인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
--- 126. 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사(that 제외)를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만들고 생략이 가능한 관계대명사를 괄호로 묶으시오. (1) This is the newspaper. Our class made the □□□□□. (2) The boy is cleaning the floor. He wears glasses. 127. 다음 두 문장을 who, which, that 중에서 한 개를 활용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오. (1) This is a book. We use it in classes. (2) Tim was not there. I wanted to see him. 128. 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오. (1) My friend likes the song. I used to sing the □□□□. (2) I have a dog. My father bought me the dog for my birthday present. (3) She saw a man. I was talking to the man in the street. 129. 다음 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오. (1) This is (in / dress / / □□□ / th□□□□□). ---
Step1. 접속할 명사 확인 두 문장에서 반
כ C 빈칸에 알맞은 동사를 보기에서 골라 부정형으로 써서 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것) [1-5] (현재형으로 쓸 것) 보기 bite need talk use work 1 We □□□ any help. 2 These dogs □□□ people. 3 My parents □□□ paper cups. 4 Harry is a quiet boy. He □□□ □□□ much. 5 This printer is very old. It □□□ □□□ well. [6-10] (과거형으로 쓸 것) 보기 cry watch meet stop wash 6 I □□□ the quiz show. 7 She □□□ at the sad news. 8 The car □□□ at the red light. 9 You □□□ your hands! They are dirty. 10 I □□□ Tiffany last night. 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 ○, 틀리면 바르게 고치시오. 1 He don't like hip-hop music. 2 I don't enjoy computer games. 3 She didn't understood the question. 4 The festival didn't start last Monday. 5 My sister didn't eats dinner last night. 6 They didn't left home □□□□□
Step1. 현재형 부정문 완성 주어(인칭, 수)에 따라 do not 혹은 d
E03 * 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] 고1 2015(9월)/29 Though he probably was not the first to do it, Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey gets credit for putting two lenses on either end of a tube in 1608 and ① creating a "spyglass." Even then, it was not Lippershey but his children who discovered ② that the double lenses made a nearby weathervane look bigger. These early instruments were not ③ much more than toys because their lenses were not very strong. The first person to turn a spyglass toward the sky was an Italian mathematician and professor named Galileo Galilei. Galileo, who heard about the Dutch spyglass and began making his own, ④ realizing right away how useful the device could be to armies and sailors. As □□□□□. Galileo □□□□□ to □□□□□ M.□□□□. *we□□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 (4) realizing입니다. 앞에 등장하는 heardbe
HW [17-18] 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오. [21-22] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 17 A: □□□□ much is this shirt? B: It is $50. A: □□□□ did you spend your weekend? B: I had a good time with my family. 21 그 관광객들은 일본에서 왔지, 그렇지? (be from Japan) The tourists □□□□ from □□□□□ ? 18 □□□□ waste your time. A: □□□□ you know this song? B: No, I don't. But it sounds great. 22 우리 버스 정류장을 찾아보자. (find) □□□□□ a bus stop. [19-20] 다음 우리말과 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. 19 그는 정말 훌륭한 배우구나! ① How great actor he is! ② What great an actor he is! ③ What a great actor is he! ④ What a great actor he is! ⑤ How a great actor he is! [23-24] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. 23 이 호텔에는 방이 몇 개가 있습니까? (there, many, are, rooms, how) □□□□□ in this hotel? 20 너 네 생일파티에 Tim을 초대하는 게 어때? ① How did you invite Tim to your birthday party? ② How can you invite Tim to your birthday party? ③ How often do you invite Tim to your birthday party? ④ Why don't you invite Tim to □□□□□ (□□□, □□□, □□□, □□□, □□□)
(19) 감탄문은 보통 “What + (a/an) + 형용사 + 명사 + 주어 + 동사!” 형태를 사용합니다. 따라서 정답은 (4) What a great actor he is! 입니다. (20)
■ Answer the questions as shown in the example: 다음 보기와 같이 질문에 답하시오. <보기> You drank some tea. Did it taste good? → Yes, the tea I drank tasted good. 1. You are sitting in a chair. Is it comfortable? → Yes, □□□□□. 2. You were looking for a key. Did you find it? → Yes, □□□□□. 3. You bought a coat. Does it keep you warm? → Yes, □□□□□. 4. You watched a movie last night. Was it good? → Yes, □□□□□. 5. You were reading a book. Did you finish it? → Yes, □□□□□. 6. You saw a man. Was he wearing a black suit? → Yes, □□□□□. 7. You are eating now some vegetables. Are they from the best supermarket? → Yes, □□□□□. □□□□□. → Yes, □□□□□.
다음은 각 문항에 영어 문장으로 답한 예시입니다: 1) Yes, the chair I am sitting in is comfortable. 2) Yes, the key I was looking for was found. 3) Yes, the coat I bought keeps me warm. 4) Yes, the movie I watched last night was good. 5) Yes
3. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?3) We spend an excessive amount of time browsing the Web every day. As a company's executive put it, "Many users probably spend more time on the Internet than they (A)[do / are] in their cars." Yet many of us barely notice what browser we're using. We tend to hold on to whatever comes loaded on our computer, as long as it allows us to check our e-mail and do a little shopping. We live and work within a browser, and it doesn't matter (B)[whichever / however] browser it may be. As long as it gets the job done, it will be right. But for the companies (C)[concerning / concerned], things are different. They are trying every effort to come up with the best browser with security and stability. (A) □□□ □□ re r (B) □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ (C) □□□□□
정답은 (A) do, (B) whichever, (C) concerned 이다. (A) 문장에서는 “than they do in their cars”와 같이, 이미 앞서 언급된 spend more time 동사를 대동사 do로 받아 써야 한다. (B) “어떤 브라우저든 상관없다”라
One of the first things I did, in each classroom in South Milwaukee was to draw a diagram of the students' desks, labelled with their names, as an aid to recognizing them. (A) One said, "Where's your name?" and was not satisfied until I included a sketch of the chair by the bookcase where I was sitting, labelled with my name. It had not occurred to me that I needed to be included: after all, I knew where I was sitting, and knew my name. (B) At lunch in the first grade classroom the first day I was present, a group of students came over, saw the diagram, and began finding their names on my picture. (C) But to her, my presence in the classroom was the newest, most noteworthy thing that had occurred that day, and it was logical to include me. Her point of view was different □□□□□.
빈칸 사이의 논리 전개를 고려하면 (B)에서 학생들이 자신들의 이름을 찾아보는 상황이 가장 먼저 벌어집니다. 그 뒤 (A)에서 한 학생이 교사의 이름이 빠졌음을 문제 삼으며 ‘왜 선생님 이름은 없느냐’고 묻는 흐름
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] "You are what you eat." That phrase is often used to ① show the relationship between the foods you eat and your physical health. But do you really know what you are eating when you buy processed foods, canned foods, and packaged goods? Many of the manufactured products made today contain so many chemicals and artificial ingredients ② which it is sometimes difficult to know exactly what is inside them. Fortunately, now there are food labels. Food labels are a good way ③ to find the information about the foods you eat. Labels on food are ④ like the table□□□□□ in books. purpo□□□□ food labe: □□□□ inform □□□□□ inside □□□□sing. main
밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳은 (2) which입니다. “contain so many chemicals and artificial ingredients that it is sometimes
Find out grammatical errors and correct them: 문법적 오류를 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오 1. Mina would like to have a ball to play.1) 2. Michael needs paper to write.2) 3. There was not any chair to sit.3) 4. My brother's legs hurt. He needs a chair to sit.4) 5. I bought a book to read it.5) 6. I have something to say special about her.6) 7. I need some food to eating.7) 8. Do you have something drink?8) 9. Let's find a seat to sit.9) 10. He has a strong desire to success.10) 11. There are ma□□□□□.□□ □□□□□.□□
정답 예시 1) Mina would like to have a ball to play with. 2) Michael needs paper to write on. 3) There was not any chair to sit on. 4) My brother's legs hurt. He needs a chair to sit on. 5) I bought a book to read. 6) I have something special t
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오. 1 This ring will □□□ in my secret drawer. 2 She was injuring at the ski resort. 3 They will be □□□□□ the money equally. 4 The cookies are be baked in the oven now. 5 She was being □□□□ a picture at that time. 6 Drones are □□□ for many purposes. 7 The project is be doing by Brian now. 8 These days, a lot of people are □□□□□ that song. □□ □□□□ will performed b □□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
정답 예시 (굵은 부분이 수정된 어법입니다) 1) This ring will be kept in my secret drawer. 2) She was injured at the ski resort. 3) They will divide the money equally. (또는 The money will be divided equally.) 4) The cookies are being baked in the oven now. 5) She was being photographed at tha
25. 다음 우리말을 영작할 때, 올바른 것은? 피곤해서 나는 Kevin의 생일 파티에 가지 않았다. ① Being tiring, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. ② Feeling tiring, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. ③ Tired, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. ④ I felt tired, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. ⑤ Tiring, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. 26. 다음 중 주어진 문장을 분사구문을 사용하여 바르게 바꾸지 못한 것은? ① If you turn to the right, you'll find the bank. → Turning to the right, you'll find the bank. ② Because I was sick, I stayed at home all day. → Being sick, I stayed at home all day. ③ As the weather is fine, we can go camping. → Being fine, we can go camping. ④ As I had no money, I walked home. → Having no money, I walked home. □□□□□
정답은 ③ Tired, I didn't go to Kevin's birthday party. 입니다. '피곤해서'라는 의미를 나타낼 때 분사구문으로 단순히 “Tired” 형태가 주어를 수식해 주어가 피곤하다는 상태를 표현할 수 있습니다. “Being tired”도