인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
6. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
An increasing number of self-help groups have
emerged in recent years. These voluntary groups in
which people share a particular problem are often
conducted without a professional therapist. During
regularly scheduled meetings, members share their
stories, stresses, feelings, issues, and recoveries.
Information and knowledge are open and sharing
rather than protected and controlled. They learn that
they are not alone; they are not the only ones facing
the problem. Self-help groups have been formed to
deal with problems ranging fr□□□□□
to can□□□□□si□□□□□
어법상 틀린 부분은 ③입니다.
'Information and knowledge are open an

Part 7
■Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
words from the box. (Sometimes you need to
add not or will):
박스 안의 단어의 알맞은 형태로 빈칸을 채우시오. (필요
시 not 또는 will을 함께 쓸 것)
1. Unless it rains, we will go____ camping.1)
2. If you____sit____in the sun too long, you
will get sunburned.2)
3. Plants die if you____don't water____them.3)
4. If you____mix____green, red and blue paint,
you get black paint.4)
5. My cat feels very happy if he____sees____me.5)
6. If you____leave____butter in the sun, it melts.6)
7. If you____don't brush____your teeth, you have a
tooth decay.7)
*tooth decay 충치
8. If you____freeze____water, it turns to ice.8)
□□□□□unless it □□□□.9)
해석 및 정답
1) Unless it rains, we will go camping.
2) If you sit in the sun too long, you will get sunburned.
3) Plants die if you don’t water them.
4) If you mix green, red, and blue paint, you get black paint.
5) My cat feels very happy if he sees me.
6) If you *

Part 2
■Complete the sentences using a superlative +
a preposition:
최상급 + 전치사를 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오.
Judy is a very pretty girl.
She is the prettiest girl in our class.
1. It's a very long street.
It's the □□□gest street in our city. 1)
9. It was a very happy day.9)
It was □□□□□ my life.
10. I have very curly hair.
My hair is □□□□□ my family.10)
11. I think we are very noisy students.
We are □□□□□ our school.11)
2. Andrew is a very clever boy.
He is the cleverest boy □□ my class.2)
3. It was a very difficult task.
It was □□□□□ the test yesterday.3)
4. Paris is a very large city.
It is □□□□□ France.4)
12. It's a very valuable picture.
It is □□□□□ the gallery.12)
13. This building is very old.
It's □□□□□ the town.1
14. It was a very bad mistake.
It was □□□□□ my life
5. This church is very old.
It's the □□□□□ the town.5)
6. Luis is very smart.
She is □□□□□ all the student□□□□□.
정답 예시는 다음과 같습니다:
1) the longest street in our city
2) the cleverest boy in my class
3) the most difficult task in the test yesterday
4) the largest city in France
5) the oldest church in the town
6) the smartest of all the students in the class
7) the most popular singer in our country
8) the coldest day of the

Part 4
■ Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions
from the box using who or which (if necessary,
change the form):
who 또는 which를 사용하여 박스 안에 주어진 알맞은
표현으로 빈칸을 채우시오. (필요시, 변형할 것)
cannot run fast
teach students
have a big mouth
fly an airplane
take care of sick people
have lots of teeth
1. A turtle is an animal which cannot run fast
2. A teacher is a person who teach students
3. A crocodile is an animal □□□□□
4. A pilot is a person □□□□□
5. A hippo is an animal □□□□□
6. A doctor is a person □□□□□
아래는 각 문장의 완성 예시입니다:
1) A turtle is an animal which cannot run fast.
2) A teacher is a person who teaches students.
3) A crocodile is an animal which has lots o

Step1. ‘so that’ 구문 파악
‘so that +

44. Was it made by Ms. Collins last week?44)
□ □ officer
45. Windows are broken by Nick.45)
46. She is drawing the picture.46)
47. He gave me his photo.47)
48. He will pay one million won.48)
49. The police didn't catch the thief.49)
50. Careless driving causes many accidents.50)
51. All Koreans love the singer.51)
52. Their parents should teach them good behavior.52)
53. The door was broken by my friend.53)
54. Jane cleaned the bathroom.54)
55. Minsu didn't send □ □ □ □ □.
Step1. 문장 구조 파악
각 문장에서 주어, 동사, 목적

60. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 모두 고르면?
① It's so large to put in my pocket.
② James was so upset that he couldn't meet her.
③ The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.
④ The problem is too abstract for me to solve.
⑤ He was so □□□□□.
(1) 문장은 so + 형용사 + that 용법 대신 too + 형용사 + to 구문이 자연스러워야 하므로 ‘It's too large to put in my pocket’가 올바릅니다.

Part 10
■ Complete the sentences with a word from the
박스 안의 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오.
1. Has Jill ______ visited you? - Yes, she has.
2. We moved there ten years ______.
3. Has the ten o'clock train arrived ______?
4. We have known each other ______ ten years.
5. Nick has been my friend ______ two years.
6. My family lived here ______ 2011.
7. Have you □□□□ seen the movie?
8. They've ______ told a lie. I know we can trust them.
9. I went swimming three days ______.
10. Jane hasn't called her parents ______.
11. Have you ______ read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? - No, I haven't.
12. Marco Polo visited China more than seven centuries ______.
3. A □□□□□ k ______ in her special □□□□□.
다음과 같이 빈칸을 채우시면 됩니다.
1) Has Jill visited you yet?
2) We moved there ten years ago.
3) Has the ten o'clock train arrived yet?
4) We have known each other for ten years.
5) Nick has been my friend for two years.
6) My family lived here since 2011.
7) Have you ever seen the movie?
8) They've never told a lie.
9) I went swimming three days *

[38~39] 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
적절한 곳을 고르시오.
But, when there is biodiversity, the effects of a sudden
change are not so dramatic.
When an ecosystem is biodiverse, wildlife have more
opportunities to obtain food and shelter. Different species
react and respond to changes in their environment
differently. ( ① ) For example, imagine a forest with only
one type of plant in it, which is the only source of food and
habitat for the entire forest food web. ( ② ) Now, there is
a sudden dry season and this plant dies. ( ③ ) Plant-eating
animals completely lose their food source and die out, and
so do the animals that prey upon them. ( ④ ) Different
species of plants respond to the drought differently, and
many can survive a dry season. ( ⑤ ) Many animals have a
variety of □□□□□.
정답은 ( ④ )이다. ( ③ ) 이전까지 한정된 종만 존재하는 상황에서 갑작스러운 변화의 충격이 강조되고, ( ④ )에서는 다양한 종이 존재함으로써 큰 영향을 받지 않는 모습을 설명하기 때문이다. 따라서 "But, w

86. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은? (정답 2개)86)
① Mary moved the cat sleeping.
② The girl shouted at the boy riding a bike.
③ A large number of cars was parked over there.
④ Please put the noodles in a pot of boiling water.
⑤ It was always □□□□□.
정답은 (2)번과 (4)번이다.
(2)번 문장은 문장 구조상 자연스럽고, (4)번 문장은 동사의 명령문 형태와 목적어·전치사 구성 모두 올바르다. 반면

다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
There is a famous Spanish proverb that says, "The belly rules
the mind. This is a clinically proven fact Food is the original
□□□□-controlling drug. Every time We eat, we bombard our
brains with a feast of chemicals, triggering an explosive
hormonal chain reaction that directly influences the way we
think. Countless studies have shown that the positive emotional
state induced by a good meal enhances our receptiveness to
be persuaded. It triggers an instinctive desire to repay the
provider. This is why executives regularly combine business
meetings with meals, why lobbyists invite politicians to attend
receptions, lunches, and dinners, and why major state
occasions almost always involve an impressive banquet.
Churchill called this "dining diplomacy," and sociologists have
confirmed that this principle is a strong motivator across all
human cultures.
① The Role of Food in □□□□□
F □□□□□, Ac □□□□□
W□□□□□, □□□□□
지문에서는 식사와 함께하는 외교·업무 활동이 사람들을 더욱 설득하기 쉽도록 만들어 준다는 점을 강조합니다. 처칠이 이를 “dining diplomacy”라고 부른다고 언급하며, 여러 문화권에서 식사 제공이 강력한 동기가