인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
101. 다음 능동태 문장을 수동태로 전환했을 때 어색
한 것은?101)
① Jessica took these photos.
→ These photos were taken by Jessica.
② They didn't break the windows.
→ The windows were not broken by them.
③ The secretary writes all the letters.
→ All the letters are written by the secretary.
④ Judy will play the piano.
→ The piano will be played by Judy.
⑤ A French family found the missi□□□□□.
→ □□□□□.
정답은 ⑤번 문장입니다. found의 과거분사형은 found이므로, 수동태로 바르게 고치면
\( The missing child was found by a French family \)

They should understand the benefits of the
work. It is important.6)
It is important for them to understand
the benefits of the work
7. She helped me with my presentation. She was
very kind.7)
It was very kind of her to help
me with my presentation
8. He should do his homework by tomorrow. It is
very difficult.8)
It is very difficult for him to do
his homework by tomorrow
9. She had to finish three reports by Friday. That
was very hard.9)
It was very hard for her
to have to finish three reports by □□□□□
1. □□□□□.
□□□□□ to my □□□□□age
예시 해석과 답안
6) 'They should understand the benefits of the work. It is important.' →
It is important for them to understand the benefits of the work.
7) 'She helped me with my presentation. She was very kind.' →
It was very kind of her to help me with my presentation.
8) 'He should do his homework by tomorrow. It is v

178. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞
는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [6월 부산
The Republic of South Africa is a country
located at the southern tip of Africa, with a
2,798 km coastline on the Atlantic and Indian
Oceans. To the north (A) [lay / lie] Namibia,
Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are
Mozambique and Swaziland. This country is
known for its diversity in languages. Eleven
languages are (B) [official / officially]
recognized. English is the most commonly
spoken language in official and commercial
public life; however, it is only the fifth
most-spoken language at home. Although 79.5%
of the South African population is black, the
people are from various ethnic groups (C)
[speaking / spoke] □□□□□ □□□□□.
□□□□□ official □□□□□.
□□□□□ spoken □□□□□.
□□□□□ speaking □□□□□.
□□□□□ spoken □□□□□.
Step1. ‘lie’와 ‘lay’ 구별하기
‘lie’는 자동사로 ‘놓여

If you had to write a math equation, you probably
wouldn't write, "Twenty-eight plus fourteen equals
forty-two." It would take too long to write and it would
be hard to read quickly.
(A) For example, the chemical formula for water is H2O.
That tells us that a water molecule is made up of two
hydrogen ("H" and "2") atoms and one oxygen ("O")
(B) You would write, "28 + 14 = 42." Chemistry is the same
way. Chemists have to write chemical equations all the
time, and it would take too long to write and read if
they had to spell everything out.
(C) So chemists use symbols, just like we do in math. A
chemical formula lists all the elements that form each
molecule and uses a small number to the bottom right
of an element's symbol to stand for the number of
atoms of □□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
지문은 수식을 풀어서 쓰기보다는 간단히 기호와 숫자를 사용하는 것이 효율적이라는 내용을 수학과 화학에 빗대어 설명하고 있습니다. 먼저 (B)에서 수학에서 식을 간단히 쓰는 예시(28+14=42)를 들어 화학도 마찬가지임을 언급하고, 이어 (A)에서

1. If she will leave today or not doesn't matter.1)
→ □□□□□
2. I want to know that the girl is from America or
→ □□□□□
3. If you will try your best, you will get good
→ □□□□□
4. Do you know if he leaves for London
→ □□□□□
. Ha □□□□□ go to scho□□□ stay
문장 전환 예시
1) It doesn't matter whether she will leave today or not.
2) I want to know whether the girl is from America or not.
3) Whether you will try your best or not, you will get good

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Ying Liu wanted to stop his six-year-old son, Jing, from
watching so much TV. He also wanted to encourage
Jing to play the piano and ① to do more math. The
first thing Ying did was prepare. He made a list of
his son's interests. It ② was included, in addition to
watching TV, playing with Legos and going to the
zoo. He then suggested to his son ③ that he could
trade TV time, piano time, and study time for Legos
and visits to the zoo. They established a point system,
④ where he got points whenever he watched less TV.
Dad and son monitored the process together. As Jin □□□□□.
위 글에서 ②번 “It was included”는 주어 “It”이 가리키는 ‘리스트’가 ‘무엇을 포함했다’는 의미로는 “It inc

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점]
고1 2019(9월)/23
Social relationships benefit from people giving
each other compliments now and again because
people like to be liked and like to receive
compliments. In that respect, social lies such as
making deceptive but flattering comments (“□□
like your new haircut.”) may benefit mutual
relations. Social lies are told for psychological
reasons and serve both self-interest and the
interest of others. They serve self-interest because
liars may gain satisfaction when they notice that
their lies please other people, or because they
realize that by telling such lies they avoid an
awkward situation or discussion. They serve the
interest of others because hearing the truth all the
time (“You look much older now than you did a
few years ago.”) could damage a person’s
confidence and self-esteem.
① ways to differentiate between truth and lies
② roles of self-esteem in building relationships
③ importance
글의 내용은 사회적 거짓말이 대인관계에서 주는 영향과 그 긍정적 효과에 대한 설명에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 서로를 기분 좋게 만들어 주거나 어색한 상황을 피하기 위해

Pattern 2. 간접의문문
Part 1
Choose the correct word:
알맞은 단어를 고르시오.
1. Do you know (where she is / where is she)
2. I'm not sure (that / whether) he likes the book
or not.2)
3. I asked (if / what) she could help me.3)
4. Could you tell me (where is the post office /
where the post office is)?4)
5. I'd like to know (why she is happy / why is
she happy).5)
6. I wonder (where I put the bag / where did I
put the bag).6)
7. Do you know (what movie she wants to see /
what movie does she want to see)?7)
8. (Do you think who / Who do you think) that
woman is?8)
9. (Who do you know / Who do you □□□□□).□□
간접의문문에서는 의문문이 종속절이 되기 때문에 주어+동사 어순을 유지하고, 의문사 없이 ‘예/아니오’로 답할 수 있는 질문이라면 if나 whether를 사용합니다.
1. where she is
2. whether
3. if
4. where

23. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
The teddy bear is a ① stuffed toy bear. Strangely enough,
the Teddy Bear Effect refers to the phenomenon where a
passive listener appears ② to give wisdom to a speaker
without doing anything other than ③ listen. Suppose you ask
someone a question ④ expecting to learn something from the
answer. You often discover the answer for yourself simply
through the act of expressing the question verbally. In this
situation, the listener □□□□□.
어색한 곳은 (3) listen 부분입니다. 뒤에 나오는 “without doing anything o

I met at the magic show
everyone will love
I really wanted to take
I have never tried before
5. I signed up for a magic class □□□□□. 5)
6. The teacher is the man □□□□□. 6)
7. He teaches me something □□□□□. 7)
8. Somed □□□□□.
해석 및 풀이
아래 문구들을 적절한 위치에 넣어 맞는 의미의 문장을 완성합니다. 영어에서 관계대명사(that)를 사용해 수식 대상을 연결할 수 있습니다.
1) 5번: I signed up for a magic class that I really wanted to take
2) 6번: The teacher

34. We're often told that newborns and infants are comforted by
rocking because this motion is similar to what they experienced
in the womb, and that they must take comfort in this familiar
feeling. This may be true; however, to date there are no
convincing data that demonstrate a significant relationship
between the amount of time a mother moves during pregnancy
and her newborn's response to rocking. Just as likely is the idea
that newborns come to associate gentle rocking with being fed.
Parents understand that rocking quiets a newborn, and they very
often provide gentle, repetitive movement during feeding. Since
the appearance of food is a primary reinforcer, newborns may □□□□□ because they have been
conditioned through a process of associative learning. [3점]
* womb: 자궁 reinforcer: 강화물
① acquir □□□□□ motio
□□□□□ bloo□
아기는 조건형성(associative learning)에 의해 부드러운 흔들림이 음식(일차적 강화물)의 도입과 연관된다는 사실을 학습합니다. 따라서