인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Who hasn't used a cup of coffee to help themselves stay awake while studying? Mild stimulants commonly found in tea, coffee, or sodas possibly make you more attentive and, thus, better able to remember. ① However, you should know that stimulants are as likely to have negative effects on memory as they are to be beneficial. ② Even if they could improve performance at some level, the ideal doses are currently unknown. ③ If you are wide awake and well-rested, mild stimulation from caffeine can do little to further improve your memory performance. ④ In contrast, many studies have shown that drinking tea is healthier than drinking coffee. ⑤ Indeed, if you have too mu□□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
전체적으로 글은 카페인의 기억력 효과와 적정 섭취량 등에 대해 논의하고 있으며, 과도 섭취 시 부작용이 생긴다는 점을 강조한다. 그러나 ④번 문장은 차(tea)가 커
46. She is drawing the picture.46) ) 47. He gave me his photo.47) 48. He will pay one million won.48) 49. The police didn't catch the thief.49) 50. Careless driving causes many accidents.50) 51. All Koreans love the singer.51) 52. Their parents should teach them good behavior.52) 53. The door was broken by my friend.53) by □□□□ I 54. Jane cleaned the bathroom.54) 55. Minsu didn't send the letter. □□□□□
문장들을 수동태로 전환하면 다음과 같습니다. 1) She is drawing the picture. => The picture is being drawn by her. 2) He gave me his photo. => I was given his photo by him. (또는 His photo was given to me by him.) 3) He will pay one million won. => One million won will be paid by him. 4) The police didn't catch the thief. => The thief wasn't caught by the police. 5) Careless driving causes many accidents. => Many accidents are caused by careless driving. 6) All Koreans love the singer. => The singer is loved by all Koreans. 7) Their parent
65. 다음 중 짝지어진 문장의 현재완료 용법이 서로 다른 것은?(65) ① I have already finished my homework. He has just done it. ② Sam has reduced food waste since last year. Dojin has recycled things for three years. ③ He has forgotten her address. She has gone to America. ④ How long have you been in Korea, Jessica? We have hurt the Earth so much until now. ⑤ I have lost my wallet. Can you lend me some □□□□□. □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□. □□□□.
각 문장에서 사용된 현재완료 시제의 의미를 비교하면, ⑤번 문장의 두 문장은 서로 다른 용법으로 쓰였습니다. 첫 번째 문장 “I have lost my wallet.”은 과거에 지갑을 잃어버려 지금까
20. 다음 문장을 수동태로 알맞게 바꾼 것은?20) Did Gaudi make Casa Mila? ① Did Casa Mila made by Gaudi? ② Did Gaudi made by Casa Mila? ③ Was Gaudi made by Casa Mila? ④ Was Casa Mila made Gaudi? ⑤ Was Casa Mila made by Gaudi? 21. 다음 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것을 모두 고르면?21) 이 동화는 안데르센이 썼다. ① The fairy tale was written Andersen. ② Andersen wrote the fairy tale. ③ The fairy tale wrote by Andersen. ④ Andersen writes the fairy tale. ⑤ The fairy tale was written by Andersen. 22. 다음 문장을 수동태로 바르게 전환한 것은?22) She made the cookies yesterday. ① The cookies were made on yesterday by her. ② The cookies were made for her yesterday. ③ The cookies were made yesterday by her. ④ The cookies was made yesterday by her. ⑤ The cookies was made for her yesterday. 23. 다음 문장을 수동태로 바꿀 때 알맞은 것은?23) He broke the window. ① The window is broken by he. ② □□□□□
Step1. 20번 문제 해결 정답은 ⑤ ‘Was
37. Mirrors and other smooth, shiny surfaces reflect light. We see reflections from such surfaces because the rays of light form an image on the retina of our eyes. (A) Keep your eyes on the reflected image while you are writing and not on your paper. After a little practice, it will be easier to write "backwards." When your friend receives such a message he will be able to read it by holding the paper up to a mirror. (B) Stand a mirror upright on the table, so that a piece of paper on the table can be clearly seen in the mirror. Now write a message that looks right when you look in the mirror. (C) Such images are always reversed. Look at yourself in a mirror, wink your right eye and your left eye seems to wink back at you. You can use a mirror to □□□□□.
이 글의 흐름상, 먼저 (C)에서 거울 속 상이 좌우가 바뀌어 보인다는 사실을 설명합니다. 이어서 (A)에서 이를 활용해 거울을 보며 ‘거꾸로 쓰기’를 연습해서 암호 메시지를 만들 수
39. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?39) • I didn't know that she had seen the movie. • They had lived in Seoul before they moved to Tokyo. • I recognized the man at once since I had met him before. • The meeting had already finished when I had entered the meeting room. • The teacher would gotten angry because I hadn't done my homework. • She had never practiced the song before she sang it on the stage. • Sam never saw the beautiful beach before he had gone to the East Sea. • He had lost hi□□□□□.
Step1. 문장별 시제 및 동사 구조 점검
Part 5 ■Put the following words in the right order: 다음 단어들을 알맞은 순서로 배열하시오. 1. 어린이들이 많은 좋은 책을 읽는 것은 중요하다. 1) (many, to, it, books, read, is, good, for, important, children) 2. 네가 이 강에서 수영하는 것은 위험하다.2) (is, for, swim, dangerous, in, river, it, you, to, this) 3. 그가 이것을 선택한 것은 매우 현명했어.3) (was, him, very, one, to, it, of, this, wise, choose) 4. 나는 나의 개가 잘 강아지 침대를 샀다.4) (dog, a, on, bought, I, for, my dog, bed, to, sleep) 5. Alice가 우리를 파티에 초대한 것은 매우 친절했 어요.5) (was, invite, party, very, to, to, kind, of, it, Alice, us, the) 6. 어린 학생들이 휴대폰 사용을 조절하는 건 쉽지 않아.6) (is, not, control, their, it, young, usage, to, easy, for, students, cell phone) 7. 아이들이 여기에서 야구를 하는 것은 위험하다.7) (play, is, children, □□□□□, □□□□□)
아래는 영어 문장으로 배열한 예시입니다. 1) It is important for children to read many good books. 2) It is dangerous for you to swim in this river. 3) It was very wise of him to choose this one. 4) I bought a bed for my dog to sleep on. 5) It
50. Which sentence is grammatically correct? Choose two.50) ① It is very kind for her to help me. ② It was so stupid of him to make such a mistake. ③ It is useless of you to ask him for money. ④ It was generous for her to serve a free meal to the poor boy. ⑤ It □□□□□.
문장 구조상 of + 사람은 그 사람의 성격이나 행위를 평가할 때 사용합니다. 예: It was kind of her to help me. 반면에 for + 사람은 그 사람이 겪는 상황이나 행동의 난이도를 표현합니다. 예: It is difficult for us to solve. (2) 'It
28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, ① where they beat and rubbed it against rocks. Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that ② automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries. With ③ its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance. It not only cleans clothes, but it ④ is so with far less water, detergent, and energy than washing by hand requires. ⑤ Compared with the old washers that sque□□□□□cess □□□□□'s
정답: ④ 문맥상 “이 기계는 세탁을 할 뿐 아니라, 그 일을 훨씬 적은 자원으로 수행한다”라는 의미를 전달하려면, \( is \)가 아니라 \( does \)
look different can drive a car have two bikes 8. If I were rich, I __________ □□□□□. 8) 9. If I were president, I __________ □□□□□. 9) 10. If my hair were red, I __________ □□□□□. 10) 11. If we were classmates, we __________ □□□□□ every day. 11) 12. If I __________ □□□□□ I would travel with my friend□□□□□.
정답 예시: 8. If I were rich, I would buy a nice car. 9. If I were president, I would help the poor. 10. If my hair were red, I would look different. 11. If we
C 빈칸에 알맞은 동사를 보기에서 골라 적절한 시제로 바꿔 쓰시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것) [1-4] 보기 be eat hear check 1 An elephant only □□□ plants, not meat. 2 Robert □□□ a strange sound last night. 3 Tim is back from Greece. He □□□ to Greece three times. 4 I □□□□ my email every day. Emails are important to my work. [5-8] 보기 have walk help teach 5 The singer □□□ a lot of fans in Korea now. 6 My father □□□□ math at a high school since 1905 I □□□□□ to school when □□□□□. □□□□.
Step1. 첫 번째 빈칸들 (1-4) 채우기 문맥에 맞게 시제를 적용