인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적
절한 것은?
The Republic of South Africa is a country located at
the southern tip of Africa, with a 2,798 km coastline on
the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. To the north (A) □□ /
□□ Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are
Mozambique and Swaziland. This country is known for
its diversity in languages. Eleven languages are
(B) □□□□□ / □□□□□ recognized. English is the most
commonly spoken language in official and commercial
public life; however, it is only the fifth most-spoken
language at home. Although 79.5% of the South
African population is black, the people are from
various ethnic groups (C) □□□□□ / □□□□□ different
Bant □□□□□
(A)에는 lie가 적절합니다. 위치나 놓여 있는 상황을 표현할 때는 ‘lie’를 사용하기 때문입니다. (B)에는 동사를 수식하는 부사 형태인 officially가 바른 표현이며, (C

32. We have to recognize that there always exists in us the
strongest need to utilize all our attention. And this is
quite evident in the great amount of displeasure we feel
any time the entirety of our capacity for attention is not
being put to use. When this is the case, we will seek
□. If we are playing a
chess game with a weaker opponent, we will seek to
supplement this activity with another: such as watching TV, or
listening to music, or playing another chess game at the same
time. Very often this reveals itself in unconscious movements,
such as playing with something in one's hands or pacing around
the room; and if such an action also serves to increase
pleasure or relieve displeasure, all the better.
\* supplement: 보충하다
① to please others with what we are good at
② to pay mo□□□□□ task
따라서 전체 주의력이 충분히 사용되지 않을 때 남은 주의력을 분출하거나 활용할 수 있는 outlet을 찾는다는

42. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?(42)
• They felt the building shake last night.
• I heard them to playing violins and flutes.
• Did you hear someone walking in the room?
• She thought they saw rabbits run on the grass.
• James watched the boys pla□□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장의 구문 확인
각 문장에

11. We can enjoy the world because we have
such inventions.11)
12. She is very shy, so she doesn't have many
13. As he tells a lie to us, we don't like him.13)
14. Because I didn't have a camera, I didn't take
any photographs.14)
15. Kevin doesn't join the □□□□□. He
doesn't □□□□□.
이 문장들은 모두 이유를 나타내는 접속사(because, so, as)를 사용하여 앞뒤 문장을 연결하는 예시입니다. 예를 들어, 문장 11은 "왜 우리가 세상을 즐길 수 있는가"에 대한 이유를 'because'로 연결하고, 문장 12는 결과를 'so'를 통해 설명합니다. 문장 13은 'as'를 써서 거짓말을 했기 때

83. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장끼리 알맞게 짝지어진
① It being fine, we went on a picnic.
② Being no seat, I had to sit on the floor.
③ Kept quiet, you can hear the sounds of nature.
④ Not known her, I just passed by her at the
⑤ When asked what to do, she said □□□□.
□ ① □ ② □ ③ □ ④ □ ⑤
① 문장은 분사구문에서 ‘It being ~’ 형태가 적절하여 어법상 옳습니다. ⑤ 문장도 ‘When asked ~’ 구문이 올바르게 사용되어 옳습니다.
②는 ‘There be

Part 2
Put the following words in the right order:
다음 단어들을 알맞은 순서로 배열하시오.
1. 그가 부자인지 아닌지는 중요하지 않다.1)
→ □ □ □ important. (is, or, he, not, whether, rich) is
2. 그 과학자가 노벨상을 받든 안 받든 난 상관 안
한다. 2)
→ I don't care □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
(will, the Nobel Prize, the, scientist, win, if)
3. 나는 내 친구가 회복될 수 있을지 알고 싶어.3)
→ I want to know □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
(my, if, or, will, friend, recover, not)
4. 네가 성공하는지 실패하는지는 너의 노력에 달려
→ □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
(□ □ □ □ □ □ □)
1) Whether he is rich or not is not important.
2) I don’t care if the scientist will win the Nobel Pri

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Some researchers assumed early human beings ate mainly
the muscle flesh of animals, as we ① do today. By "meat,"
they meant the muscle of the animal. Yet focusing on the
muscle appears to be a ② relatively recent phenomenon. In
every history on the subject, the evidence suggests that
early human populations ③ preferred the fat and organ meat
of the animal over its muscle meat. Vihjalmur Stefansson, an
arctic explorer, found that the Inuit were careful to save
fatty meat and organs for human consumption ④ while giving
muscle meat to the dogs. In this way, humans ate as other
large, meat-eating mammals eat. Lions and tigers, for
instance, first □□□□□, □□□□□, □□□□□ d brains of the
문맥상 ⑤leave 대신 leaving과 같이 분

1 I am sorry that my apartment isn't big.
- I wish □□□□□
2 I am sorry that she found out the truth.
- I wish □□□□
3 I am sorry that I didn't read more books when I was young.
- I wish □□□□□
4 In fact, my sister is not a teacher.
- My sister talks as if □□□□□
5 In fact, he was not a pilot.
- He acts as if he □□□□
6 In fact, Emil □□□□□.
- □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장의 바람직한 변환 예시입니다.
1) I wish my apartment were bigger.
2) I wish she hadn't found out the truth.
3) I wish I had read more books when I was young.
4) My sister talks as if

103. Which of the following is not correct
conversion from the active to the passive
① David accepted his proposal.
= His proposal was accepted by David.
② Minho moved his chair.
= His chair was moved by Minho.
③ Did she check the e-mail?
= Was the e-mail checked by her?
④ My uncle doesn't grow trees.
= Trees weren't grew by my uncle.
⑤ He will br□□□□□.
정답은 4번입니다.
문장에서 “My uncle doesn't grow trees.”의 수동태는 “Trees aren’t grown by my uncle.”

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Rather than attempting to punish students with a low
grade or mark in the hope it will encourage them to give
greater effort in the future, teachers can better motivate
students by considering their work as incomplete and then
requiring additional effort. Teachers at Beachwood Middle
School in Beachwood, Ohio, record students' grades as A, B,
C, or I(Incomplete). Students who receive an I grade are
required to do additional work in order to bring their
performance up to an acceptable level. This policy is based
on the belief that students perform at a failure level or
submit failing work in large part because teachers accept it.
The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no longer
accept substandard work, students will □□□□□.
이 글은 낮은 점수로 처벌하기보다 미완성(Incomplete) 상태로 두고 보완·재도전의 기회를 주어 학습 동기를 높이는 방법이 더 효과적이라는 요지를 담고

30. The light bulb (invented / was invented) in
the 1880s.30)
31. Those pictures were drawn (with / by) Picasso.31)
32. The hospital (built / was built) in 1999.32)
33. They (hold / are held) the Olympic games every
34. The book (was published / published) in 2010.34)
35. My father (was bought / bought) me a CD.35)
36. My children (are liked / like) pasta.36)
37. I (am helped / was helped) yesterday.37)
38. Milk (is bought / will be bought) everyday.38)
39. Nick (sent / was send / was sent) to the library
40. Liz (gave / was given / □□□□□).
아래는 각 문장에 대한 정답 및 간단한 설명입니다:
1) was invented : 발명된 시점을 말하므로, 과거 수동태가 맞습니다.
2) by : 그림이 피카소에 의해 그려졌음을 말하므로, 전치사는 by가 적절합니다.
3) was built : 과거에 지어졌으므로, 과거 수동태 형식입니다.
4) hold : 올림픽이 매해 정기적으로 열리므로, 현재 시제의 능동태를 사용합니다.
5) was published : 2010년에 출판되었으므로, 과거 수동태입니다.
6) bought : 아버지가 CD를 사 주었다는 문장이므로, 능동태 bought가 맞