인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
22. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?22)
① □□□ is wrong to fight with your friends.
② □□□ is good to listen to your parents.
③ □□□ is important to study hard.
④ □□□ is more interesting is the story about it.
⑤ □□□ is necessary to add some salt here.
23. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?23)
① I found the bike □□□ I had lost.
② She is the only person □□□ I can trust.
③ I was shocked by □□□ he said yesterday.
④ He bought the thing □□□ I wanted to have.
⑤ Look at the bird □□□ is sitting in the tree.
24. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?24)
① This is not □□□ she ate.
② □□□ieve □□□□□ you told me.
③ □□□□□
④ □□□□□
⑤ □□□□□
정답은 4번입니다. 1·2·3·5번 문장은 빈칸에 “It”을 넣어 “It is wrong…”, “It is good…”, “It is important…”, “It is necessary…” 처럼 가주어(it)

27. 27)
• Do you guess?
• Who can solve the quiz?
28. 28)
• Do you think?
• Why did he move to the country?
29. 29)
• Do you think?
• What time will he leave?
30. 30)
• Can you tell me?
• What kind of music do you like?
31. 31)
• Do you suppose?
• What action should we take?
32. 32)
• Do you know?
• Why is he waiting outside?
33. 33)
• I wonder.
• Did he meet his father?
34. 34)
• I would like to know.
• Is Jane comin□□□□□?
위 문장들은 직접의문문을 간접의문문(embedded question) 형태로 바꾸는 연습 문제입니다. 영어에서 간접의문문을 만들 때는 다음과 같은 규칙을 기억하면 좋습니다:
1) 의문사(Who, What, Why 등)로 시작하는 경우:
- 주절 뒤에 의문사를 그대로 쓰고 주어 + 동사 어순으로 바꿉니다.
- 예) “Who can solve the quiz?” → “Do you guess who can solve the quiz?”
2) Yes/No로 답할 수 있는 질문(조동사/비동사로 시작)인 경우:
- “if” 혹은 “whether”를 사용하여 주어 + 동사 어순으로 간접의문문을 만듭니다.
- 예) “Did he meet his father?” → “I wonder if he met his father.”
아래 예시처럼 문장을 잘 연결하여 간접의문문으로 만들 수 있습니다.
• “Do you guess? Who can solve the quiz?” → “Do you guess who can solve the quiz?”
• “Do you think? Why did he move to the country?” → “Do you think why he moved to the country?”
• “Do you t

17 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 잘못 고친 것은?
① We packed our bag so left home.
- and
② My brother loves science but hate
English. - hates
③ I believe if our project will be
successful. - but
④ Mom will not go to bed until I will
come back home. - come
⑤ This is clear that Lydia is hiding
something. - It
21 나는 무언가를 사기 전에 항상 가격을 물어본다.
(buy, something)
I always ask the price □□□□□.
18 다음 우리말과 의미가 같은 것은?
나는 수프나 샐러드 중 하나를 먹을래.
① I'll have soup but salad.
② I'll have both soup and salad.
③ I'll have both soup or salad.
④ I'll have either soup and salad.
⑤ I'll have either soup or salad.
[22-24] 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳은지 판단하고, 틀리면
바르게 고치시오.
22 Kevin put on his shoes but started to
(O/X) □□
[19-21] 우리말과 일치하도록 ()안의 말을 이용하여 문장을
19 그가 록 음악을 좋아하는 것은 사실이다. (true)
□□□□□ □□□□□.
23 You will get your ticket after you will
sign this form.
(O/X) □□
정답은 ③입니다.
③번에서는 문장 구조상 'if'를 고쳐야 하지만 'but'로 잘못 바꾸었기 때문에 문법 오류가 해결되지 않습니다. 올

107. 다음 관계대명사가 사용되었거나 생략된 문장들
중에서 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?107)
• He is the man I told you about.
• He gave a beggar all the money that he had in
his pocket.
• She is the girl about that I told you the other
• He is the old man about which I told you
• The girl has long hair and wears glasses is my
• This is the guitar which my father bought me as
a birthday present.
• Look at the boy who is running to the door.
• My sister wants to meet the boy I like him.
• This is the letter which was written by her
• She is the woman □□□□□.
Step1. 문장별 관찰
각 문장을 점검해

■Complete the sentences with the correct form
of let, have, make or get
let, have, make, get을 알맞은 형태로 넣어 문장을 완성
14. I finished my homework, so Mom
□□□ me watch TV.(14)
15. Who □□□□ you wear that stupid
uniform? It's so ugly!(15)
16. How did you □□□□ him to pose for
this picture?(16)
17. Last night, the doctor □□□□□ the
nurse take my temperature.(17)
18. Some people □□□□□ supermarkets
deliver their groceries to their homes.(18)
19. We □□□□ the cleaner empty all the
20. The soup was cold, so we □□□□ the
waiter to bring us some more.(20)
21. Did your parents □□□□□ you go to my
22. Will your wife □□□□□ you go to the
football game tonight, even □□□□□ □□□□?
이 문제는 영어에서 let, have, make, get과 같이 누군가에게 어떠한 행동을 시키거나 허락할 때 사용하는 표현을 정확히 구분해 문장에 적용하는 연습입니다.
• let + 목적어 + 동사원형 : “목적어가 ~하게 허락하다”
• have + 목적어 + 동사원형 : “목적어에게 ~를 시키다” (부탁, 지시)
• make + 목적어 + 동사원형 : “목적어에게 억지로 ~를 하게 하다” (강제성)
• get + 목적어 + to부정사 : “목적어가 ~하도록 유도(설득)하다”
아래는 문장별 정답 예시입니다.
14) I finished my homework, so Mom let me watch TV.
15) Who made you wear that stupid uniform? It’s so ugly!
16) How did you get him to pose for this picture?
17) Last night, the doctor *

44. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?(44)
① I'll ask Jenny if it's all right to sit next to her.
② He asked me if I have breakfast this morning.
③ My mom asked me if I did my homework.
④ They asked us whether we were married.
⑤ I didn't □□□□□.
어색한 문장은 (2)입니다. asked라는 과거 시제 동사 뒤에서는 시제 일치를 위해

보기에서 가장 알맞은 말을 골라 to-v 형태로 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)
보기 | answer call study
1 Emma decided ______ harder.
2 I couldn't find anyone ______ my question.
3 She gave me a phone number ______ in case of an emergency.
보기 | explain lead ask
4 I have a lot of questions ______ the professor.
5 He is known for his ability ______ □□□□□.
1) Emma decided to study harder.
2) I couldn't find anyone to answer my question.
3) She gave me a phone number to call in case of an emergency.
4) I have a lot of questio

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Cutting costs can improve profitability but only up to a
point. If the manufacturer cuts costs so deeply ① that doing
so harms the product’s quality, then the increased
profitability will be short-lived. A better approach is to
improve productivity. If businesses can get more production
from the same number of employees, they’re ② basically
tapping into free money. They get more product to sell, and
the price of each product falls. As long as the machinery or
employee training ③ needed for productivity improvements
costs less than the value of the productivity gains, it’s an
easy investment for any business to make. Productivity
improvements are as important to the economy as they ④ do
to the individual business that’s □□□□□. □□□□□ good indicator of a healthy economy.
밑줄 친 (4) do가 어법상 부적절하다. 문맥상 they are*

19. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것
The competition to sell manuscripts to publishers
①is fierce. I would estimate that less than one
percent of the material ②sent to publishers is ever
published. Since so much material is being written,
publishers can be very selective. The material they
choose to publish must not only have commercial
value, but ③being very competently written and free
of editing and factual errors. Any manuscript that
contains errors stands ④little chance at being
□□□□□ for publication. Most publishers will
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□□. □□□□□ □□□□.
정답: ③번
'not only A but (also) B' 구조에서 A와 B는 평행 구조를 이뤄야 합니다. 문장에서 A에 해당하는 부분은 \(\text{have commercial value}\)

36. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?(36)
① This is the city ______ I met Jim in.
② This is the place ______ he found the lost bag.
③ 7:25 is the time ______ my plane arrives at.
④ The office ______ I work in is busy.
⑤ The building in ______ he lives is very old.
37. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 같은 것끼리 짝지어 진 것은? (단, 'that'은 쓸 수 없음)(37)
① Friday is the day ______ many people feel happy.
② May 5 is the day ______ I was born on.
② He knows the reason ______ the computer doesn't work.
② I asked the villagers ______ I could reach the nearest hospital.
③ Would you recommend a restaurant in ______ we can have nice seafood?
④ This is the hotel ______ we stayed for a week.
④ Do you know ______ he is absent?
④ My uncle showed me ______ I could make strong □□□□.
Step1. 각 문장의 선행사와 문맥 이해하기
선행사가 시간이면 ‘when’,

78. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?(78)
ⓐ Angry at him, Jane shouted. X
ⓑ Left alone at home, you may feel lonely.
ⓒ Cooking in a Chinese way, the food tasted
ⓓ Knowing it's her mistake, I don't blame her.
ⓔ Being killed in an accident, I went to the
ⓕ Not living with her fa□□□□□.
정답은 2개이다.
(c) 문장은 “COOKING IN A CHINESE WAY”가 ‘THE FOOD’를 수식하여 주체가 어색해지는 ‘Dangling Mod