인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Even though institutions like the World Bank use wealth
①to differentiate between "developed" and "developing"
countries, they also agree that development is more than
economic growth. "Development" can also include the social
and environmental changes that are caused by or
accompany economic growth, some of ②which are positive
and thus may be negative. Awareness has grown—and
continues to grow—that the question of how economic
growth is affecting people and the planet ③needs to be
addressed. Countries are slowly learning that it is cheaper
and causes ④much less suffering to try to reduce the
harmful effects of an economic activity or project at the
beginning, when it is planned, than after the damage appears.
To do this is not easy and is always imperfect. But an
awareness of the need for such an effort indicates a greater
□□□□□ concern. □□□□□ was □□□□□ focused □□□□□ on □□□□□.
(2)번 문장에서 "some of which are positive and thus may be negative"라는 구문은 앞의 긍정적인 변화와 뒤이어 나오는 부정적인 결

To begin with a psychological reason, the knowledge
of another’s personal affairs can tempt the possessor
of this information ① to repeat it as gossip because
as unrevealed information it remains socially
inactive. Only when the information is repeated
can its possessor ② turn the fact that he knows
something into something socially valuable like
social recognition, prestige, and notoriety. As long as
he keeps his information to ③ himself, he may feel
superior to those who do not know it. But knowing
and not telling does not give him that feeling of
“superiority” that, so to say, latently contained in the
secret, fully ④ actualizing itself only at the moment
of disclosure.” This is the main motive for gossiping
about well-known figures and superiors. The gossip
producer assumes that □□□□□, (or the
subject) of gossip, as □ whose □□□□□
himself, will □□□□ on him.
Step1. 문맥에서 어색한 구문 확인
문장에서 ⑤의

■ Answer the questions as shown in the example:
다음 보기와 같이 질문에 답하시오.
You drank some tea. Did it taste good?
→ Yes, the tea I drank tasted good.
1. You are sitting in a chair. Is it comfortable?
→ Yes, the chair I’m sitting is comfortable.
2. You were looking for a key. Did you find it?
→ Yes, the key I was looking for □□□□.
I found
3. You bought a coat. Does it keep you warm?
→ Yes, the coat I bought is keep me warm.
4. You watched a movie last night. Was it good?
→ Yes, the movie I watched last night was good.
5. You were reading a book. Did you finish it?
→ Yes, I finished the book I was reading.
6. You saw a man. Was he wearing a black suit?
→ Yes, I saw the man wearing a black suit.
7. You are eating now some veget□□□□□. □□□□□?
→ Yes, I □□□□ □□□□□. □□□□□ □□□□ □□□□□ in town.
이 문제는 관계대명사를 사용하여 문장을 연결해 완성해야 합니다. 각 질문에 대해 답변 예시는 다음과 같습니다:
1) Yes, the chair I'm sitting in is comfortable.
2) Yes, I found the key I was looking for.
3) Yes, the coat I bought keeps me warm.
4) Yes, the movie I watched last night

34. Say you normally go to a park to walk or work out.
Maybe today you should choose a different park. Why? Well,
who knows? Maybe it's because you need the connection to
the different energy in the other park. Maybe you'll run into
people there that you've never met before. You could make
a new best friend simply by visiting a different park. You
never know what great things will happen to you until you
step outside the zone where you feel comfortable. If you're
staying in your comfort zone and you're not pushing yourself
past that same old energy, then you're not going to move
forward on your path. By forcing yourself to do something
different, you're awakening yourself on a spiritual level and
you're forcing yourself to do something that will benefit you
in the long run. As they say, __________. [3점]
① variety is the spice of life
② fantas□□□□□cess
이 글의 핵심은 새로운 시도를 통해 더 많은 기회와 가능성을 얻을 수 있다는 점입니다. 편안함에 안주하지 않고 다양한 경험을 쌓을 때 더 풍요로운 삶을 영위할 수 있음을 강조하고 있습니다. 그러

1. who wrote the book which you brought home?
2. We checked everything that we needed.
3. 다음 두 문장을 주어진 말을 사용하여 한 문장으로 쓰시오.
I have read everything. You wrote it. (that)
□ □ □ □ □ □ □.
4. 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 쓰시오.
Mary has a dog.
All the children are afraid of the dog.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □.
5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
She is the one (A) □ □ bought the pictures
□ □ □ □ □ you drew.
9. He is the tallest □ □ I know.
10. This is all the □ □ □ I have.
11. I have a daughter. She is cute. □ □ □ □.
Step1. 공통 명사 확인
두 문장 속에서 같은 대상이 되

11 어떤 자연수에 1.6을 곱해야 할 것을 잘못하여 1.6을 곱하였더니 정답과 오답
의 차가 0.2가 되었다. 이때 어떤 □□□□□.
Step1. 두 결과의 차이를 식으로 표현
자연수를 N이라 두고, 잘못 곱한 수가

빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)
보기 | will be finished stole is being repaired was directed
1 The movie ______ ______ by Mr. Han.
2 Someone ______ ______ my purse yesterday.
3 The work ______ ______ tomorrow.
4 My car ______ ______ by him now.
보기 | will be sent was built is being used
5 The house ______ ______ by my grandfather.
6 My la□□□ ______ ______ by my brother now.
1) was directed
2) stole
3) will be finished
4) is be

16. Henry Ford invented the car.(16)
17. Do people speak English in your country?(17)
18. Mrs. Dorothy bought some bread.(18)
19. She can use the tool to fix the bike.(19)
20. The e-mail will be checked by him.(20)
21. My friend can speak and write French.(21)
22. Mike has painted his hometown since last year.(22)
23. My uncle is building the red villa by the lake.(23)
24. Junsu didn't do his homework yesterday.(24)
25. My father can make some cookies.(25)
위 문장들은 능동태 또는 수동태 형태를 보여 주는 예시입니다. 간단히 살펴보면, 16번(Mrs. Dorothy bought some bread)은 능동태로, 20번(The e-mail will be checked by him)은 수동태로 쓰였습니다. 이처럼 문장의 주어가 동작을 직접 수행하는지(능동태), 아니면 동작을 받는 대상인지(수동태)에 따라 문장 구조와 조동사, 과거분사 등의 사용이 달라집니다.
예문에서 'Will be + p.p.' 형태로 나타나는 것(예: 20번)은 수동태의 전형적인 예입니다. 한편, 'Henry Ford inve

The □ mind is essentially a survival machine.
Attack and defense against other minds,
gathering, storing, and analyzing information—
this is what it is good at, but it is not at all
creative. All true artists create from a place of
no-mind, from inner stillness. Even great
scientists have reported that their creative
breakthroughs came at a time of mental
quietude. The surprising result of a nationwide
inquiry among America’s most famous
mathematicians, including Einstein, to find out
their working methods, was that thinking “plays
only a subordinate part in the brief, decisive
phase of the creative act itself.” So I would say
that the simple reason why the □□□□□.
know □□ to □□□!
위 인용문에서는 문제 해결이나 창의력 발휘를 위해서는 생각을 멈추는 과정이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다. 결국 ‘과학자들이 창의적이지 않은 이유는 생각하는 법을 몰라서가 아니라, *

31. One of the big questions faced this past year was how to
keep innovation rolling when people were working entirely
virtually. But experts say that digital work didn't have a
negative effect on innovation and creativity. Working within
limits pushes us to solve problems. Overall, virtual meeting
platforms put more constraints on communication and
collaboration than face-to-face settings. For instance, with
the press of a button, virtual meeting hosts can control the
size of breakout groups and enforce time constraints; only
one person can speak at a time; nonverbal signals,
particularly those below the shoulders, are diminished;
"seating arrangements" are assigned by the platform, not by
individuals; and visual access to others may be limited by the
size of each participant's screen. Such □□□□□ are
likely to stretch partici□□□□□. □□□□□
□□□□□ 1 □□□□□
□□□□□ 3
정답은 ① restrictions입니다. 글에서 강조된 ‘제한’이 창의력과 혁신에 긍정적인

1. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
How many of you have a hard time saying no? No matter what anyone
asks of you, no matter how much of an inconvenience it poses for you,
you do what they request. This is not a healthy way of living because by
saying yes all the time you are building up emotions of inconvenience. You
know what will happen in time? You will resent the person who you feel
you cannot say no to because you no longer have control of your life and
of what makes you happy. You are allowing someone else to have control
over your life. When you are suppressed emotionally and constantly do
things against your own will, your stress will eat you up faster than you
can count to three.
① 거절하지 못하고 삶의 통제권을 잃으면 스트레스가 생긴다.
② 상대방의 거절을 감정 □□□□□
글에서는 타인의 부탁을 무조건 수락해 버림으로써 자신의 삶의 통제권을 잃고 결국 스트레스를 크게 받게 된다는 점을 강조합니다. 따라서 거절하지 못