인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your ability to succeed in that area of concern. The internal pressure you place on yourself to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when you doubt your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you, your self-worth suffers. Situations are uniquely stressful for each of us based on whether or not they activate our doubt. It's not the pressure to perform that creates your stress. Rather, it's the self-doubt that bothers you. Doubt causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings. When you see situations and your strengths more objectively, you are less likely to have doubt as the source of your distress. ① 비판적인 시각은 객관적인 □□□□□ * distress: 괴로움
글의 핵심은 내면의 의심(자기 의심)이 스트레스의 주된 원인이 되고, 객관적으로 상황과 자신의 장점을 볼 때 의심을 줄일 수 있다
Grateful people are inclined to make healthy decisions. Life and sports present many situations ① where critical and difficult decisions have to be made. Selfish adults or kids do not make sound decisions as well as ② are grateful people. This includes the decision to be self-motivated. Frustrated parents ask: "How do I motivate my child to do sports or continue in sports? Sometimes my child gets ③ discouraged and does not want to put the required effort into his or her sports? What can I, as a parent, do or say to help?" It is difficult and almost impossible ④ to motivate kids or adults who are centered on their own narrow selfish desires. However, kids and adults who liv □□□□□ □□□□□ able □□□□□. □□□□□.
감사하는 태도가 중요한 이유는 자신과 주변을 긍정적으로 바라보고, 어려운 결정을 내릴 때에도 수용적이며 열린 마음으로 임할 수 있기 때문입니다. 부모가 자녀에게 운동을 계속하도록 동기를 부여하고 싶다면, 먼저 자녀가 스스로의 노력을 인정하고 작은 성취에도 감사하도록 도와주어야 합
다음을 현재완료 문장으로 바꿀 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 1 She lost her glasses, so she doesn't have them now. → She □□□□ her glasses. 2 Winter came, and it is winter now. → Winter □□□□□. 3 My best friend went to Tokyo. He is not he□□□□. → My best friend □□□□□.
현재완료 시제는 have/has + 과거분사(p.p.) 형태로, 과거에 시작된 상황이 현재에도 이어지거나 영향을 미칠 때 사용합니다. 따라서 문장은 다음과 같이 바꿀 수 있습
우리말과 일치하도록 () 안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오. 1 그 이메일은 다른 사람에게 보내졌다. (wrong, person, sent, the, was, to) → The email 2 내가 방금 너에게 말한 것은 비밀로 지켜져야 한다. (be, secret, kept, a, should) → What I just told you 3 요리사가 그릴에 음식을 요리하고 있는 것이 보였다. (food, was, the chef, seen, cooking) → on the grill. 4 네가 더 열심히 한다면 너의 쓰기 실력이 향상될 수 있다. (improved, your, can, be, writing skills) → if you work harder. 5 이 사진은 내가 찍지 않았다. (taken, picture, not, this, was) → by me. 게까지 일 □□□□□
Step1. 문장 1 배열 정답 문장: The em
Part 5 ■Complete the following sentences using the participial construction: 분사구문을 사용하여 다음 문장을 완성하시오 <보기> While she was listening to music, she read a book. Listening to music she read a book 1. Although I know it's her mistake, I won't blame her.1) □□□□, I won't blame her. 2. After she told me her plans, she went into her room.2) □□□□□, she went into her room. 3. As Kelly cooked in the kitchen, she sang some pop songs.3) □□□□□, Kelly sang some pop songs. 4. While they were taking a walk, they talked about Bob's birthday.4) □□□□□, they talked about Bob's birthday. 5. If you open the box, you will find something surprising.5) □□□□□, you will find something surprising. 6. Since he lost his wallet, he doesn't have any money.6) □□□□□, he doesn't have any money. 7. After his car had been repaired by Greg, it □□□□□ as he ha□□□□□. □□□□□.
아래와 같이 문장을 분사 구조로 바꿔 쓸 수 있습니다: 1) Knowing it’s her mistake, I won’t blame her. 2) Having told me her plans, she went into her room. 3) Cooking in the kitchen, Kelly sang some pop songs. 4) Taking a walk, they talked about Bo
42. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 다른 것은?42) <보기> All the actors singing and dancing make the movie fun to see. ① He was in his room studying math. ② We saw a running dog pass us. ③ A rolling stone gathers no moss. ④ The sleeping baby is my nephew. ⑤ □□□ □□ □□□ □□□□.
정답은 ①입니다. <보기>에서는 singing and dancing이 뒤에서 앞의 명사(actors)를 꾸며 주는 분사구로 쓰였습니다. 그러나 ①의 st
boys put on you want to listen to I invited to dinner 9. Anne always wears the clothes □□□□□. 9) 10. The couple □□□□□ was half an hour late. 10) 11. Choose th□□□□□.
A suitable matching places (the boys put on) with clothes in sentence #9, (I invited to dinner) with couple in sentence #10, and (you want to listen to) with song in sentence #11. Therefore: • Anne always wears the cloth
C • 다음을 수동태 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오. 1 Oliver is writing an email. — 2 My boss will change the meeting schedule. — 3 My son painted the picture. — 4 The little girl loves this doll. — 5 Many people downloaded her new song. — 6 We w□□□□□. —
1) An email is being written by Oliver. 2) The meeting schedule will be changed by my boss. 3) The picture was painted by my son. 4)
Part 3 ■Complete the sentences using given words: 주어진 단어들을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 1. 나에게는 읽을 책이 있다.1) I have □□□□ to read (read, books) 2. 나는 내 가방에 먹을 것을 가지고 있어.2) I have something to eat □□□□□ my bag. (eat, something) 3. 질문할 것이 있니?3) Do you have anything to ask □□□□? (ask, anything) 4. 메일을 확인할 시간이야.4) It's time □□□ my e-mail to check □□□□. (check, my e-mail) 5. 나에게 먹을 것이 있다. 5) I have something to eat □□□□. (eat, something) 6. 나는 콘서트 티켓을 살 돈이 없다.6) I don't have □□□□□. (buy, a concert ticket) 7. 나는 나를 도와줄 친구가 없다.7) I have no friends to help me □□□□□. (help, friend) 8. 나는 쓸 펜이 있다.8) I have □□□□□ a □□□□□. (□□□□□, a, □□□□) I have □□□□□. (□□□, □□□□□)
아래는 각 문장을 완성한 예시입니다. 1) I have books to read. 2) I have something to eat in my bag. 3) Do you have anything to ask? 4) It’s time to check my e-mail. 5) I have
19. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 개수는?19) • Look at the girl dancing with Tim. • This is the cell phone making in Korea. • These are photos taken from an airplane. • Some of the people inviting to the party didn't come. • I read a short story was written by O. Henry. • The woman dri□□□□□.
Step1. 각 문장의 분사 사용 확인
22. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?22) ① □□□ is wrong to fight with your friends. ② □□□ is good to listen to your parents. ③ □□□ is important to study hard. ④ □□□ is more interesting is the story about it. ⑤ □□□ is necessary to add some salt here. 23. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?23) ① I found the bike □□□ I had lost. ② She is the only person □□□ I can trust. ③ I was shocked by □□□ he said yesterday. ④ He bought the thing □□□ I wanted to have. ⑤ Look at the bird □□□ is sitting in the tree. 24. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?24) ① This is not □□□ she ate. ② □□□ieve □□□□□ you told me. ③ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
정답은 4번입니다. 1·2·3·5번 문장은 빈칸에 “It”을 넣어 “It is wrong…”, “It is good…”, “It is important…”, “It is necessary…” 처럼 가주어(it)