인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Not all organisms are able to find sufficient food to survive, so starvation is a kind of disvalue often found in nature. It also is part of the process of selection 1 by which biological evolution functions. Starvation helps filter out those less fit to survive, those less resourceful in finding food for 2 themselves and their young. In some circumstances, it may pave the way for genetic variants 3 to take hold in the population of a species and eventually allow the emergence of a new species in place of the old one. Thus starvation is a disvalue that can help make 4 possible the good of greater diversity. Starvation can be of practical or instrumental value, even as it is an intrinsic disvalue. 5 What some organisms must starve in nature is deeply regrettable □□□□□.
어법상 가장 적절하지 않은 표현은 ⑤번입니다. 문장에서 ⑤번 구문은 “What some organisms must starve in nature is…”라고 서술하고 있는데, 이는 명사절을 이끌기에 적절하지 않습니다. 이 경우에는 “That
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] While working as a research fellow at Harvard, B. F. Skinner carried out a series of experiments on rats, using an invention that later became known as a "Skinner box." A rat was placed in one of these boxes, ① which had a special bar fitted on the inside. Every time the rat pressed this bar, it was presented with food. The rate of bar-pressing was ② automatically recorded. Initially, the rat might press the bar accidentally, or simply out of curiosity, and as a consequence ③ receive some food. Over time, the rat learned that food appeared whenever the bar was pressed, and began to press ④ it purposefully in order to be fed. Comparing results from rats ⑤ gives the "positive reinforcement" of food for their bar-pressing behavior with those that were not, or were presented with food. □□□□□.
가장 오류가 뚜렷한 부분은 ⑤번 gives입니다. 문장 구조상 “Comparing results from rats … with those that …, it became clear that…”처럼 분사구문(C
9. 빈칸에 들어갈 접속사가 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? ① We hope everyone is safe. ② I know John is honest. ③ It was sad □□□□ the puppies. ④ They’ll visit Japan □□□□ China ⑤ The truth is □□□□ she can’t speak English. 13. 그녀는 2년 동안 독일어를 배워서, 독일어를 잘 할 수 있다. She learned German for two years. she speaks it well. [10-11] 다음 중 맞춰 진 부분이 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 10. ① Brenda is smart but lazy. ② He spoke loudly and clear. ③ We bought some lemons and cherries. ④ Alice is too young, so she can’t read. ⑤ I took the medicine, but I didn’t get better. 14. 나는 아팠기 때문에 시험 공부를 하지 못했다. I couldn’t study for the exam I was sick. 11. ① I’ll be very sad if Nora will leave. ② I hope that we can meet again soon. ③ It was snowing heavily when we arrived in Moscow. ④ I turned on the lamp because it was dark. ⑤ After we had dinner, Peter did the dishes. [15-16] 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 써서 대화를 완성하시오. 15. A: Do you want jam □□□□ butter on your toast? B: Butter, please. 16. A: J □□□□ □□□□ D: Jh, □□□□ □□□□
Step1. 문제별 핵심 확인 각 문장이
D04 고1 2007(11월)/22 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] In most countries (A) □□□□/□□□□ there are mountains, people enjoy the unique appeal of skiing. In its simplest form, skiing is sliding down a snow-covered slope on a pair of long, slim plates called skis. It is one of the few sports that enable people (B) □□ □□□□/□□□□ at high speed without any power-producing device. In its most advanced form, it is a highly skilled sport in which experts can slide down a mountain trail at more than 60 miles an hour, soar through the air for several hundred feet, or (C) □□□□□/□□□□□ quick turns through an obstacle cours. to □□□□□ - □□□□ □□□□ - □□□□ - □□□□ □□□□ - □□□□ - □□□□ □□□□ - □□□□ - □□□□ to □□□□□ - □□□□□ *soar: 급상승하다
Step1. ‘which’와 ‘where’ 판단 산이
천재(이재영) Part 2 Fill in the blanks so that two sentences have the same meaning: 다음 두 문장의 의미가 깊도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오 1. To tell a lie is a bad habit.1) To a lie is a bad habit tell a lie. 2. To find your house was difficult.2) To your house was difficult your house. 3. To visit a historic place is interesting.3) To a historic place is interesting a historic place. 4. To send e-mail is simple.4) To e-mail is simple e-mail. 5. To raise cows is a farmer's work.5) To cows is a farmer's work cows. 6. To make good friends is helpful to your life.6) To good friends is helpful to your life good friends. 7. To stay here for a week is my plan.7) To here for a week is my plan here for a week. 8. To get enough sleep is good for your health.8) To enough sleep is good for your health enough sleep. 9. This river is dan□□□□t□□□im i.9)
아래는 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 정답 예시입니다. 1) It is a bad habit to tell a lie → 빈칸: It / to 2) It was difficult to find your house → 빈칸: It / to find 3) It is interesting to visit a historic place → 빈칸: It / to visit 4) It is simple to send e-mail → 빈칸: It / to send 5) It is a farmer’s work to raise cows → 빈칸: It / to raise 6) It is helpful to your life to make good friends → 빈칸:
The actor was so nervous that he forgot his lines He was so busy that he couldn't go to her birthday party That book was so interesting that I finished it within a few hours Cathy typed so fast that we couldn't see her fingers t, . .
Step1. 구문 파악하기 문장 구조에서 ‘so ~ that’
A. 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 1 Alex는 피아노를 더 연습해야 한다. (should, practice) → Alex ______should______ practice ______ the piano more. 2 Clark은 지금 당장 그의 숙제를 제출해야 한다. (have to, hand in) → Clark ______has______ to ______hand in______ his homework right now. 3 이 영화는 네가 이해하기에 어려운 게 분명하다. (must, difficult) → This movie ______□□□□□______ for you to understand. 4 이 카메라는 Ron의 것일 리가 없다. 그의 것은 다르게 생겼다. (camera, be) → □□□□□ Ron's. His looks different. 5 그녀는 서두를 필요가 없다. 그녀는 시간이 많다. (have to, hurry) → □□□□□. She has a lot of ti□□□□□.
1) Alex should practice the piano more. 2) Clark has to hand in his homework right now. 3) This movie must be difficult for you to understand. 4)
Lesson 6 | 과거완료 Part 2 ■Read the sentences and number the events in the order in which they happened: 주어진 문장을 읽고 괄호 안에 사건이 일어난 순서를 쓰 시오. <보기> When I got home, the show had already ended. I got home. ( 2 ) The show ended. ( 1 ) 1. Her mother asked her to peel the carrots that had become soft.1) Her mother asked her to peel the carrots. ( ) The carrots became soft. ( ) 2. I remembered I had left my textbooks in Grandma's car.2) I left my textbooks in Grandma's car. ( ) I remembered what I did. ( ) 3. After he had gone, she smiled to herself.3) He went. ( ) She smiled to herself. ( ) 4. Sangmin never found out why Juwon hadn't listened to his problems.4) Sangmin never found out the reason. ( ) Juwon didn't listen to his problems. ( ) 5. After I had eaten a cookie, the boy took one and ate it, too.5) I ate a cookie. ( ) The boy took a cookie and ate it. ( ) 6. I came back to Sudan in 2001 as I had promis.6) □□□□□ ( )
Step1. 1번 문장 순서 정하기 먼저 당근이
34. Some deep-sea organisms are known to use bioluminescence as a lure, to attract prey with a little glow imitating the movements of their favorite fish, or like fireflies, as a sexual attractant to find mates. While there are many possible evolutionary theories for the survival value of bioluminescence, one of the most fascinating is to . The color of almost all bioluminescent molecules is blue-green, the same color as the ocean above. By self-glowing blue-green, the creatures no longer cast a shadow or create a silhouette, especially when viewed from below against the brighter waters above. Rather, by glowing themselves, they can blend into the sparkles, reflections, and scattered blue-green glow of sunlight or moonlight. Thus, they are most likely making their own light not to see, but to be un-seen. [3점] * bioluminescen: 생물 발광 : 가짜 미끼
Bioluminescence here functions mainly as camouflage, blending in with the surrounding blue-green ocean light so that these organisms av
Part 4 Rewrite the sentences with a comparative: 비교급을 사용한 문장으로 다시 쓰시오. e.g Sally is 1.70 metres. I am 180 metres. (tall) I'm taller than Sally. 1. The gold ring is $ 70. The silver ring is $ 65. (expensive)) □□□□□
답안 예시 1) The gold ring is more expensive than the silver ring. 2) The bus leaves earlier than the train. 3) Math is more difficult for me than language (is). 4) I am younger than my husband. 5) I arrived home earlier than my brother. 6) I am worse than John as a driver. 7) Suzy is fatter than Marta. 8) Sam’s father is young
15. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? The scientific study of the physical characteristics of colors can be traced back to Isaac Newton. (A) It was only when Newton placed a second prism in the path of the spectrum that he found something new. The composite colors produced a white beam. Thus he concluded that white light can be produced by combining the spectral colors. (B) One day, he spotted a set of prisms at a big county fair. He took them home and began to experiment with them. In a darkened room he allowed a thin ray of sunlight to fall on a triangular glass prism. (C) As soon as the white ray hit the prism, it separated into the familiar colors of the rainbow. This finding was not new, as humans had observed the □□□□□. □□□□□ □□□□□ * composite□□□
먼저 (B)에서 뉴턴이 프리즘을 구해 실험을 시작하는 상황이 제시됩니다. 이어 (C)에서는 한 개의 프리즘을 통과한 빛이 무지개 색으로 분산되는 내용이 설명되고, 이는 오래전부터 알려진 사실임을 말해줍니다. 마지막으로 (A