인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
1. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
How many of you have a hard time saying no? No matter what anyone
asks of you, no matter how much of an inconvenience it poses for you,
you do what they request. This is not a healthy way of living because by
saying yes all the time you are building up emotions of inconvenience. You
know what will happen in time? You will resent the person who you feel
you cannot say no to because you no longer have control of your life and
of what makes you happy. You are allowing someone else to have control
over your life. When you are suppressed emotionally and constantly do
things against your own will, your stress will eat you up faster than you
can count to three.
① 거절하지 못하고 삶의 통제권을 잃으면 스트레스가 생긴다.
② 상대방의 거절을 감정 □□□□□
글에서는 타인의 부탁을 무조건 수락해 버림으로써 자신의 삶의 통제권을 잃고 결국 스트레스를 크게 받게 된다는 점을 강조합니다. 따라서 거절하지 못

14. 다음 중 각각의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않
은 것은?14)
• It's ____ to keep your word.
• It's ____ to play computer games.
• It's ____ to win the game.
• It's ____ to ride a mountain bike.
① easy ② interesting ③ important
④ hate ⑤ great
15. 다음 중 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓔ에 같은 단어가 들어가는 것끼
리 바르게 짝지어진 것은?15)
• It was nice ⓐ____ you to see my son off.
• It is easy ⓑ____ us to understand his directions.
• It is impossible ⓒ____ him to do push-ups
twenty times.
• It was hard ⓓ____ the children to understand
what he said.
• It is very stupid ⓔ____ him to try to jump
from this building.
① ⓐ,ⓒ ②ⓑ,ⓓ ③ⓒ,ⓔ
④ⓐ,ⓑ,ⓔ ⑤ⓑ,ⓒ,ⓓ
16. 다음 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 들어
To □□□□□
Step1. #14 적절하지 않은 단어 찾기
‘It is + 형용사

Choose the correct word:
알맞은 단어를 고르시오.
1. My teacher is going to (get / have) me take a
special math class next month.1)
2. My aunts are always (letting / asking) us to go
shopping with them.2)
3. My guitar teacher (made / convinced) me to
practice for two hours every night.3)
4. Even though he doesn't like it, his father always
(forces / has) him to go to music lessons after
5. His friends (made / persuaded) him to jump
into □□□□□.□□□□)
Choose the correct word:
알맞은 단어를 고르시오.
7. 'Please don't shout.'
→ She (asked / told) him not to shout.7)
8. 'Can you show me the way?'
→ He (asked / told) her to show him the way.8)
9. 'Turn right at the next corner.'
→ She (asked / told) him to turn right at the next
10. 'Don't worry!'
→ She (asked / told) him not to worry.10)
11. 'Stop!'
→ She (asked / told) him to stop.11)
□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□. □□□□ (□□□□ / □□□□) □□□□□ □□□□ □□□□□.
1) My teacher is going to have me take a special math class next month.
2) My aunts are always asking us to go shopping with them.
3) My guitar teacher made me practice for two hours every night.
4) Even though he doesn't like it, his father always forces him to go to music lessons after school.
5) His friends pers

Part 5
■Complete the sentences with have[has] p.p. or
have[has] been -ing.
다음 문장을 have[has] p.p. 또는 have[has] been -ing
이용하여 완성하시오.
1. Maria ______ (want) to travel
abroad since a long time ago.)
2. He ______ (have) a party for years.)
3. She ______ (know) the truth since
that time.)
4. The Chinese ______ (have) a high
culture for thousands of years.)
5. Jack ______ (have) the yellow bike
for 5 years.)
6. I ______ (plant) only three trees so
7. The children ______ (play) in the
backyard since eight o'clock.)
8. I ______ (see) the movie two times
for two years.)
□□□□□ since he w□□□
1. Maria has wanted to travel abroad since a long time ago.
2. He has had a party for years.
3. She has known the truth since that time.
4. The Chinese have had a high culture for thousands of years.
5. Jack has had the yellow bike for 5 years.
6. I have planted only three trees so far.
7. The children have been playing*

45. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은
<보기> I have read "The Little Prince" three times.
① She has just broken a vase.
② I have worked here since March.
③ He has already finished his homework.
④ Have you ever used a cell phone in class?
⑤ He has gone to London with his family.
46. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은
<보기> Have you ever been to Japan?
① He has just arrived in Seoul.
② I have studied Japanese for 5 years.
③ I have seen a polar be□□□□□.
45번은 과거 경험을 나타내는 경험적 용법입니다. 따라서 4번(“Have you ever used a cell phone in class?”)이 보기와 같

J06 *
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [2점]
provides a change to the
environment for journalists. Newspaper stories,
television reports, and even early online reporting
(prior to communication technology such as tablets
and smartphones) required one central place to
which a reporter would submit his or her news story
for printing, broadcast, or posting. Now, though,
a reporter can shoot video, record audio, and type
directly on their smartphones or tablets and post a
news story instantly. Journalists do not need to report
to a central location where they all contact sources,
type, or edit video. A story can be instantaneously
written, shot, and made available to the entire world.
The news cycle, and thus the job of the journalist,
□□□□□. Thus the "24-hour"
□□□□□ @Sensitivity, □□□□□ @□□□□□,
□□□□□ Responsibility
글에서 기자들이 장소에 구애받지 않고 영상 촬영, 음성 녹음, 기사 작성 등을 스마트기기로 즉시 보도할 수 있게 된 ‘새로운 환경

17. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?17)
• If it was sunny, we would go on a picnic.
• If I had two bikes, I would gave you one.
• If I had an umbrella, I would go out in the rain.
• If I were you, I would exercise harder.
• If I spend my whole day answering letters, □□□□□.
1번 문장은 ‘If it were sunny’가 일반적이며, ‘If it was sunny’는 구어체로 어느 정도 쓰이긴 하지만 여기서는 어법 오류로 간주될 수 있습니다.
2번 문장은 ‘would gave’ 대신 ‘would give’가 되어야 합

47. Choose the sentence that has a different word
from the others in each blank.47)
① ______ the field trip to the museum was short, I
really enjoyed it.
② I practiced playing the piano ______ I felt tired.
③ She could see with her heart ______ she was
④ I couldn't phone you ______ I hadn't got your
phone number.
⑤ There's a ch□□□□□____□□□□□an'□□□□□
빈칸에 들어갈 접속사를 because나 since와 같은 ‘이유’를 나타내는 말로 쓸 수 있는 문장은 4번뿐입니다. 나머지는 모두

6 ① He has better lose weight.
② I would like to go on a trip.
③ The girl must be her cousin.
④ I used to sleep until noon on Sundays.
⑤ John has to wait for his mother.
[7-8] 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것을 고르시오.
7 You don't have to worry about it.
① cannot ② may not
③ must not ④ need not
⑤ should not
8 You can use my car if □□□□□.
□□□ will
문제 6의 문장 중 (1)은 He had better lose weight로 고쳐야 문법적으로 올바릅니다. 다른 문장들은 자연스럽습니다.
7번 문장에서 You don’t have to worry about it은 You need not worry abou

67. 다음 <보기>의 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것으로
가장 잘 짝지어진 것은?(67)
Sora's family has supported him since he was
five years old.
① Have you been to Paris?
② She has finished the project already.
③ I have lived in Jeju for five years.
④ My mother has been in hospital since last
⑤ This watch is the □□□□□.
현재완료 시제 중 과거에 시작된 동작이 현재까지 계속됨을 나타내려면 기간을 나타내는 표현(for, since 등)과 함께 써야 합니다. 예시 문장인 'Sora's family has suppo

18 Anna will pass him the ball.
− Anna will pass the ball to him.
[22-23] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 바르
게 배열하시오.
22 그는 나에게 자신의 책을 돌려달라고 요청했다.
(return, he, book, to, me, his, asked)
19 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 조건에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.
태양은 식물에게 에너지를 준다.
<조건> 1. give, energy, plants를 이용할 것
2. 전치사를 쓸 것
23 나는 네가 나에게 저녁을 만들어 주길 원한다.
(you, to, I, make, want, dinner)
The sun □ □ □.
for me.
[20-21] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장
을 완성하시오.
20 네 목소리가 전화상으로 다르게 들린다.
(sound, different)
Your voice □ □ □
on the phone.
[24-25] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.
24 The doctor advised me □ exercise. That
will keep me □ healthily. (2개)
21 나는 그에게 그의 선생님께 전화를 하라고 시켰다.
In this game, I will show some pic□□□.
해석: '태양은 식물에게 에너지를 준다.'라는 문장을 영어로 만들 때, give, energy, plants를 활용하