, we will miss the train.
2) Unless it rains, we will go camping.
→ If it doesn’t rain, we will go camping.
3) You will be sick if you don’t stop eating.
→ Unless you stop eating, you will be sick.
4) If you don’t exercise, you will get fat.
→ Unless you exercise, you will get fat.
5) I will call the police if they don’t stop fighting.
→ Unless they stop fighting, I will call the police.
6) Unless you hurry, you won’t arrive on time.
→ If you don’t hur

In modern times, society became more dynamic. Social
mobility increased, and people began to exercise a higher
degree of choice regarding, for instance, their profession, their
marriage, or their religion. This posed a challenge to traditional
roles in society. It was less evident that one needed to commit
to the roles one was born into when alternatives could be
realized. Increasing control over one's life choices became not
only possible but desired. Identity then became a problem. It
was no longer almost ready-made at birth but something to be
discovered. Traditional role identities prescribed by socie□□□□□.
이 글은 현대 사회가 더욱 동적이 되어 개인이 자신에게 주어진 역할 대신 다양한 선택지를 통해 정체성을 구축하기 시작했음을 보여줍니다. 과거에는 태어나면서 부여된 신분과 역할을 그대로 수용하는 것이 자연스러웠지만, 현대에는 직업, 결혼, 종교 등 다양한 측면에서 개인의 선택권이 확대되고, 이에

30. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장끼리 알맞게 짝지어진
(A) Prices have been increasing steadily for months.
(B) I have been talking to your boss yesterday.
(C) I've been looking for a job since almost a year.
(D) Junho has been playing tennis for five months.
(E) We have been studying English for 6 years.
① (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)
③(A), (C), (D), (E)
⑤(A), (B), (D)
②(A), (B), (D), (E)
④ (A), (D), (E)
31. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장끼리 알맞게 짝지어진
① It is raining since last Tuesday.
② She has been knitting two hours ago.
③ Everything has been going wrong recently.
④ I have been using my laptop since 7 years.
⑤ He has been learning yoga since he was 12.
⑥ I've been making pants since two months.
⑦ He has been writing a book two months ago.
① □, □
③a, c, e, f
⑤ a, b, d, e, f
② c, e, g
④ b, c, e, g
32. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?32)
① She has been sleeping for 12 hours.
② How long have you learning English?
③ How □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
④ □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
⑤ □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
Step1. #30 해석 및 정답 도출
각 문장을 살펴보고 적절한 시제 및

Anchoring bias describes the cognitive error you
make when you tend to give more weight to
information arriving early in a situation ①compared
to information arriving later — regardless of the
relative quality or relevance of that initial
information. Whatever data is presented to you first
when you start to look at a situation can form an
"anchor" and it becomes significantly more
challenging ②to □□□□□way
from □□□□□, logically, be
compared to 대신 맥락상 compared with가 자연스럽다. 일반적으로 서로 다른 대상 간 유사점을 강조할 때는 compared to를

목적격 관계대명사
18. 18)
• The woman was a good cook.
• He met her at the party.
19. 19)
• He is the man.
• I respect him the most.
20. 20)
• This is the book.
• He was looking for it.
Pattern 1
27. 27)
• There are trees.
• My grandmother grew it.
28. 28)
• The book is sold out.
• I want to buy it.
29. 29)
• The ball is very small.
• We are playing with that ball.
21. 21)
• I gave you some flowers.
• Where are they?
30. 30)
• The actor won the Oscar.
• You were telling me about him yesterday.
22. 22)
• The woman was very pretty.
• I met her yesterday in the park.
31. 31)
• Here comes the girl.
• Everybody makes fun of her.
23. 23)
• The movie wasn't very good.
• We saw it last night.
32. 32)
• The knife is very sharp.
• We cut bread with the knife.
24. 24)
• The street is very wide.
• You live in this street.
33. 33)
• You will like the movie.
• I saw it last night.
25. 25)
34. 34)
• This teddy bear was a pres□□□□□.
• □□□□□
• □□□□□
• can on
Step1. 문장에서 목적어 확인하기
첫 번째 문장과 두 번째 문장을 보고, 대명

A02 *
2015(7월)/교육청 24
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점]
Not many years ago, schoolchildren were taught
that carbon dioxide is the ① naturally occurring
lifeblood of plants, just as oxygen is ours. Today,
children are more likely to think of carbon dioxide
as a poison. That's because the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere ② has increased
substantially over the past one hundred years, from
about 280 parts per million to 380. But what people
don't know is that the carbon dioxide level some 80
million years ago—back when our mammalian
ancestors were evolving—③ to be at least 1,000
parts per million. In fact, that is the concentration of
carbon dioxide you regularly breathe if you work
in a new energy-efficient office building, for ④ that
is the level established by the engineering group
that sets standards for heating and ventilation
systems. So not only ⑤ is carbon dioxide plainly
not poisonous, but change □□□□□
trigger for global warming historically.
정답: ③ 부분이 어법상 틀린 표현입니다.
문장에서 “the carbon dioxide level some 80 million years ago ③ to be at least 1,000

This temperature is of the surface of the star, the part
of the star which is emitting the light that can be seen.
One way of measuring temperature occurs if an object is
hot enough to visibly glow, such as a metal poker that has
been left in a fire. ( ① ) The color of a glowing object is
related to its temperature: as the temperature rises, the
object is first red and then orange, and finally it gets white,
the "hottest" color. ( ② ) The relation between temperature
and the color of a glowing object is useful to astronomers.
( ③ ) The color of stars is related to their temperature,
and since people cannot as yet travel the great distances to
the stars and measure their temperature in a more precise
way, astronomers rely on their color. ( ④ ) The inter□□□□
t□□□□; t a □□□□□temp□□□□□.
□□□□□(□□□)□□ut□□□information obtained from t□□
□□□of the star until□□□□[□]
The passage underscores the idea that color is a direct indicator of an object's temperature. As an object heats up from red through orange to white, it emits light corresponding to increasing temperature. Astronomers apply this prin

■ Underline the adjective clause in each
각 문장의 형용사절에 밑줄 치시오.
1. The meeting I went to was interesting.1)
2. I must thank the people I got a present from.2)
3. The picture she was looking at was beautiful.3)
4. The man Anne was waiting for was late.4)
5. The topic that Judy talked about was interesting.5)
6. The book I borrowed from the library is
fantastic! You should read it too!6)
7. She didn't like the letter she received last week.7)
8. All the pictures Picasso painted are very
9. The wallet which my son found in the street
belonged to Martha.9)
10. The first thing that he did this morning was
to check his email.10)
11. I like the shirt that Jane bought yesterday.11)
12. What did □□□ do with the money your mother
gave you?12)
13. The old lady you helped □□□□□.
정답 예시
1) The meeting (I went to) was interesting.
2) I must thank the people (I got a present from).
3) The picture (she was looking at) was beautiful.
4) The man (Anne was waiting for) was late.
5) The topic (that Judy talked about) was interesting.
6) The book (I borrowed from the library) is fantastic!
7) She didn't like the letter (she received last week).
8) All the pictures (Picasso painted) are very valuable.
9) The wallet (which my son found in the str

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
1 Does a young child have to □□□□ an entrance fee?
2 Mike □□□ need take care of his sister tonight.
3 She □□□□'t has to buy an expensive present.
4 You don't □□□□□ take pictures in this museum.
5 Does he have to stay in the hospital last night?
6 You don't need □□□□. You are not late.
7 When must I □□□□□ to the office, Mr. Scott?
8 He should □□ speak to the teacher first.
9 Henry has to go to bed □□□□□.
문장 정정
1. Does a young child have to pay an entrance fee?
2. Mike does not need to take care of his sister tonight.
3. She doesn't have to buy an expensive present.
4. You shouldn't take pictures in this museum.
5. Did he have to stay in the hospi

27. 27)
• Do you guess?
• Who can solve the quiz?
28. 28)
• Do you think?
• Why did he move to the country?
29. 29)
• Do you think?
• What time will he leave?
30. 30)
• Can you tell me?
• What kind of music do you like?
31. 31)
• Do you suppose?
• What action should we take?
32. 32)
• Do you know?
• Why is he waiting outside?
33. 33)
• I wonder.
• Did he meet his father?
34. 34)
• □
• □
• □
• □ □ □?
Pattern 2 비상(김진완)
36. 36)
• Can you tell me?
• Who is the girl?
37. 37)
• He doesn't know.
• When does the concert begin?
38. 38)
• Please tell me.
• Does she live here?
39. 39)
• Do you think?
• When did she leave for Paris?
40. 40)
• I want to know.
• Did the police officer catch the criminal?
41. 41)
• I wonder.
• Did John call this morning?
42. 42)
• Do you think?
• What do you want to eat for dinner?
43. 43)
• I want to k□.
• □
영어에서 간접 의문문을 만들 때, 기본적으로 직접 의문문의 어순(도치 형태) 대신 일반적인 문장 구조(S+V)를 사용해야 합니다. 또한, 의문사(what, who, why 등)가 있다면 그대로 문장 중앙에 위치시키고, 없을 경우 if/whether를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예컨대 "Do you think? Who can solve the quiz?"를 하나로 합칠 때, ‘누가 그 퀴즈를 풀 수 있는지’를 간접 의문문 형태로 표현해야 합니다. 따라서 "Do you think who can solve the quiz?"가 아니라, "Do you think who can solve the quiz?" 대신, 보통 다음과 같이 씁니다: "Do you think who can solve the quiz?" 대신에, "Who do you think can solve the quiz?"처럼 말하되, 좀 더 자연스러운 표현으로는 "Who do you think will solve the quiz?" 혹은 "Do you gues

50. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은?50)
① I believe so you didn't tell a lie.
② She wants to do interesting something. X
③ I decide sound sleep is good for our body. X
④ He hopes you have a great trip.
⑤ I think wat□□□□□es. X
문장 ④ He hopes you have a great trip. 이 어법상 올바른 표현입니다.
나머지 문장은 올바른 전치사나 연결어, 동사의 형태 등을 수정해야 자연스러운 문장이 됩니다. 예를 들어, ①은 'I believe (that) you didn’t tell a lie.'로, ②는 'She wants to do something interesting.'로, ③은 'I deci