인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
Pattern 1. 사역동사+□□□□□
Part 1
Choose the correct forms of the verbs:
동사의 알맞은 형태를 고르시오.
1. This great joke made me (to laugh / laughed /
2. Emma got her sister (buy / to buy) some
3. The teacher always makes us (be / been) quiet.3)
4. Yesterday, mom lets me (stayed up / stay up)
5. I had my brother (go / to go) there instead of
6. Let me (help / to help) you fix the computer.6)
7. Sad movies always make me (to cry / cry).7)
8. He helped her (raising / to raise) a lot of
1) laugh
2) to buy
3) be
4) stay up
5) go
6) help
7) cry
8) to raise
9) do
10) look
사역동사(make, let

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
When two people are involved in an honest and open
conversation, there is a back and forth flow of information.
It is a smooth exchange. Since each one is drawing on their
past personal experiences, the pace of the exchange is as
fast as memory. When one person lies, their responses will
come more slowly because the brain needs more time to
process the details of a new invention than to recall stored
facts. As they say, "Timing is everything." You will notice
the time lag when you are having a conversation with
someone who is making things up as they go. Don't forget
that the other person may be reading your body language as
well, and if you seem to be disbelieving their story, they
will have to pause to process that information, too.
① delayed responses as a sign of lying *lag: 지연
② ways listeners encourage t□□□□□
지연된 반응이 거짓말의 증거가 될 수 있음을 강조하고 있으므로, 가장 적절한 주제는 ①번입니다. 본문에서 솔직한 대화는 원활하고 빠른 정보 교환이 이루어지

1 저 나무 옆에 서 있는 개는 늙어 보인다. (stand)
→ The dog □□□□□ next to that tree looks old.
2 이것은 내가 앉아서 텔레비전을 보는 소파이다. (the sofa, sit on)
→ This is □□□□□ and watch TV.
3 이 가방이 내가 찾고 있었던 것이다. (look for)
→ This bag is □□□□□.
4 내가 제안한 해결 방법은 효과가 없었다. (the solution, suggest)
→ □□□□□ didn't work.
5 테니스를 치고 있는 소년은 내 동생이다. (the boy, tennis)
→ □□□□□ is my brother.
6 네 □□□□□.
1) The dog standing next to that tree looks old.
2) This is the sofa (that) I sit on and watch TV.
3) This bag is what I was looking for*

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Foraging is a means of searching for wild food resources.
This is a method ① that has been used for a long time and is
possibly the longest method of food searching, tracing back to
thousands of years ago. In the past, people commonly foraged
for food in forests, riversides, caves, and virtually any place
where food could possibly ② be found. Most of the foods
foraged before ③ were root crops, weeds, shrubs, and many
more. Now, foraging has become a rising trend. People in
today's fast-paced society ④ engaging in this either for
necessity or for entertainment. Whatever purpose it may be,
□□□ □□ □□□ slowly but surely getting acqu□□□□□.
문맥상 (4) engaging은 주어(people in today's fast-paced society)에 맞는

Part 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in the box
골호 안에 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 사용하여 문장
을 완성하시오
11. I watched Tom _______ a bike. 11)
12. I saw a boy _______ on the stage. 12)
1. Can you smell something _______ ?1)
13. I heard the phone _______ 13)
2. I could hear two people _______ each other _______ with
14. I heard someone _______ last night. 14)
3. I'm sure I saw you _______ his hand.3)
15. I felt the wind _______ me tenderly.15)
4. Can you hear Sam _______ ? It's beautiful.4)
16. I listened to Bill _______ on the phone. 16)
5. I could feel something _______ but I didn't know what it was.5) _______ my leg.
6. I couldn't see anything _______ 6)
7. I'm sure I heard him _______ to you.7)
8. Judy watched Sam _______ away.8)
9. Have you lost s _______ □□□□□)
아래는 문장마다 들어갈 동사의 알맞은 형태(주로 동명사 또는 동사원형)입니다.
1) burning
2) arguing
3) holding
4) singing
5) touching
6) move
7) talk
8) walk
9) look
10) shake
11) ride
12) dance
13) ring

34. One dynamic that can change dramatically in sport is the
concept of the home-field advantage, in which perceived
demands and resources seem to play a role. Under normal
circumstances, the home ground would appear to provide
greater perceived resources (fans, home field, and so on).
However, researchers Roy Baumeister and Andrew
Steinhilber were among the first to point out that these
competitive factors can change; for example, the success
percentage for home teams in the final games of a playoff
or World Series seems to drop. Fans can become part of the
perceived demands rather than resources under those
circumstances. This change in perception can also explain
why a team that's struggling at the start of the year
will □□□□□ to reduce perceived
demands and pressures. [3점]
* perceive: 인식하다 playoff: 우승 결정전
① often welcome a road trip
팀이 시즌 초반에 부진할 때, 홈팬들의 기대가 오히려 압박이 될 수 있습니다. 이런 심리적 부담을 줄이기 위해선 홈에서 벗어나 원정 경기

20. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은?20)
① Being too cold, we had to put off the plan.
② Caught a cold, I was absent from school. ✗
③ He studies hard but he hardly ever get an A. ✗
④ The program helped him give up to smoke. ✗
⑤ The book whose cover wa□□□□□.
1)은 주어가 ‘we’이므로 ‘Being too cold’ 표현이 부자연스럽습니다. 2)는 ‘Having caught a cold’가 적절하며, 3)은 동사 get의 3인칭 단수 형태인 ge

40. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I asked him what he was there for.
② Why didn't you eat what I cooked for you?
③ They took away what the girl was carrying.
④ Junk food is what fat people should not have.
⑤ The present was totally different from what he
41. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① That's not what I meant.
② What made him so angry?
③ What she said surprised me.
④ What you believe is not always true.
⑤ Animal documentaries are what I enjoy watching.
42. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① What we saw there amazed me.
② What made you laugh?
③ Wha□□□□□.
Step1. 문장별 what의 쓰임 구별
각 문제(40, 41, 42)에서 지

33. All improvement in your life begins with an
improvement in your □□□□□. If you talk
to unhappy people and ask them what they think about
most of the time, you will find that almost without fail,
they think about their problems, their bills, their negative
relationships, and all the difficulties in their lives. But
when you talk to successful, happy people, you find that
they think and talk most of the time about the things that
they want to be, do, and have. They think and talk about
the specific action steps they can take to get them. They
dwell continually on vivid, exciting pictures of what their
goals will look like when they are realized, and what their
dreams will look like when they co□□□□.
□□□□□ physical competence
□□□□□ movement
위 지문에서는 성공적이고 행복한 사람들은 생생하고 흥미로운 그림을 머릿속에 떠올리며, 목표와 꿈이 실현되었을 때의 모습을 구체적으로 상상한다고 강조

|| to부정사의 형용사적 용법
put on
27. I know a lot of fun stories□□□□□ the
28. He is the son for his parents □□□□□
proud of.28)
29. I need some food □□□□□
30. I have no time □□□□□. Let's do it right
31. There's nothing interesting □□□□□ on
32. I need ski gloves □□□□□
33. She is not the kind of student □□□□□
such a thing.33)
34. It's very hot today. I need some□□□□□
In □□□□□
to부정사의 형용사적 용법을 사용하여 명사를 꾸며주는 예시입니다. 각각 빈칸에는 다음과 같은 to부정사가 알맞습니다:
27) to tell
28) to be
29) t

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Who hasn't used a cup of coffee to help themselves stay
awake while studying? Mild stimulants commonly found in
tea, coffee, or sodas possibly make you more attentive and,
thus, better able to remember. ① However, you should know
that stimulants are as likely to have negative effects on
memory as they are to be beneficial. ② Even if they could
improve performance at some level, the ideal doses are
currently unknown. ③ If you are wide awake and well-rested,
mild stimulation from caffeine can do little to further
improve your memory performance. ④ In contrast, many
studies have shown that drinking tea is healthier than
drinking coffee. ⑤ Indeed, if you have too mu□□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
전체적으로 글은 카페인의 기억력 효과와 적정 섭취량 등에 대해 논의하고 있으며, 과도 섭취 시 부작용이 생긴다는 점을 강조한다. 그러나 ④번 문장은 차(tea)가 커