인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
14. It's not surprised that they lost the match.
15. It is possible to changing the plan.
16. Is that helpful to take a vitamin pill?
17. It is hardly to lose weight.
18. It is not easy to being a parent.
19. That is wrong to tell a lie.
20. It □□□□□.
다음 문장들은 영어 문법적으로 어색하므로, 출제 의도에 맞게 동사 형태나 표현을 수정해 주어야 합니다. 각각 바르게 고치면 다음과 같습니다.
14. It's not surprising that they lost the match.
15. It is possible to change the plan.
16. Is it helpful to take a vitamin pill?

If we create a routine, we don't have to expend precious
energy every day prioritizing everything. We must simply expend
a small amount of initial energy to create the routine, and then all
that is left to do is follow it. There is a huge body of scientific
research to explain the mechanism (A) □□□□ / by which routine
enables difficult things to become easy. One simplified
explanation is that as we repeatedly do a certain task the
neurons, or nerve cells, (B) □□□□ / making new connections
through communication gateways called 'synapses.' With
repetition, the connections strengthen and it becomes easier for
the brain to activate them. For example, when you learn a new
word it takes several repetitions at various intervals for the
word to be mastered. To recall the word later you will need to
activate the same synapses until eventually you know the word
□□□□□ (C) □□ / □□□□.
□□□□□ m□□□□□ them
□□□□□ m
□□□□□ m
□□□□□ i
□□□□□ make
정답은 (3)인 by which … make … them입니다.
• (A) 자리에 by which를 쓰는 이유는 앞선 'the mechanism'과 이어져, '그 메커니즘에 의해(routine enables difficult things to become easy)'라는 의미를 표현하기에 적합하기 때문입니다.
• (B) 자

Part 12
■Find out grammatical errors and correct them.
문법적 오류를 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오.
1. They □ been at the camp for three days.1)
→ □□□□□
2. The President has visited our town in 2010.2)
→ □
3. Peter has returned from London □ week ago.3)
→ □□□
4. Has Kyle ever riden a horse? No, never.4)
→ □□□□□
5. I have lost my key yesterday.5)
→ □□□□□
6. Has she been at home yesterday night?6)
→ □□□□□
7. The cat has caught a mouse a few minutes
→ □□□□□
8. The postman didn't brought your package last
→ □□□□□
9. My father hasn't used to drink coffee, but he
does now.9)
→ □□□□□
10. There have been a lot of people at Ann's □□□.
→ □□□□□
아래는 각 문장의 올바른 형태입니다:
1) They have been at the camp for three days.
2) The President visited our town in 2010.
3) Peter returned from London a week ago.
4) Has Kyle ever ridden a horse? No, never.
5) I lost my key yesterday.
6) Was she at home last night?
7) The ca

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Certainly praise is critical to a child's sense of
self-esteem, but when given too often for too little, it kills
the impact of real praise when it is called for. Everyone
needs to know they are valued and appreciated, and praise
is one way of expressing such feelings — but only after
something praiseworthy has been accomplished. Awards are
supposed to be rewards—reactions to positive actions,
honors for doing something well! The ever-present danger in
handing out such honors too lightly is that children may
come to depend on them and do only those things that they
know will result in prizes. If they are not sure they can do
well enough to earn merit badges, or if gifts are not
guaranteed, they may avoid certain activities.
① 올바른 □□□□□
본문에서는 과도한 칭찬이나 보상을 남발하면 아이들이 오히려 칭찬과 보상에만 의존하게 되어, 스스로 노력하지 않을 수 있다

[10-11] 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.
10 그 질문은 그에 의해 답변될 수 있다.
① The question is answered by him.
② The question is being answered by him.
③ The question can be answered by him.
④ The question can □□□□□ by him.
⑤ The question can □□□□□ by him.
[13-15] ( )안에 주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰시오.
13 The vacation will □□□□□ by my parents. (plan)
14 The dog was seen □□□□□ in the park. (run)
15 The children were made □□□□□ the room by Mr. Brown. (leave)
[16-19] 다음 문장을 수동태로 바꿀 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
16 Amy taught them English.
- They □□□□□ by Amy.
11 그 사진들이 Lisa에 의해 그에게 보내졌다.
① The pictures □□□□□ him by Lisa.
② The pictures were sent him by Lisa.
③ The pictures were sent to him by Lisa.
④ The pictures were sent for him by Lisa.
⑤ The pictures were sent of him by Lisa.
12 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은?
① Did the cake was made by you?
② I didn't □□□□□ to her birthday party.
③ She was seen □□□□□.
Step1. 문장의 주어와 목적어 확인
능동문의 주어(행

Pattern 1 동아(윤정미)
• They were used two days ago.
• It has a variety of street food.
• It is very close to the park.
• It made her very depressed.
• He lives in the Netherlands.
9. Kate finished cleaning the dishes, _______________, 9)
10. My family will go to China, _______________, 10)
11. My friend, _______________ coming to Korea tomorrow. 11) _______________ is
12. David moved to his _______________ _______________ _______________, _______________
다음과 같이 관계대명사를 사용하여 문장을 연결할 수 있습니다:
(9) Kate finished cleaning the dishes, \(which ext{ were used two days ago}\).
(10) My family will go to China, \(which ext{ has a variety of street food}\).
(11) My friend, \(who ext{ lives in the Netherlands}\)

다음을 수동태 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.
1 Tina will take care of two boys.
- Two boys
2 The results of the election surprised me.
- □□□□□
3 Her behavior disappointed me.
- □□□□□
4 My grandmother looked after the lost dog.
- □□□□□
5 The French cook looked down on my cooking.
- □□□□□
6 They □□□□□.
- □□□□□
다음은 각 문장을 수동태로 바꾼 예시입니다:
1) Two boys will be taken care of by Tina.
2) I was surprised by the results of the election.
3) I was disappointed by her behavior.

33. What is unusual about journalism as a profession is □□□□. In theory, practitioners
in the classic professions, like medicine or the clergy,
contain the means of production in their heads and hands,
and therefore do not have to work for a company or an
employer. They can draw their income directly from their
clients or patients. Because the professionals hold
knowledge, moreover, their clients are dependent on them.
Journalists hold knowledge, but it is not theoretical in
nature; one might argue that the public depends on
journalists in the same way that patients depend on doctors,
but in practice a journalist can serve the public usually only
by working for a news organization, which can fire her or
him at will. Journalists’ income depends not on the public,
but on the employing news organization, which often derives
the large majority of its revenue from advertis□□□□□.
i. □□□□□.
i... social influence.
문장에서 언론인은 일반적인 전문직과 달리 독립성이 부족하다는 점이 핵심적으로 드러납니다. 의사나 성직자는 개별 고객(환자 또는 신도)으로부터 직

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Humans are so averse to feeling that they're being cheated
① that they often respond in ways that seemingly make little
sense. Behavioral economists — the economists who actually
study ② □□□□ people do as opposed to the kind who simply
assume the human mind works like a calculator — have
shown again and again that people reject unfair offers even if
③ it costs them money to do so. The typical experiment uses a
task called the ultimatum game. It's pretty straightforward.
One person in a pair is given some money — say $10. She
then has the opportunity to offer some amount of it to her
partner. The partner only has two options. He can take what's
offered or ④ refused to take anything. There's no room for
negotiation; that's why it's called the ultimatum game. What
typically happen? □□□□□
부정사 to 동사구와 병렬되는 동사 형태가 어색하게 쓰였습니다. 'He can take what's offered or refused to take anything'는 *

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a tough
problem as an interesting challenge to take on. A stressful
meeting with our boss becomes an opportunity to learn. A
nervous first date becomes an exciting night out with a new
person. A colander becomes a hat. In general, curiosity
motivates us to view stressful situations as challenges rather
than threats, to talk about difficulties more openly, and to
try new approaches to solving problems. In fact, curiosity is
associated with a less defensive reaction to stress and, as a
result, less aggression when we respond to irritation.
* colander: (음식 재료의 물을 빼는 데 쓰는) 체
① importance of defensive reactions in a tough situation
② curiosity as the hidden force of positive re□□□□es
...□□□□□ curiosity
글 전체에서 호기심이 스트레스를 극복할 때 긍정적인 관점을 갖게 해주고 위협이 아니라 도전으로 보게 한다는 점을 강조하고 있습니

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Whenever I look into my daughter Emily's face, I think about the power of fatherhood. Her face reminds me ① that I have given her more than just my name. Like me, she has freckles stretching across the bridge of her nose almost like a Band-Aid. The skin around her eyes ② forms small and thin lines, and the lines match mine. “When Emily smiles,” my mother tells me, “she looks just like you.” Other things in her are reflections of me. I see myself most ③ clearly in her eyes, the windows to her soul. Like me, Emily has a drive ④ succeed and will try anything. “Who needs to wait for instructions?” she used to tell ⑤ herself as she attempted □□□□□ in □□□□□. □□□□□ or □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 (4) succeed입니다. 문맥상 “Emily has a drive to succee