인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
9. 9)
• The key was under my desk.
• My sister was looking for it.
The key which my sister was looking for
was under my desk.
10. 10)
• I was carrying a bag.
• The bag was very heavy.
I was carrying a bag which was very heavy.
11. 11)
• What about the classroom?
• He imagined the classroom.
What about the classroom which he imagined?
12. 12)
• He uses the vegetables to make dishes.
• He grows them.
He uses the vegetables which he grows.
13. 13)
• That's the boy.
• I saw him earlier at the soccer match.
14. 14)
• The girl left for London.
• I loved her very much.
15. 15)
• I have lost the watch.
• My father bought it for me.
• □□□□□.
• Jason □□□□□.
영어에서 관계대명사를 사용해 두 문장을 연결할 때, 먼저 공통으로 지칭하는 단어(예: the key, the bag 등)를 확인하고, 그 대상을 ‘which’나 ‘who’ 같은 관계대명사가 대신하도록 합니다.
1) 목적격일 때는 관계대명사 뒤에 주어와 동사가 이어지며, 관계대명사는 생략 가능합니다.
예: I was carrying a bag. The bag was very heavy. → I was carrying a bag which was very heavy.
2) 목적어가 사람일 경우에는 보통 who(m)를 쓰고, 사물이면 which, 장소면 w

Arriving at the station, he found his train gone.
→ When he arrived at the station, he found his
train gone.
Being only a student, I can't afford to get married.
→ Since I'm only a student, I can't afford to get
Turning to the left, you can find a coffee shop.
→ If you turn to the left, you can find a coffee
Sitting here in the sun, I still feel cold.
→ Because I am sitting here in the sun, I still □□□□□ so □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장이 올바른 의미로 변화했는지 확인
문장별로 분사구문의 의미

19. 다음 중 두 문장의 의미가 같지 않은 것은?19)
① Tom is as smart as his sister.
= Tom and his sister have the same intelligence.
② Bill can run as fast as a car.
= Bill runs very fast like a car.
③ Hana eats as much as an elephant.
= Hana eats a large amount of food as an
elephant does.
④ Seungmin is as tall as the tree in the yard.
= Seungmin and the tree are the same in
⑤ Sumin's homework is □□□□□.
해석상 5번이 서로 반대되는 의미입니다. “Sumin의 숙제는 Yumin의 숙제만큼 많지 않다”는 원래 “Sumin이 Yumin보다 숙제가 적

Part 3
■Underline the participial phrases in the sentences:
다음 문장에서 형용사로 쓰인 분사구에 말줄을 치시오.
<보기> Sally likes the woman living next door.
1. I love the song playing on the radio.
2. English is a language spoken all over the world.
3. The man wearing a red cap is my uncle.
4. The car washed yesterday is blue.
5. Cakes made by my mom are the best.
6. Mike and Tom helped the man looking for the
7. I often read books written by unknown authors.
8. Meat bought at the supermarket is really fresh.
9. The diamonds stolen by the thief were found
in a bin.
10. She looked at the fly drowning in her
11. Parents working full time want to be with
their kids on the weekend.
12. The window broken by the stone had to be
13. The lady walking her dog talked □ □ □ □ □ □.
1) I love the song playing on the radio.
2) English is a language spoken all over the world.
3) The man wearing a red cap is my uncle.
4) The car washed yesterday is blue.
5) Cakes made by my mom are the best.
6) Mike and Tom helped the man looking for the station.
7) I often read books written by unknown authors.
8) Meat bought at the supermarket is really fresh.
9) The diamonds

56. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것은?
① The book was so boring that she fell asleep.
② He was so tall that he could reach the tree.
③ He ran so fast that he could win the race.
④ The library is so noise that I can't concentrate.
⑤ The desk was so heavy that she couldn't move it.
57. 다음 중 의미상 어색한 문장은?
① It was so cold that I had to wear my wool coat.
② The food is so delicious that I can't stop eating it.
③ Eric is so healthy that he can run for three hours.
④ My mother is so kind tha□□□□□.
정답: 56번 ④, 57번 ⑤
문장 ④는 ‘noise’ 대신 형용사 ‘noisy’를 써야 하므로 어법상 어색합니다. 또한

34. Researchers are working on a project that asks coastal
towns how they are preparing for rising sea levels. Some
towns have risk assessments; some towns even have a plan.
But it's a rare town that is actually carrying out a plan. One
reason we've failed to act on climate change is the common
belief that □□□□□. For
decades, climate change was a prediction about the future,
so scientists talked about it in the future tense. This
became a habit—so that even today many scientists still
use the future tense, even though we know that a climate
crisis is ongoing. Scientists also often focus on regions most
affected by the crisis, such as Bangladesh or the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet, which for most Americans are
physically remote. [3점]
① it is not related to science
② it is □□□□□.
Answer: The passage suggests that people have not acted on climate change partly because they see it as something happening in a distant f

42. How many sentences are grammatically correct?(42)
a Tony has not woke up yet.
b How long have you been together?
c Isaac has been in the hospital then.
d When did you met your uncle?
e Daniel have read the book for two hours.
f Mr. Stark has gone too far already.
g Logan has broken this window yesterday.
h Jane has studied in this school since 2013.
i When I met Thor for the first time, he was in
j Ja□□□□□.□□□□□
Step1. 현재완료 올바른 문장 식별
현재완료 시제를 주로 다룬 문장 중에서 올바른

77. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?77)
• Not knowing him, I was puzzled.
• Been born then, he would have been better.
• It being fine yesterday, we went on a picnic.
• Having lived in a remote village, the man has
few friends.
• Written in plain English, the new book is good
for beginners.
• Night came on quickly, we came dow□□□□□.
Step1. 문장 1, 2, 3 확인
1번과 3번 문장은 분사구

D 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.
1 What would you like to have for dinner?
2 She had better not lend Tom her money.
3 You had better take the subway.
4 Dave used to be a rich man.
5 There used to be an old house here.
6 No one would like to work with him.
7 I would like to play computer games this weekend.
8 My mom used to be a basketball player.
9 Dan would travel alone when he wa□□□□□.
1) What would you like to have for dinner?
→ 저녁으로 무엇을 먹고 싶으신가요?
2) She had better not lend Tom her money.
→ 그녀는 톰에게 돈을 빌려주지 않는 것이 좋겠어.
3) You had better take the subway.
→ 너는 지하철을 타는 편이 좋겠어.
4) Dave used to be a rich man.
→ Dave는 예전에 부자였어.
5) There used to be an old house here.
→ 여기에 예전에 낡은 집이 있었어.
6) No one would like to

우리말과 일치하도록 () 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하시오.
1 이 텐트를 빌리는 데는 200달러가 든다. (to, this, rent, tent, 200 dollars)
→ It costs □ □ □ □ □ □ 200 dollars.
2 우리는 여름 휴가 때 어디를 갈지 정해야만 한다. (go, where, to, summer, vacation, for, decide)
→ We have to □ □ □ □ □ □.
3 온라인에서 표를 산 것은 현명했다. (was, it, to, buy, wise, the tickets)
→ It □ □ □ □ □ to buy the tickets online.
4 Jessica는 돌아가서 Terry를 데려오길 원했다. (go back, get, to, wanted, and)
→ Jessica □ □ □ □ □ □ Terry.
5 나는 다음 주 야영을 위해 스테이크 요리하는 법을 배우고 싶다. (to, to, how, learn, steak, cook)
→ I want □ □ □ □ □ □ for our camping trip next w□.
1) 이 텐트를 빌리는 데는 200달러가 든다 (to, this, rent, tent, 200 dollars)
→ It costs 200 dollars to rent this tent.
2) 우리는 여름 휴가 때 어디를 갈지 정해야만 한다 (go, where, to, summer, vacation, for, decide)
→ We have to decide where to go for summer vacation.
3) 온라인에서 표를 산 것은 현명했다 (was, it, to, buy, wise, the tickets)
→ It was wise to buy the tickets online.
4) Jessi

The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of using pesticides □□□□ and fertilizers ① that
kill off beneficial bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create many of the essential
nutrients in the first place and prevent the uptake of nutrients into the plant. Fertilizing crops with
nitrogen and potassium ② has led to declines in magnesium, zinc, iron and iodine. For example,
there has been on average about a 30% decline in the magnesium content of wheat. This is partly
due to potassium ③ being a blocker against magnesium absorption by plants. Lower magnesium
levels in soil also ④ occurring with acidic soils and around 70% of the farmland on earth is now acidic.
□□□□, □□□□□ characteristics of □□□□□ of □□□□□ in plants. Indeed,
nowadays our soil is less □□□□□ □□□□□ it.
이 문장에서 어법상 문제가 되는 부분은 ④의 occurring입니다. “Lower magnesium levels in soil also oc