인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
34. We're often told that newborns and infants are comforted by rocking because this motion is similar to what they experienced in the womb, and that they must take comfort in this familiar feeling. This may be true; however, to date there are no convincing data that demonstrate a significant relationship between the amount of time a mother moves during pregnancy and her newborn's response to rocking. Just as likely is the idea that newborns come to associate gentle rocking with being fed. Parents understand that rocking quiets a newborn, and they very often provide gentle, repetitive movement during feeding. Since the appearance of food is a primary reinforcer, newborns may □□□□□ because they have been conditioned through a process of associative learning. [3점] * womb: 자궁 reinforcer: 강화물 ① acquir □□□□□ motio □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ bloo
아기는 조건형성(associative learning)에 의해 부드러운 흔들림이 음식(일차적 강화물)의 도입과 연관된다는 사실을 학습합니다. 따라서
Sometimes it is the that gives a business a competitive advantage. Until recently, bicycles had to have many gears, often 15 or 20, for them to be considered high-end. But fixed-gear bikes with minimal features have become more popular, as those who buy them are happy to pay more for much less. The overall profitability of these bikes is much higher than the more complex ones because they do a single thing really well without the cost of added complexity. Companies should be careful of getting into a war over adding more features with their competitors, as this will increase cost and almost certainly reduce profitability because of competitive pres□□□□□.
글의 핵심은 단순함이 오히려 비용을 절감하고 수익성을 높여 경쟁 우위를 제공한다는 점
33. As much as we can learn by examining fossils, it is important to remember that they seldom □□□□. Things only fossilize under certain sets of conditions. Modern insect communities are highly diverse in tropical forests, but the recent fossil record captures little of that diversity. Many creatures are consumed entirely or decompose rapidly when they die, so there may be no fossil record at all for important groups. It's a bit similar to a family photo album. Maybe when you were born your parents took lots of pictures, but over the years they took photographs occasionally, and sometimes they got busy and forgot to take pictures at all. Very few of us have a complete photo record of our life. Fossils are just like that. Sometimes you get very clear pictures of the past, while at other times there are big gaps, and you need to notice what they are. [] (□□□) □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□
문맥상 화석은 일부 정보만 제공하며 완전한 기록이 아니므로, 화석은 과거를 모두 말해 주지 않는다는 의미가 강조됩니다. 따라서 빈칸에는 ‘t
51. 다음 중 문장 전환이 어법상 어색한 것은?51) ① It's raining, so I won't go for a walk. → If it weren't raining, I would go for a walk. ② Since he's not good at playing tennis, he can't become a professional player. → If he were good at playing tennis, he could become a professional player. ③ As he is sick, he can't go to see her. → If he were not sick, he could go to see her. ④ As it rains hard, we don't play outside. → If it doesn't rain hard, we would play outside. ⑤ As we don't have enough □□□□□.
정답은 (4)입니다. 현재 사실(직설법)을 가정법으로 전환할 때, 정상적인 형태는 과거형 동사 + would를 쓰는 가정법 과거가 되어야 합니다. 문장 (4)의 원문은 “As it rains hard, we don’t play outside”인데, 이를 가정법으로 자연스럽게 바꾸려면
36. A god called Moinee was defeated by a rival god called Dromerdeener in a terrible battle up in the stars. Moinee fell out of the stars down to Tasmania to die. (A) He took pity on the people, gave them bendable knees and cut off their inconvenient kangaroo tails so they could all sit down at last. Then they lived happily ever after. (B) Then he died. The people hated having kangaroo tails and no knees, and they cried out to the heavens for help. Dromerdeener heard their cry and came down to Tasmania to see what the matter was. (C) Before he died, he wanted to give a last blessing to his final resting place, so he decided to create humans. But he was in such a hurry, knowing he was dying, that he forgot to give them knees; and he absent-mindedly gave .
To determine the correct sequence, notice that (C) describes how Moinee created humans without knees and with tails. Next, (B) describes how Moinee died and the people cried out for help. Fina
1 Tom is the boy is the most popular student in my school. ① who ③ whose ⑤ what ② whom ④ which 2 A koala is an animal lives in Australia. ① who ③ whose ⑤ what ② whom ④ which 3 Stacey is a girl goal is to learn five languages. ① who ③ whose ⑤ what ② whom ④ which 4 That's exactly I wanted to say. ① who ③ which ⑤ what ② whose ④ that 5 Paris is the city the Louvre Museum is locate. 8 ① My father is a man I admire. ② I have the same shoes you have. ③ She likes th□□□.
Step1. [1~5] 문장의 관계대명사·관계부사 선택하기
69. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?(69) • I don't agree with what you just said it. • Can you tell me what you have in mind? • This is not what you told us. • Everything what they said was true. • The shop didn't have that I wanted. • This lamp is the thing that I want. • This is the □□□□□. □□□□□.
문장을 살펴보면, 어색한 문장은 다음과 같습니다: 1) I don't agree with what you just said it. (it이 불필요) 4) Everything what they said was true. (what이 불필요하거나 어색한 연결) 5) Th
Give the correct form of the verb given in brackets: 괄호 안에 주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태를 쓰시오. 1. A lot of roses were (bring) to her.¹⁾ 2. A new building will (build) next year.²⁾ 3. English (speak) all over the world.³⁾ 4. The book won't (find) in the library.⁴⁾ 5. The letter (write) yesterday.⁵⁾ 6. The old newspapers (throw) away yesterday.⁶⁾ 7. The work will (do) by him soon.⁷⁾ 8. The Han River (can, see) from every room in my house.⁸⁾ 9. The room (clean) every day.⁹⁾ 10. Somebody (clean) the room yesterday.¹⁰⁾ 11. Butter (make) from milk.¹¹⁾ 12. Oranges (import) into Canada.¹²⁾ 13. This house (build) 100 years ago.¹³⁾ 14. These houses (build) 100 years ago.¹⁴⁾ 15. Six people (injure) in the accident yesterday.¹⁵⁾ 16. We (wake) up by the noise last night.¹⁶⁾ □□. □□ □□□□□ (bite) □□ □□ □□□□□. ¹⁷⁾ □□. □□ □□□□□ (□□□) □□□□□ □□□□. □□. □□□ □□□□□ (□□□□□) □□□□□ □□□□□.
다음은 각 문장에 필요한 동사의 올바른 형태 예시입니다. 1) were brought 2) will be built 3) is spoken 4) won't be found 5) was written 6) were thrown 7) will be done 8) can be seen 9) is cleaned 10) cleaned 11) is m
Part 3 Match the sentences: 문장을 연결하시오. a. they get fat c. it turns to ice e. they cry 1. If it is cold, ... ( )1) 2. If babies are hungry, ... ( )2) 3. If you touch a fire, ... ( )3) 4. If people eat too much, ... ( )4) 5. If people don't eat, ... ( )5) 6. If you put water into the freezer, ... ( )6) a. I will see a film b. if it doesn't rain c. if we don't take the bus d. if he has apples e. you will get better f. if we go to class late 7. The teacher will get angry with us ... ( )7) 8. If I have enough time, ... ( )8) 9. We will miss the train ... ( )9) 10. He will ma□□□□□ ... ( )10) □□□□□ ... ( )) □□□□□ ... ( ))
아래와 같이 문장을 적절히 연결할 수 있습니다. 첫 번째 세트 답안 1 → f, 2 → e, 3 → d, 4 → a, 5 → b, 6 → c • If it is cold, (f) I put on a coat • If babies are hungry, (e) they cry • If you touch a fire, (d) you get burned • If people eat too much, (a) they get fat • If people don’t eat, (b) they die • If you put water into the freezer, (c) it turns to ice 두 번째 세트 답안 7
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Commercial airplanes generally travel airways similar to roads, although they are not physical structures. Airways have fixed widths and defined altitudes, ① which separate traffic moving in opposite directions. Vertical separation of aircraft allows some flights ② to pass over airports while other processes occur below. Air travel usually covers long distances, with short periods of intense pilot activity at takeoff and landing and long periods of lower pilot activity while in the air, the portion of the flight ③ known as the “long haul.” During the long-haul portion of a flight, pilots spend more time assessing aircraft status than ④ searching out nearby planes. This is because collisions between aircraft usually occur in the □□□□□. □□□□□ tends to co□□□□□. □□□□-haul □□□□.
해당 문장은 “crashes due to aircraft malfunction ⑤ tends to occur…
9. 9) • The key was under my desk. • My sister was looking for it. The key which my sister was looking for was under my desk. 10. 10) • I was carrying a bag. • The bag was very heavy. I was carrying a bag which was very heavy. 11. 11) • What about the classroom? • He imagined the classroom. What about the classroom which he imagined? 12. 12) • He uses the vegetables to make dishes. • He grows them. He uses the vegetables which he grows. 13. 13) • That's the boy. • I saw him earlier at the soccer match. 14. 14) • The girl left for London. • I loved her very much. 15. 15) • I have lost the watch. • My father bought it for me. • □□□□□. • Jason □□□□□.
영어에서 관계대명사를 사용해 두 문장을 연결할 때, 먼저 공통으로 지칭하는 단어(예: the key, the bag 등)를 확인하고, 그 대상을 ‘which’나 ‘who’ 같은 관계대명사가 대신하도록 합니다. 1) 목적격일 때는 관계대명사 뒤에 주어와 동사가 이어지며, 관계대명사는 생략 가능합니다. 예: I was carrying a bag. The bag was very heavy. → I was carrying a bag which was very heavy. 2) 목적어가 사람일 경우에는 보통 who(m)를 쓰고, 사물이면 which, 장소면 w