인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
20. Choose the question that is not appropriate for
the blanks Ⓐ~Ⓔ in the below dialogue.(20)
Q1. Ⓐ
A1. My name is Yuna Lee and I go to Seoul Middle
School in Korea. I am applying for this
because I want to be an astronaut.
Q2. Ⓑ
A2. I like math most among all the subjects because
studying it always makes me happy.
Q3. Ⓒ
A3. My favorite sport is running. I do it several
times a week to stay in shape.
Q4. Ⓓ
A4. I'm good at English. My English communication
skills might help me work in space with
foreign people.
Q5. Ⓔ
A5. If I become an astronaut, I want to take
pictures of the moon.
① Ⓐ Could you introduce yourself to us?
② Ⓑ Can you tell us what your favorite subject is?
③ Ⓒ Please let us know what □□□□□.
④ Ⓓ □□□□□.
⑤ Ⓔ □□□□□.
모든 질문을 답변과 연결해 보면, a(자기소개) → A1, b(가장 좋아하는 과목) → A2, c(좋아하는 운동과 빈도) → A3, e(우주인이 되었을 때 하고 싶은 일) → A5는

33. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① I will eat what you order.
② What's your favorite subject?
③ This is what she drew yesterday.
④ What I want to know is his name.
⑤ Renoir could create what he wanted.
34. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① What can I do instead?
② This is what she thought.
③ What you are saying is a lie.
④ I understand wh□□□□□.
문장에서 what이 명사절로 쓰인 경우와 의문사로 쓰인 경우를 구분해야 합니다.
33번에서는 (2)의 What's your favorite subject? 문장 속 what이 의문사로 쓰여 나머

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3
점] [2015 수능, 57%]
During the early stages when the aquaculture industry
was rapidly expanding, mistakes were made and these
were costly both in terms of direct losses and in respect
of the industry's image. High-density rearing led to
outbreaks of infectious diseases that in some cases ①
devastated not just the caged fish, but local wild fish
populations too. The negative impact on local wildlife
inhabiting areas ② close to the fish farms continues to be
an ongoing public relations problem for the industry.
Furthermore, a general lack of knowledge and insufficient
care being taken when fish pens were initially constructed
③ meaning that pollution from excess feed and fish waste
created huge barren underwater deserts. These were costly
lessons to learn, but now stricter regulations are in place
to ensure that fish pens are placed in sites ④ where there
is □□□□□ to □□□□□.
어법상으로는 밑줄 친 (3) 'meaning'이 문맥에 맞지 않으며, 문장의 흐름상

주격 관계대명사
Part 5
■ Find out grammatical errors and correct them:
문법적 오류를 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오.
1. She wanted to buy the dress who had a red
who → which
2. Once there was a farmer who are very poor.2)
are → is
3. There are a boy and a dog which are running
in the playground.3)
which → that
4. He decided to get married with Maggie which
is tall and beautiful.4)
which → who
5. I have a friend who come from Japan.5)
come → came
6. The children that are playing soccer is my
is → are
7. I like people which has nice smiles.7)
which → who
8. I talked to a man □ was very sad.8)
was → who
9. Bring me the lamp that it is on the table.9)
that → which
10. We'll go to a restaurant who has a children's
who → that
11. I lik□ □□ □□□ □□□ □□□.
□□□□ → □□□□
아래와 같이 문장을 고쳐 쓸 수 있습니다.
1) She wanted to buy the dress which had a red ribbon.
2) Once there was a farmer who is very poor.
3) There are a boy and a dog that are running in the playground.
4) He decided to get married with Maggie who is tall and beautiful.
5) I have a friend who comes from Japan.
6) The children that a

6. That was Jason that prepared breakfast for us.6)
That → It
7. It was this morning that I hear the sad news.7)
□□□□□ → □□□□□
8. It was she that I met in the park yesterday.8)
□□□□□ → □□□□□
9. It is gloves what Cathy wants to buy.9)
what → which
10. It was yesterday that we go out for a walk.10)
□□□□□ → □□□□□
11. It was on Friday where Mary helped me with
my homework.11)
□□□□□ → □□□□□
12. It is this camera what I want to buy Minho.12)
what □□□□□ → □□□□□
□ □ □ □ □ □ → □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Step1. cleft sentence 구조 파악
강조하고 싶은 내용이

Part 3
Underline the adjective clause in each
각 문장의 형용사절에 밑줄 치시오.
1. The meeting I went to was interesting. 1)
2. I must thank the people I got a present from. 2)
3. The picture she was looking at was beautiful.3)
4. The man Anne was waiting for was late.4)
5. The topic that Judy talked about was interesting.5)
6. The book I borrowed from the library is
fantastic! You should read it too!6)
7. She didn't like the letter she received last week.7)
8. All the pictures Picasso painted are very
9. The wallet which my son found in the street
belonged to Martha.9)
10. The first thing that he did this morning was
to check his email.10)
11. I like the shirt that Jane bought yesterday.11)
12. What did □□□□ do with the money your mother
gave you?12)
□□□□□ d u helped yesterday wa□□□□□.
16. The girls who I saw in the park was singing.16)
17. The music which I listened to was very
18. I am reading the letter which you sent to m
아래는 각 문장에 포함된 형용사절을 괄호 안에 표시한 예시입니다:
1) The meeting (I went to) was interesting.
2) I must thank the people (I got a present from).
3) The picture (she was looking at) was beautiful.
4) The man (Anne was waiting for) was late.
5) The topic (that Judy talked about) was interesting.
6) The book (I borrowed from the library) is fantastic!
7) She didn’t like the letter (she received last week).
8) All the pictures (Picasso painted) are very valuable.
9) The wallet (which my son found in the street) belonged to Martha.
10) The first thing

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
The belief that humans have morality and animals don't is
such a longstanding assumption that it could well be called a
habit of mind, and bad habits, as we all know, are extremely
hard ① to break. A lot of people have caved in to this
assumption because it is easier to deny morality to animals
than to deal with the complex effects of the possibility ② that
animals have moral behavior. The historical tendency, framed in
the outdated dualism of us versus them, ③ is strong enough to
make a lot of people cling to the status quo. Denial of who animals
are ④ convenient allows for maintaining false stereotypes
about the cognitive and emotional capacities of animals. Clearly
a major paradigm shift is □□□□□. □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 ④ convenient 이다. 문맥상 “Denial of who animals are is co

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Think, for a moment, about something you bought that you never ended up using. An item of clothing you
never ended up wearing? A book you never read? Some piece of electronic equipment that never even made
it out of the box? It is estimated that Australians alone spend on average $10.8 billion AUD (approximately
$9.99 billion USD) every year on goods they do not use—more than the total government spending on
universities and roads. That is an average of $1,250 AUD (approximately $1,156 USD) for each household. All
the things we buy that then just sit there gathering dust are waste—a waste of money, a waste of time, and
□ □ □ □ □ □ □. H □ ilton observes 'The d□□□□□.
이 글은 사놓고도 사용하지 않는 물건이 야기하는 낭비 문제를 강조하며, 소비와 실제 사용 간의 차이에서 발생하는 낭비의 심각성을 지적한다. 따라서 “

1. 그 편지들은 어제 그의 □ □ □ 읽혀졌다.
read, letters
2. 이 기계는 나의 아버지에 의해서 □ □ □ 되었다.
machine, invent, father
3. 오렌지는 한국으로 □ □ □.
oranges, import, into
4. 그 희곡은 William Shakespeare에 의해 □ □ □.
play, write
5. 며칠 전 나는 개한테 □ □ □.
a few days ago.
6. 전화는 언제 □ □ □ 되었습니까?
□, □, k
8. 그 문은 John에 □ □ □ 잠겼다.
door, lock
9. 그 아이들은 경찰에 □ □ □ 발견되었다.
find, the police
10. 그 약속은 모든 사람에 □ □ □ 지켜졌다.
promise, keep, everybody
11. 그 장면에서 많은 배우들이 □ □ □ □ 입었다.
actor, injure
at the
12. 그들은 종이가 중국 사람들에 의해 □ □ □ □ 고 믿었다.
believe, a paper, invent, Chinese
13. 이 쿠키들은 우리 엄마에 의해 □ □ □.
these cookies, bake, my mom
아래는 각 문장을 능동태와 수동태로 표현한 예시입니다.
1) He read the letters yesterday. / The letters were read by him yesterday.
2) My father invented this machine. / This machine was invented by my father.
3) Korea imports oranges. / Oranges are imported into Korea.
4) William Shakespeare wrote that play. / That play was written by William Shakespeare.
5) A dog bit me a few days ago. / I was bitten by a dog a few days ago.
6) When did they invent the telephone? / When was the telephone invented?
7) They speak French in Canada. / French is spoken in Canad

41. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?41)
a. She helped him last year by saving her allowance.
b. When he was six, he moved to London.
c. In 1988, the Olympics have been held in Korea.
d. We have known each other since we were
middle school students.
e. He has got a phone call from Sally two weeks ago.
f. They haven't finished the meal yet.
g. I have talked to the teacher yesterda□.
어색한 문장은 과거 시점 부사(ago, yesterday 등)와 함께 현재완료를 사용한 c),

[1-3] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
You □□□□ study now. You have
an important exam tomorrow.
① can't
② may not
③ must not
④ have to
⑤ used to
I □□□□ swim in the morning. I
don't anymore.
① can
② will
③ should
④ used to
⑤ had better
You □□□□ hurry, or you will be
late for the meeting.
① can
② will
③ had better
④ used to
⑤ would like to
4 보기의 밑줄 친 부분과 그 의미가 같은 것은?
보기 | She may use my laptop.
① Jen may be late for the train.
② The rumor may be true.
③ You may go to the concert.
④ She may not li□□□□□.
1) have to
문맥상 중요한 시험을 앞두고 있으므로, 반드시 공부해야 함을 나타내는 표현이 적절합니다.
2) used to
이제는 더 이상 하지 않는 과거의 습관을 나타낼 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.
3) had better