인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
39. However, we live in a society where gender roles and boundaries are not as strict as in prior generations. Gender research shows a complex relationship between gender and conflict styles. ( ① ) Some research suggests that women from Western cultures tend to be more caring than men. ( ② ) This tendency may result from socialization processes in which women are encouraged to care for their families and men are encouraged to be successful in competitive work environments. ( ③ ) There is significant variability in assertiveness and cooperation among women, as well as among men. ( ④ ) Although conflict resolution experts should be able to recognize cultural and gender differences, they should also be aware of within-group variations and the risks of stereotyping. ( ⑤ ) Culture and gender may affect the way people □□□□□ □□□ □□ □□□□□ to □□□□□ □□ □□□□□.
갈등 양상과 젠더 간의 복잡한 관계는 사회화 과정과 문화적 기대가 큰 역할을 한다는 점을 시사합니다. 서구 문화권에서 여성이 남성보다 더 돌보는 성향이 강하다는 연구 결과도 문화적 배경과 사회화 과정을 통해 어느 정도 설명됩니다. 그러나 집단 내 차이도 상당하여, 동일한 성별이나 문화적 배경을 가졌다고 해서 일률적인 갈등 처리 방식이나 행동
B 우리말과 일치하도록 ()안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오. 1 그 남자는 통화를 하면서 앉아 있었다. (the man, phone, sat, the, on, talking) → The man sat on the phone, talking. 2 Susie가 입은 저 치마는 꽤 비싸다. (Susie, skirt, worn, that, by) → That skirt worn by Susie is quite expensive. 3 저쪽에서 날 기다리고 있는 소년은 Tim이다. (there, over, the boy, for, waiting, me) → The boy over there is waiting for me is Tim. 4 Tony는 이야기 나누기에 아주 흥미로운 사람이다. (to, very, to, person, a, talk, interesting) → Tony is a very interesting person to talk to. 5 이것이 그 파파라치에게 찍힌 그 사진이다. (by, picture, taken, the, paparazzi, the) → This is the picture taken by the paparazzi. 6 내 남자친구에 □□□□□
정답 1) The man sat talking on the phone. 2) That skirt worn by Susie is quite expensive. 3) The boy over there waiting for me is Tim.
35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [3점] Many of us live our lives without examining why we habitually do what we do and think what we think. Why do we spend so much of each day working? Why do we save up our money? ① If pressed to answer such questions, we may respond by saying "because that's what people like us do." ② But there is nothing natural, necessary, or inevitable about any of these things; instead, we behave like this because the culture we belong to compels us to. ③ As we try to find answers to the questions of cultural diversity, we realize that cultures are not about being right or wrong. ④ The culture that we inhabit shapes how we think, feel, and act in □□□ most □□□□□. □□□ is not in s□□□□□. □□ re
(3)번 문장이 전체 흐름으로 보았을 때 부적절합니다. 글은 문화가 우리의 사고와 행동을 자연스럽게 이끈다는 점을 일관되게 강조하고
76. Choose two that are grammatically correct.(76) ① If he were honest, he would have been hired. ② If it were not raining, we could having lunch on the grass. ③ If he had not have dinner at the restaurant, he would not meet her. ④ If I won the lottery, I would buy a cool sports car. ⑤ If □□□□□. good, □□□□□.
위 문장에서 문법적으로 올바른 문장은 ④와 ⑤입니다. ①은 가정법 과거 시제를 사용했다면 결과절도 과거 시제를 유지하는 것이 자연스러워야 하고, ②는 “could have lunch”가 맞습니다. ③은 ‘had not had dinn
31. 다음 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 쓰임이 같은 것끼리 짝지 어진 것은?31) • I plan ⓐto study abroad next year. • I saved my money ⓑto buy an MP3 player. • She has no brush ⓒto paint with. • My plan is ⓓto leave at 3:00 p.m. • I don't have enough ti□□□□□□□. ○, □□, ○, ○
a는 동사의 목적어(plan to study), b는 부사적 용법(목적), c는 형용사적 용법(brush를 수식), d
두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞을 말을 쓰시오. 1 It seems that the cello is fairly expensive. →The cello seems ______ to be ______ fairly expensive. 2 It seems that no one has walked this path. → No one seems ______ to have walked ______ this path. 3 It appears that the plant has been well cared for. →The plant appears ______ to have been ______ cared for. 4 It seemed that the thief had stolen the diamond. → The thief seemed ______ to ______ the diamond. 5 It seemed that the doctor had a lot of work to do. → The doctor seemed ______ ______ a lot of work to do. 6 It se□□□□□. → □□□□□.
해설 영어 문장 전환에서, 'It seems/seemed that + 주어 + 동사(시제)' 구조는 주어를 앞으로 배치하고 'to + 동사원형' 또는 'to have + 과거분사' 형태로 바꿔서 같은 의미를 전달합니다. 과거시제수동태는 'to have + p.p.' 또는 'to have been + p.p.'
48. We call him a genius.\(^{48}\) → He □□□□ a genius. 49. We can call the machine a computer.\(^{49}\) → The machine □□□□□ a computer. 50. We must give penguins food by hand.\(^{50}\) → Penguins □□□□□ food by hand. 51. Mother made □□□□□. □□□□□.
48) He is called a genius. 49) The machine can be called a computer. 50) P
7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Non-verbal communication is not a substitute for verbal communication. Rather, it should function as a supplement, ① serving to enhance the richness of the content of the message that is being passed across. Non-verbal communication can be useful in situations ② where speaking may be impossible or inappropriate. Imagine you are in an uncomfortable position while talking to an individual. Non-verbal communication will help you ③ get the message across to him or her to give you some time off the conversation to be comfortable again. Another advantage of non-verbal communication is ④ what it offers you the opportunity to express emotions and attitudes properly. Without the aid of non-verbal communication, there are several aspects of your nature and personality □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 4번입니다. 문장 구조상 what 대신 “that”과 같은 접속사를 사용하여 “Another advantage of
우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오. 1 내가 지난주에 샀던 스마트폰이 작동되지 않는다. (the, last week, bought, which, I, smartphone) isn't working. 2 나는 음식이 매우 맛있는 식당을 안다. (a, food, very, is, delicious, whose, restaurant) → I know . 3 이것은 그녀가 보살피고 있는 강아지이다. (dog, of, the, is, which, she, taking, care) → This is . 4 그는 내가 선물을 주었던 남자이다. (gave, a, whom, the man, I, present, to) → He is . 5 나는 엄마가 유명한 배우인 한 소녀를 만났다. (a girl, whose, actress, is, a, mom, famous) → I met .
Step1. 관계대명사로 두 문장을 결합 주어진 단어
29. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?29) ① □□□ I need is something to drink. ② This is □□□ you need when you open tins of food. ③ Never put off till tomorrow □□□ you can do today. ④ I didn't like □□□ my brother bought at the store. ⑤ Sean loves to walk with his dog □□□ name is Jay. 30. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 관계대명사가 같은 것끼리 바 르게 짝지어진 것은?30) ① Just tell me □□□ you want. ② Thank you for □□□ you've done for me. ③ The test result was not □□□ I expected. ④ □□□□□ I □□□□□
29번에서는 문맥상 what을 쓰는 문장이 1, 2, 3, 4번이고, 5번은 소유격 관계대명사인 whose를 써야 하므로 나머지와 다릅니다. 따라서 다른 하나는 5번입니다. 30번에서
73. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은? (정답 2개)73) ① Born in the city, she could do anything. ② Having not met him before, I couldn't talk to him. ③ Never being sick, he could participate in the race. ④ Tiring from work, I went home earlier than usual. ⑤ Being dr□□□□□.
Step1. 각 분사구문의 형태와 의미 확인