인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
30. This book was changed my life completely. (30)
my □ife → by my life
31. The buildings didn't (build by them. (31))
build → be built
32. He was seen study English by me. (32)
44. This bag is made by □□□□□. (44)
45. He was had a new car and a boat. (45)
33. The car will be broken by accident (yesterday). (33)
will be → was
34. My mom was watered flowers yesterday. (34)
flowers → by flowers
35. The singer loves by all Koreans. (35)
by all → all
36. The golden mask was finding by Mr. White. (36)
finding → found
3. □ □ □ the book wrote? (37)
46. Jane isn't satisfied by her apartment. (46)
47. She was satisfied by his excellent performance. (47)
48. I don't think Mario loved by everybody. (48)
49. The cat was called to Kitty by Jenny. (49)
to kitty → kitty
50. The shop is opened next week. (50)
is → will be
51. Who America discovered by? (51)
wh → wh □□□□
정답 예시는 다음과 같습니다.
30) This book changed my life completely.
31) The buildings weren’t built by them.
32) He was seen studying English by me.
33) The car was broken by accident yesterday.
34) My mom watered flowers yesterday. (또는: The flowers were watered by my mom yesterday.)
35) The singer is loved by all Koreans.
36) The golden mask was found by Mr. White.
37) By whom was the book written?
38) The problem will be easily solved by him.
39) The photos weren’t taken a

2. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Is it difficult ______ French?
① learn
② learns
③ to learning
④ learned
⑤ to learn
3. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
It's foolish ______ you to say so.
① for
② by
③ to
4. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절하지 않은 것은?
It is ______ to plan for the future.
① important
② necessary
③ hard
④ easily
⑤ a good idea
5. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은 것은?
It was ______ of him to □□□□.
① □□□□
② □□□□
③ silly
④ □□□□
Step1. 2번 문제 풀이

■ Fill in the blanks with the correct perception
verbs below.
알맞은 지각동사 형태를 사용하여 빈칸을 채우시오
1. Last night, they □□□ the ground
2. I □□□ my mom yelling to my sister.
3. My neighbors □□□ their dogs bark.
4. I □□ gas coming out of my neighbor's
5. He suddenly □□ somebody touch him
on the shoulder.
6. She □□□ her □□□□□.
listen to
7. □□□ birds singing.
8. I can □□□ the soup cooking in the
9. Yesterday, I □□□ a man lying in the
street on my way home.
10. I □□□ Angela dancing yesterday.
11. I □□□ the sun rise this morning.
12. I could □□□ someone shouting
해석과 예시 답안
1) felt
2) heard
3) heard
4) smelled
5) felt
6) heard
7) Can you hear birds singing?
8) I can smell the soup cooking in the kitchen.
9) Yesterday, I saw a man lying

33. New technology tends to come from new ventures – startups. From the Founding Fathers in politics to the Royal Society in science to Fairchild Semiconductor’s “traitorous eight” in business, small groups of people bound together by a sense of mission have changed the world for the better. The easiest explanation for this is negative: it’s hard to develop new things in big organizations, and it’s even harder to do it by yourself. Bureaucratic hierarchies move slowly, and entrenched interests shy away from risk. In the most dysfunctional organizations, signaling that work is being done becomes a better strategy for career advancement than actually doing work. At the other extreme, a lone genius might create a classic work of art or literature, but he could never create an entire industry. Startups operate on the principle that you need to work with other people to get stuff done, but you also need to □□□□.
① stay small enough so that you actually can
② give yourself challenge □□□□□
문맥상 대기업은 관료주의와 위험 회피 성향으로 혁신을 저해하고, 개인 혼자서는 모든 것을 해내기에 역부족이므로, 스타트업은 소수이되 함께 일하는

34. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?(34)
• Linda has eating her lunch for two hours.
• He began playing golf since he was ten years old.
• Dok-do has belonged to Korea for a long time.
• I have been visiting my aunt who lives in Seoul yesterday.
• My friend Max has been taught math five years ago.
• These days young people have □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장 시제와 시간 표현 확인
그 문장의 동사 형태와 si

Part 9
■ Delete the relative pronoun if it is possible to
leave out, otherwise write 'X':
생략할 수 있는 관계대명사를 찾아 쓰시오. 생략할 수 있
는 관계대명사 없을 경우 X를 쓰시오.
• Do you know the girl who I danced with?
• Do you know the girl who danced with me? (X)
1. The apples that are lying on the table are bad.1)
2. The apples that we bought in the shop are
3. This is the girl who he visited in Busan.3)
4. This is the girl who lives in Busan.4)
5. We will stay at a hotel which (is) not far from
the beach.5)
6. We will stay at a hotel which my friend has
recommended to us.6)
7. Have you found the keys which □□□□ lost.)
□□□□□ 1.10.9)
□□□□□ 1.10.
Step1. 관계대명사의 주어/목적어 용법 구별
먼저 해당 절에

Conditional Sentences
Translate the following sentences into English.
다음 문장을 영작하시오
1. 내일 비가 온다면, 나는 집에 있을 것이다.)
7. 내가 장 보러 간다면 나는 약간의 과일을 살 것이다.
shopping, some
If □ □ □ □
rain, stay, at
2. 그를 만나면 이 쪽지 좀 전해줘.2)
see, give, note
8. 만약 날씨가 좋으면 나는 하이킹을 갈 계획이다.8)
weather, nice, plan, go
□ I'm □ □ □
3. 너에게 오븐이 있다면 쉽게 빵을 구울 수 있다. 3)
bread, oven
9. 당신이 건강해지고 싶다면, 규칙적으로 운동하세요.9)
healthy, regularly
If □ □ □ □ □ □ □
4. 여러분이 아침을 거르면, 나중에 더 많이 먹을 것이다.4)
skip, eat, later
10. 만약 누군가의 나쁜 행동을 보게 된다면, 어떻게
할 것입니까?10)
someone, behavior, what
If □ □ □ □ □ □ ?
5. 너무 많은 초콜릿을 먹으면 넌 살이 찔 것이다. 5)
get, eat, too much
If □ □ □ □ □ □ □
If □ □ □, a □ □ □
11. 만약 제가 잠들지 못한다면 양을 세는 것이 도
움이 되나요?11)
count, helpful, fall □ □ □
아래는 예시 번역문입니다:
1) If it rains tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.
2) If you meet him, please give him this note.
3) If you have an oven, you can bake bread easily.
4) If you skip breakfast, you’ll eat more later.
5) If you eat too much chocolate, you will gain weight.
6) If I call your name, answer the question.*

Part 2
■Complete the questions:
질문을 완성하시오.
1. A: Can you tell me what your □□□□
B: My name is Jun.
2. A: I want to know what your □□□□
B: I'm from Japan.
3. A: I wonder □□□□□
B: I like it. It's good.
4. A: Do you know □□□□□
B: She has three brothers.
5. A: Tell me □□□□□
B: I'm drinking tea.
6. A: Can you tell me □□□□□
B: Yes. She likes spaghetti.
7. A: Do you know □□□□□
B: Yes. He likes his job very much.
8. A: Do you know □□□□□
B: Yes, I do. He is from England.
9. A: Do you know □□□□□
B: Yes. It starts at 1 P.M.
10. A: I have no idea □□□□□
B: Your coat is on the □□.
아래와 같이 간접 의문문으로 완성할 수 있습니다.
1) what your name is
2) where you’re from
3) how you like it
4) how many brothers she has
5) what you are drinking
6) if (또는 whether) she likes spaghetti
7) if (또는 whether) he likes his job very much

14. The book was so difficult to interest readers.
15. He was too busy answering the phone.
16. The table was too heavy for me to move it.
17. Minji was so shocked that she can't say a word.
18. Mary was so busy to have lunch.
19. The doll was so cute that I buy it.
20. He was too poor buying the bag.
21. The dress is too small for her to wear it.
22. It is too late that I can't play the piano.
23. He is so busy to go to the movie today.
24. He was so thirsty to want to drink something.
25. It rained so hard that I can't go out.
2. □□□□□ □□□ □□□□□ □□□ □□□□□ □□□□□. □□□□□.
영어 문장에서 so ~ that 구문은 너무 ~해서 ~하다 형태로 쓰이고, 대응하여 too ~ to 구문으로 쉽게 변환할 수 있습니다. 다음은 각 문장별 변환 예시입니다.
14) The book was so difficult to interest readers.
• The book was so difficult that it couldn’t interest readers.
• The book was too difficult to interest readers.
15) He was too busy answering the phone.
• He was so busy that he couldn’t answer the phone.
• He was too busy to answer the phone.
16) The table was too heavy for me to move it.
• The table was so heavy that I couldn’t move it.
• The table was too heavy for me to move.
17) Minji was so shocked that she can’t say a word.
• Minji was so shocked that she couldn’t say a word.
• Minji was too shocked to say a word.
18) Mary was so busy to have lunch.
• Mary was so busy that she couldn’t have lunch.
• Mary was too busy to have lunch.
19) The doll was so cute that I buy it.
• The doll was so cute that I bought it.
• The doll was too cute not to buy.
20) He was too poor buying the bag.
• He was so poor that he couldn’t buy the bag.
• He was too poor to buy the bag.
21) Th

32. The title of Thomas Friedman's 2005 book, The World Is
Flat, was based on the belief that globalization would inevitably
bring us closer together. It has done that, but it has also
inspired us □□□□. When faced with perceived
threats—the financial crisis, terrorism, violent conflict,
refugees and immigration, the increasing gap between rich and
poor—people cling more tightly to their groups. One founder
of a famous social media company believed social media would
unite us. In some respects it has, but it has simultaneously
given voice and organizational ability to new cyber tribes, some
of whom spend their time spreading blame and division across
the World Wide Web. There seem now to be as many tribes,
and as much conflict between them, as there have ever been. Is
it possible for these tribes to coexist in a world where the
concept of □□□□?
서로 다른 집단이 ‘우리 대 그들’이라는 개념을 완전히 지우지 못하더라도, 공평한 기회 보장과 서로의 문화적 차이를 인정하는 태도가 공존의 토대가 될 수 있습니다. 특히 기술 발전이나 SNS 사용이 갈등을 심화

47. 다음 가정법 문장을 직설법으로 바르게 바꿔 쓴 것은?47)
If he had a key, he could open the door.
① He has a key, so he couldn't open the door.
② He doesn't have a key, so he can't open the door.
③ As he didn't have a key, he couldn't open the door.
④ As he doesn't have a key, he doesn't open the door.
가정법 현재 시제에서 "If he had a key, he could open the door."는 현재 사실과 반대되는 상황을 가정한 것이므로, 실제로는 열쇠가 없어서 문을