인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
65. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 개수를 고르면?65) a The elephant is too big to cross the bridge. b He saved money so that he can buy a car. c I won't eat snack so that I can keep in shape. d He was too short to press for him the button. e He was so tired that he □□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장이 시제와 어법에 맞는지 확인 문장별로 ‘too ~ to’,
34. In most of the world, capitalism and free markets are accepted today as constituting the best system for allocating economic resources and encouraging economic output. Nations have tried other systems, such as socialism and communism, but in many cases they have either switched wholesale to or adopted aspects of free markets. Despite the widespread acceptance of the free-market system, Government involvement takes many forms, ranging from the enactment and enforcement of laws and regulations to direct participation in the economy through entities like the U.S.’s mortgage agencies. Perhaps the most important form of government involvement, however, comes in the attempts of central banks and national treasuries to control and affect the ups and downs of economic cycles. [3점] \* enactment: (법률의) 제정 \*\* entity: 실체 ① markets are rarely left entirely free ② governments □□□□□ to □□□□□anced □□□□□pl□□□□□l □□□□□rse comp□□□□ does □□□□□ profit
지문에는 자유시장 체제를 채택하더라도 정부가 여러 형태로 개입한다는 내용이 강조됩니다. 따라서 빈칸에는 ‘시장이 완전히 자유롭게 남
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Despite all the high-tech devices that seem to deny the need for paper, paper use in the United States ① has nearly doubled recently. We now consume more paper than ever: 400 million tons globally and growing. Paper is not the only resource ② that we are using more of. Technological advances often come with the promise of ③ using fewer materials. However, the reality is that they have historically caused more materials use, making us ④ dependently on more natural resources. The world now consumes far more "stuff" than it ever has. We use twenty-seven times more industrial minerals, such as gold, copper, and rare metals, than we ⑤ did □□□t
정답은 ④입니다. 문맥상 dependently(부사) 대신 dependent(형용사)나 depend(동사) 형태가 와야
28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Are you honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses? Get to really know ① yourself and learn what your weaknesses are. Accepting your role in your problems ② mean that you understand the solution lies within you. If you have a weakness in a certain area, get educated and do ③ what you have to do to improve things for yourself. If your social image is terrible, look within yourself and take the necessary steps to improve ④ it. TODAY. You have the ability to choose how to respond to life. Decide today to end all the excuses, and stop ⑤ lying to yourself about □□□□□. □□□□□ to □□□□□ally □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 ② mean입니다. 동명사(accepting)가 문장
son 1 | 관계대명사 what Pallarm 2 NE능률(김성곤) Part 7 Find grammatical errors and correct them: 문법적 오류를 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오. 1. You should follow which your teachers said.1) which what 2. The thing what I want is to get an A on the test.2) what that 11. I received the pet dog what I wanted to buy. 11) what which 12. This book is that I bought yesterday.12) that what 13. Don't put off that you can do today. 13) that what 3. I like the doll what Judy gave to me as a gift.3) what which 4. I can't understand which he's saying.4) which what 5. I will give you which you want.5) which what 6. I believe the things what she is talking about.6) what that 7. This isn't which I want you to do.7) which what 8. What I wanted to buy is some coc □□. 8) □□ □□□ □□ □□ □□ □□ □□. □□) that what
Step1. 문장에서 필요한 관계대명사를 파악하기 문맥을 보고 선행사가 있
Part 4 ■Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 다음 문장의 오류를 고치시오. 1. I go to school for to learn English.1) 2. I went to town for meet my friends.2) 3. I go jogging every day keep fit.3) 4. I'm calling my friend invited her to come to my house.4) 5. She went to the park playing with her friends.5) 6. I watch TV in English to learning more words.6) 7. I practise the piano in order getting better.7) 8. I cleaned the kitchen for help my mom.8) 9. We're going to Egypt in order see
아래와 같이 고칠 수 있습니다: 1) I go to school to learn English. 2) I went to town to meet my friends. 3) I go jogging every day to keep fit. 4) I’m calling my friend to invite her to come to my house. 5) She went to the park to play with her friends. 6)
1. 너는 그것이 뭔지 아니? know what is 2. 너는 이게 어떻게 발생하는지 알고 싶니? , how, happen 3. 그는 나에게 그 영화가 언제 시작하는지 물었다. , will, start 4. 그가 어디에 사는지 내게 말해 주세요. , , live 5. 저는 당신의 취미가 무엇인지 알고 싶어요. , know, hobbies 6. 나는 그가 파티에 올 것인지 모르겠다. , will, , , say 8. 나는 그들이 왜 화가 났는지 이해하지 못하겠다. , 9. 아무도 그가 어디로 갔는지 모른다. , , 10. 너는 과학자들이 왜 나를 화성에 보냈는지 아니? , , Mars 11. 그 숙녀는 그녀가 누군지 몰랐다. , 12. Tom은 그가 16살인지 궁금하다. , 13. 나는 그의 직업이 무엇인지 궁금했다. ,
1) Do you know what it is? 2) Do you want to know how this happens? 3) He asked me when the movie starts. 4) Please tell me where he lives. 5) I want to know what your hobby is. 6) I don’t know if he will come to the party. 7) I couldn’t understand what he was saying.*
Part 11 ■Fill in the blanks so that two sentences have the same meaning: 다음 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸을 채우시오. 1. 그 콘서트에 가기 위해서 그녀는 표를 두 장 예매 했다.1) She □□□□□ the concert book, that, go, the concert 6. 준호는 잘 자기 위해 불을 껐다.6) Junho □□□□□ the light, that, well 2. 나는 컴퓨터를 켜기 위해서, 버튼을 눌렀다.2) I □□□□□ the button, that, turn on 7. 그는 가난한 사람들을 돕기 위해 인도로 갔다.7) He □□□□□ to, the poor 3. 나는 시내지도를 얻기 위해, 관광 안내소에 갔었다. 3) I □□□□□ the tourist information, that, get, 8. 우리는 행복한 삶을 살기 위해 좋은 습관을 길러 야해.8) We □□□□□ habits, lives □□□□ a city map. 4. 나는 첫 기차를 놓치지 않으려고 일찍 일어났 4) I □□□□□ an
Step1. 첫 번째 문장 변환 She booked two tic
59. Which one is NOT natural?59) ① These pants are so small that I can't wear them. ② Julie was so happy that she smiled all day long. ③ Danny was so surprised that he could not say anything. ④ Junho speaks so fast that I can understand him. ⑤ Amy □□□□□. □□□.
자연스럽지 않은 문장은 4번입니다. '말이 너무 빨라서 이해하기 어렵다'라는 의미가 일반적으로
13. Although he is not old enough, he is very → □□□□□, he is very wise wise and thoughtful. and thoughtful. 14. Since he doesn't have a car any more, he has → □□□□□, he has to use to use public transportation. public transportation. 15. If you turn right, you'll find the restaurant on → □□□□□, you'll find the your left. restaurant on your left. 16. As he had bought a brand-□□□□□.
가능한 예시 답안은 다음과 같습니다. 13) Though not old enough, he is very wise and thoughtful. 14) Not having a car any more, he has to use public transportation. 15) Tu
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Even though institutions like the World Bank use wealth ①to differentiate between "developed" and "developing" countries, they also agree that development is more than economic growth. "Development" can also include the social and environmental changes that are caused by or accompany economic growth, some of ②which are positive and thus may be negative. Awareness has grown—and continues to grow—that the question of how economic growth is affecting people and the planet ③needs to be addressed. Countries are slowly learning that it is cheaper and causes ④much less suffering to try to reduce the harmful effects of an economic activity or project at the beginning, when it is planned, than after the damage appears. To do this is not easy and is always imperfect. But an awareness of the need for such an effort indicates a greater □□□□□ concern. □□□□□ was □□□□□ focused □□□□□ on □□□□□.
(2)번 문장에서 "some of which are positive and thus may be negative"라는 구문은 앞의 긍정적인 변화와 뒤이어 나오는 부정적인 결