인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
<보기> • I met Ms. Lim. • She is our English teacher. → I met Ms. Lim, who is our English teacher. 1. 1) • I am reading a book. • I borrowed the book from the library. 2. 2) • I have a dog. • It likes to play with cats. 3. 3) • The student is from China. • He sits next to me. 4. 4) • Hangeul is the Korean alphabet. • It was invented in 1443. 5. 5) • Jessica read the letter. • It made her smile. 6. 6) • People don't like the actor. • He is a liar. 7. 7) • □□□□□ki □□□□□. • □□□□□.
Below are the sentences combined using who, which, or that: 1) I am reading a book that I borrowed from the library. 2) I have a dog that likes to play with cats. 3) The student who sits next to me is from China. 4) Ha
두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 1 He can jump so high that he can touch the ceiling. → He can jump high □□□□□ the ceiling. 2 The bus was so big that I couldn't drive it. → The bus was □□□□□. 3 Mary is so strong that she can lift the table by herself. → Mary is □□□□□ the table by herself. 4 Peter was so fast that he won the race easily. → Peter was □□□□□ the race easily. 5 The camera was so cheap that young students could buy it. → The camera was □□□□□. 6 That bag is so small that □□□□□. → □□□□□.
1) He can jump high enough to touch the ceiling. 2) The bus was too big for me to drive. 3) Mary is strong enough to lift the table by herself. 4) Peter w
Judy: Mark, please close the window. (ask) → Judy asked Mark to close the window. 1. Jane: Be quiet! Paul. (tell)1) → Jane told paul to be quiet 2. Tom: Don't be late, Yuri! (tell)2) → Tom □□□□□ 3. Mom: Judy, don't turn on the TV. (tell)3) → Mom □□□□□ 4. teacher: Julie, can you tell me the answer please? (ask)4) → The teacher □□□□□ 5. Jenny: John, don't forget to bring your camera. (ask)5) → □□□□□ 6. woman: You can have some cake. (allow)6) → □□□□□ 7. Judy: You can use my camera. (allow)7) Ann: Thanks. → □□□□□ 8. Jenny: You should exercise every morning. (advise)8) Paul: OK, I will. → □□□□□ 9. J□□□□□ a □□. (tell)9, □□□□□.
Step1. 직접화법 문장 분석 화자가 누구인지, 명령
■ Rewrite the sentences using if. if를 사용한 문장으로 다시 쓰시오 <보기> It can't fly because it doesn't have wings. → If it had wings, it could fly. 1. He doesn't keep his promises, so I don't trust him.1) → If he kept his promises, I trusted him. 2. She can't get a job because she is so lazy.2) If she wasn't so lazy, she could get a job. 3. Because I am not dressed up, I can't go outside.3) If I could go outside, I was dressed up. 4. I am able to see well because I'm wearing my glasses.4) If I wasn't wearing my glasses, I wasn't able to see well. 5. Since he's not very good at playing basketball, he can't become a basketball player.5) If he could become a basketball player, he was very good at playing basketball. 6. As I don't know Amy's address, I can't send her a card.6) If I could send her a card, I knew Amy's address. 7. I didn't get up early, so I was late for school.7) 8. Ann can't help us because she has homework. □□□□□.8) □□□□□.9) □□□□□, □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장을 조건절(가정법) 문장으로 바꾼 예시입니다. 1) He doesn’t keep his promises, so I don’t trust him. → If he kept his promises, I would trust him. 2) She can’t get a job because she is so lazy. → If she weren’t so lazy, she could get a job. 3) Because I am not dressed up, I can’t go outside. → If I were dressed up, I could go outside. 4) I am able to see well because I’m wearing my glasses. → If I weren’t wearing my glasses, I wouldn’t be able to see well. 5) Since he’s not very good at playing basketball, he can’t become a basketball player. → If he were very good at playing basketball, he could become a basketball player. 6) As I do
A 우리말과 일치하도록 ( )안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 1 나는 나쁜 성적을 받을 것이 걱정이 된다. (worried about, get) — I'm □□□□ poor grades. 2 이 제품은 살 만한 가치가 있다. (be worth, buy) — This product □□□□□. 3 우리의 다음 단계는 해결책을 찾는 것이다. (find out, the solution) — Our next step is □□□□□. 4 나는 오늘 저녁에 외식하고 싶다. (feel like, eat out) — I □□□□□ tonight. 5 그는 신문 읽는 것을 끝마쳤다. (finish, read) — He □□□□□ the newspaper. 6 Sarah는 나의 질문에 답하는 것을 피했다. (avoid, answer) — Sarah □□□□□ my questi□□□□.
아래와 같이 동사+동명사(V-ing)와 일부 표현을 적절히 활용하여 문장을 완성할 수 있습니다. 1) I’m worried about getting poor grades. 2) This product is worth buying. 3) Our next step is to find out the
42. □□□□ □□ □□□□□의 의미가 □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□ 것은?42) ① Although she lives on the seashore, she cannot swim. → Lives on the seashore, she cannot swim. ② Because he is not old enough, he couldn't watch that movie. → Because he being not old enough, he couldn't watch that movie. ③ Being a popular singer, he will hold a solo concert. → If he will be a popular singer, he will hold a solo concert. ④ As she smiled, she hugged the cute dog. → Smiling, she hugged the cute dog. ⑤ □□□□□ □□□□□, she □□□□□ □□□□□. → □□□□□, she □□□□□ □□□□□.
정답은 4번입니다. ‘As she smiled, she hugged the cute dog.’을 ‘Smiling, she hugged the cute
48. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?48) ① Listen, I have some stories to tell you. ② I'm so sad. I have no friend to help me. ③ I'm hungry. I want something to eat good. ④ I have lots of homework to do. I have no time to play now. ⑤ I need to go shopping. I want a nice jacket to wear at the camp. 49. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?49) ① Do you have a book to read? ② Jenny has no friends to talk. ③ Give me some water to drink. ④ I have much work to do today. ⑤ There are many things to see in the zoo. 50. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?50) ① I want some music to listen. ② There are many books to read. ③ I have a house to live in. ④ I need a friend to talk to. ⑤ I need a pen to write with. 51. 다음 밑줄 □□□□□. □□□□□s. □□□□ an I □□□□□. □□□□□.
Step1. to부정사와 전치사 필수 여부 파악 각 문장에서 동사와 연결되는 전치사가 필
Part 7 Choose the correct one: 알맞은 것을 고르시오 1. I saw the smoke (comes / coming) out of the house.1) 2. The girl (is planting / □□□□□) the flowers is my friend Jisu.2) 3. The people (are watching / □□□□□) the movie look so bored.3) 4. He was looking for a strange object (flying / □□□□□) in the sky.4) 5. There are lots of leaves (□□□□□ / falling) on the bench.5) 6. Anne is looking at the house (□□□□□ / □□□□□) in red.6) 7. The room (painting / painted) in light pink is my baby's.7) 8. The boy (□□□□□ / picked) up trash is my son.8) 9. Are you reading a book (writing / □□□□□) in English?9) 10. There are birds (□□□□□ / sung) in the woods.10) 11. Who is that farmer (□□□□□ / wear / wore) a straw hat?11) 12. The cell phones (□□□□ / making) in Korea are used around th□□□.12) □□□. □□□□□
Step1. 현재분사와 과거분사의 의미 차이 확인 현재분사는 어떤 동작이
■ Use the given words to complete the sentences: 주어진 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오. get 12. If you ______ (get) enough sleep, you will feel healthier. 13. If she ______ (eat) that mayonnaise, she will be sick. 14. What ______ (happen) if I press this button? 15. He will turn on the heater if it ______ (get) too cold. 16. If the T-shirt ______ (suit) me, I ______ (buy) it. 17. If you open the door, the cat ______ (run away). 18. I ______ (give) them a present if they ______ (behave). 19. If they ______ (not, stay) outside, they ______ (not, be) all wet. 20. If you put engine oil in water, you ______ (pollute) it. 21. If people don't protect rainforests, many important animal and plant species ______ (not survive). 22. If you ______ (talk) to him, he will understand your decision. 23. If □□□□□, □□□□□. □□□□□. cut (pull out □□□□□).
아래와 같이 문장을 완성할 수 있습니다. 이 문장들은 일반적으로 ‘조건절(if절)은 현재 시제, 결과절은 미래 시제’를 사용하는 1형 조건문을 적용합니다. 1) (12) If you get enough sleep, you will feel healthier. 2) (13) If she eats that mayonnaise, she will be sick. 3) (14) What will happen if I press this button? 4) (15) He will turn on the heater if it gets too cold. 5) (16) If the T-shirt suits me, I will buy it. 6) (17) If you open the door, the cat will run away. 7) (18) I will give them a
28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Impressionist paintings are probably most popular; it is an easily understood art which does not ask the viewer ① to work hard to understand the imagery. Impressionism is ‘comfortable’ to look at, with its summer scenes and bright colours ② appealing to the eye. It is important to remember, however, that this new way of painting was challenging to its public not only in the way that it was made but also in ③ that was shown. They had never seen ④ such ‘informal’ paintings before. The edge of the canvas cut off the scene in an arbitrary way, as if snapped with a camera. The subject matter included modernizati□□□□□scape; rail□□□□□; □□□□□ subjects been consid□□□□□.
정답은 ③ that입니다. 해당 문장에서는 “어떤 점이 보여졌는가”라는 의미를 표현해야 하므로, 관계사 what을 사용해야 올바른 문장이 됩니다. 즉,
40. It's fall here. The leaves are turning yellow, red and brown.(40) A B C 41. I made a soap and I gave it to my friend.(41) A B C 42. It was a very dark and quiet in the evening.(42) A B C 43. This question was so difficult, so I couldn't answer it.(43) A B C 44. Let's get inside. It's getting dark.(44) A B C 45. Look at this doll! - It is very pretty.(45) A B C 46. It is dangerous to ride a bike at night.(46) A B C 47. What's the weather like today? It's very windy.(47) A B C 48. It is useless to find faults with others.(48) A B C 49. This is my new watch. - It's very nice.(49) A B . □□□□□. . □□□□□.
아래는 일반적으로 출제되는 분류(A: 지시대명사, B: 가주어, C: 비인칭주어)를 가정했을 때, 각 문장에 대한 용법 분류 예시입니다: • (40) “It’s fall here…” → (C) 비인칭주어(계절, 날씨) • (41) “…I gave it to my friend.” → (A) 지시대명사(soap을 가리킴) • (42) “It was a very dark and quiet…” → (C) 비인칭주어(주변 환경) • (43) “I couldn’t answer it.” → (A) 지시대명사(question을 가리킴) • (44) “It’s getting dark.” → (C) 비인칭주어(주변 환경) • (45) “It is very pretty.” → (A) 지시대명사(바로 앞의 인형을 가리킴) • (46) “It is dan