인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
7. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?? ① □□□ I had no money with me, I couldn't buy a new computer. ② □□□ you leave the library, please turn off the lights. ③ Can you give me some advice on this problem □□□ a friend? ④ I'll send out this paper tomorrow □□□ it's getting late. □□□□□
이 문장들 중 1), 2), 4)는 부사절 접속사로 이유나 시간 등을 나타내고, 3)은 전치사(구) as a friend와 같이 쓰여 동사와
005 고1 2015년 9월 29번 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Though he probably was not the first to do it, Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey gets credit for putting two lenses on either end of a tube in 1608 and ① creating a "spyglass." Even then, it was not Lippershey but his children who discovered ② that the double lenses made a nearby weathervane look bigger. These early instruments were not ③ much more than toys because their lenses were not very strong. The first person to turn a spyglass toward the sky was an Italian mathematician and professor named Galileo Galilei. Galileo, who heard about the Dutch spyglass and began making his own, ④ realizing right away how useful the device could be to armies and sailors. As he made better □□□□□.
문맥상 “Galileo, who heard about the Dutch spyglass and began making his own, reali
100. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?100) ① 101. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?101) ① 102. 다음 Edison에 관한 이야기 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳은 것은?102) ① 103. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것끼리 바르게 묶인 것 은?103) (A) (B) ( ) ( ) ( ) (A), ( ) (C), (D) 104. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장의 총 개수는?104) ① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개 ④ 4개 ⑤ 5개 105. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?105) ① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개 ④ 4개 ⑤ 5개 106. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것끼리 바르게 묶인 것 은?106) ①
Step1. 각 문장의 관계대명사 및 중복 표
Part 7 Put the following words in the right order. 다음 단어들을 옳은 순서로 배열하시오. 1. Kate는 음악을 들으면서 수학을 공부하고 있는 중이다. (math, is, Kate, studying), (to, listening, music) 2. 그는 커피를 마시면서 영화를 보았다. (watched, he, movie, a), (of, drinking cup, coffee, a) 3. TV를 끄고 나서, 나는 숙제를 하기 시작했다. (off, TV, the, turning), (started, homework, I, doing, my) 4. 숙제를 하면서, 내 여동생은 나에게 많은 질문을 했다. (homework, while, her, doing), (questions, sister, my, asked, many, me) 5. Cindy는 석양을 바라보며 벤치에 앉아 있었다. (bench, Cindy, on, the, sat), (sun, setting, at, the, looking) 6. 나는 문제에 대한 답을 알았기 때문에 손을 들었다. (answer, question, to, knowing, the, the), (my, raised, hand, I) 7. 나는 아침과 점심을 먹지 않았기 때문에 더 이상 걸을 수가 없었다. (and, lunch, breakfast, skipping), (couldn't, any, more, walk, I) □□□□□
Step1. 주어와 동사를 파악 주어진 단어 중 문장의
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Positively or negatively, our parents and families are powerful influences on us. But even stronger, especially when we're young, are our friends. We often choose friends as a way of expanding our sense of identity beyond our families. As a result, the pressure to conform to the standards and expectations of friends and other social groups is likely to be intense. Judith Rich Harris, who is a developmental psychologist, arguing that three main forces shape our development: personal temperament, our parents, and our peers. The influence of peers, she argues, is much stronger than that of parents. "The world that children share with their peers," she says, "is what shapes their □□□□□. born □□□□□. be □□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 ④입니다. 문장의 구조를 보면 “Judith Rich Harris, who is a developmental psycholo
6. Choose the one same word for the blanks.6) □□□ is important to tell the truth. □□□ is difficult to lose weight quickly. ① It ④ What ② Which ⑤ That ③ This 7. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것은?7) □□□ is wonderful to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. • You'd better take an umbrella. □□□ is raining outside. ① That ④ It ② What ⑤ He ③ This 8. 다음 문장의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절 한 것은?8) (A) □□□□□ is very important (B) □□□□□
6번의 문장들은 It으로 완성되어야 자연스럽습니다. 7번의 두 문장 역시 주어 자리에 It을 넣어야 맞는 표현입니다. 8번은
B 우리말과 일치하도록 ()안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오. 1 나를 보자 아기는 울기 시작했다. (began, □□, seeing, the, baby) □□ to cry. 2 경찰은 그 도둑이 나무 뒤로 □□는 것을 보았다. (thief, saw, the, hiding, the, police) □□ behind a tree. 3 고기를 싫어하기 때문에 그는 스테이크를 주문하지 않았다. (order, he, hating, didn't, meat) □□ the steak. 4 지금 출발하면 버스를 탈 수 있을 것이다. (you, leaving, will, catch, now) □□ the bus. 5 너는 Greg라고 불리는 남자를 아니? (the, called, you, know, Greg, do, man) □□□ ? 길을 따라 걸어가 □□□□□.
다음과 같이 배열할 수 있습니다. 1) Seeing me, the baby began to cry. 2) The police saw the thief hiding behind a tree. 3) Hating meat, he didn’t or
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box 박스에 주어진 단어로 빈칸을 채우시오. with at from in of to about of 1. She was surprised ______ the news.1) 2. The wine is made ______ French grapes.2) 3. I am interested ______ making a robot.3) 4. The cake is covered ______ fresh cream.4) 5. I'm tired ______ this rainy weather.5) 6. This box is filled ______ books.6) 7. My mother was surprised ______ the news.7) 8. Emily is excited ______ going on this trip.8) 9. Psy was known ______ people around the world.9) . □□□□ □□ □□□□d ______ □□□□□.
아래는 각 문장에 알맞은 전치사를 넣은 예시입니다: 1) She was surprised at the news. 2) The wine is made from French grapes. 3) I am interested in making a robot. 4) The cake is covered with fresh cream. 5) I'm tired of this rainy weather. 6) This
8. 8) • They watched the movie. • They found it boring. 9. 9) • I said nothing. • It made Tom angry. 10. 10) • Brian hates cold weather. • He is from the South. 11. 11) • Here is some water. • It is fresh. 12. 12) • I know the girl. • Tom danced with her last night. 13. 13) • David moved to his new apartment. • It is very close to the park. 14. 14) • My teacher bought me this book. • It has influenced me a lot. 15. 15) • He made a number of cartoons and movies. • They have been loved by childre. □□□ □□□□□ □□ □□□□□ □□□□ □□□□. □□ □□□□□ □□□□□.
Step1. 관계절 사용 준비 연결할 문장들 중 인물, 사물, 그리고 상황
To부정사의 형용사적 용법 21. Sue가 도착한 첫 번째 여자아이였어.21) (girl, Sue, was, arrive, to, the, first) 22. Rome로 떠날 시간이야.22) (time, leave for, to, it's, Rome) 23. 마실 차가운 것을 주세요.23) Please (to, something, drink, give, me, cold). 24. 이 재킷은 물건들을 넣을 주머니가 없다.24) (things, no, to, this jacket, put, pockets, in, has) 25. 나는 너에게 물어볼 몇 가지 질문이 있어.25) (ask, to, you, I, some, questions, have) 26. 그녀는 읽을 많은 재미있는 책을 가지고 있다.26) (to, she, read, books, interesting, many, has) 27. 이것은 일몰을 지켜보기에 좋은 장소이다.27) (good, the sunset, place, a, watch, is, □□□□□)
Step1. to부정사의 역할 확인 문장마다
22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your ability to succeed in that area of concern. The internal pressure you place on yourself to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when you doubt your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you, your self-worth suffers. Situations are uniquely stressful for each of us based on whether or not they activate our doubt. It's not the pressure to perform that creates your stress. Rather, it's the self-doubt that bothers you. Doubt causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings. When you see situations and your strengths more objectively, you are less likely to have doubt as the source of your distress. ① 비판적인 시각은 객관적인 □□□□□ * distress: 괴로움
글의 핵심은 내면의 의심(자기 의심)이 스트레스의 주된 원인이 되고, 객관적으로 상황과 자신의 장점을 볼 때 의심을 줄일 수 있다