인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
1 A: Did you do well in the exam yesterday?
B: No. It was □□□□□ the questions. (difficult, answer)
2 A: How was the movie?
B: It was very sad. I □□□□□. (keep, cry)
3 A: Will you □□□□□ with me this afternoon? (go, shop)
B: I'm sorry, but I have many things to do.
4 A: What will Jenny do after graduation?
B: She will study in New York
5 A: I really liked the festival!
B: Me too. The best part was □□□□□. (be a designer)
6 A: Jake broke his □□□□□. (wat □□□□□)
□: □□□□□'r! □□□□□.
아래와 같이 빈칸을 채우면 적절합니다:
1) difficult to answer
2) kept crying
3) go shopping
4) to be

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
The lack of real, direct experience in and with nature has
caused many children to regard the natural world as mere
abstraction, that fantastic, beautifully filmed place ① filled
with endangered rainforests and polar bears in peril. This
overstated, often fictionalized version of nature is no more
real — and yet no less real — to them than the everyday nature
right outside their doors, ② waits to be discovered in a child’s
way, at a child’s pace. Consider the University of Cambridge
study which found that a group of eight-year-old children was
able to identify ③ substantially more characters from animations
than common wildlife species. One wonders whether our
children’s inherent capacity to recognize, classify, and order
information about their environment — abilities once essential
to our very survival — is slowly devolv□□□□□. □□□□□.
이 문장에서 (2) waits는 어법상 오류가 있습니다. 즉, “the everyday nature right outside the

31. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 만들 때, 빈칸에 들어.
갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
I wonder. + Do the clothes suit him well?
→ I wonder □□□□□.
① if the clothes suit him well
② whether do the clothes suit him well
③ if him the clothes suit well
④ that the clothes su□□□□□
간접 의문문을 만들 때는 if나 whether 같은 연결사를 사용하되, 의문사 없는 일반의문문에서는 어순을 평서문

18. (Did you meet / Have you met) Susie
19. Judy (wrote / has written) some letters since
this morning.19)
20. (Were you ever / Have you ever been) to
21. Mel (gave / has given) me a nice birthday
present last year.21)
22. The headmaster (just complained / has just
complained) about Ted's behaviour.22)
23. Let's go to the arrival section - the plane
(landed / has landed) a few minutes ago.23)
24. Sam (lost / has lost) his car keys and can't
get home.24)
25. Mark (hasn't gone / didn't go) to the football
match yesterday.25)
26. I (broke / have broken) my arm last summer
when I (fell / have fallen) down the □□□□.
□□□□. □□□□ (□□□□ □□□□ / □□□□ □□□□) □□ □□□□. □□□□.
아래는 각 문장의 올바른 시제 선택과 간단한 이유입니다:
1) (Did you meet) Susie yesterday? → 어제(yesterday)는 과거 시점을 명시하므로 과거시제 (Did you meet) 사용.
2) Judy (has written) some letters since this morning. → since(~이후로 계속) 표현으로 현재까지 이어지는 동작이므로 현재완료 (has written).
3) (Have you ever been) to Holland? → 과거 경험을 묻는 문장이며 특정 시점이 없으므로 현재완료 (Have you ever been).
4) Mel (gave) me a nice birthday present last year. → 지난해(last year)는 과거 시점이므로 단순과거 (gave) 사용.
5) The headmaster (has just complained) about Ted's behaviour. → "just"와 함께 현재완료 표현으로 최근 동작을 표현하므로 (has just complained).
6) Let’s go to the arrival section – the plane (la

31. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?31)
① Tom looks so tired. He must have played soccer
all day.
② Jiho had played tennis after he□finished his
③ When Marianne got to the theater, the movie
had already started.
④ Betty didn't come to school yesterday. She must
have been sick.
Amy is not answerin□□□□□st
올바른 과거시제 사용을 고려해 보면, (2)번 문장이 어색합니다. 보통 과거완료 had + p.p.는 먼저 일어난 행동에 쓰이므로 숙제를 끝낸 시점이 테니스를 시작하기

5. 다음 장소와 목적이 잘못 연결된 문장은?
① Susan went to the park to take a walk.
② Kate went to the hospital to see a movie.
③ Jane went to the library to borrow some books.
④ Tom went to the ball park to play baseball.
⑤ Kelly went to the shopping mall to buy some
6. 다음 제시된 장소와 그 장소에 가는 목적이 자연스
럽지 않은 것은 모두 몇 개인가?
• Sally went to the park to play badminton.
• Dean went to the post office to send a card.
• Yuri went to the restaurant to cook for herself.
• Mina goes to the supermarket to buy some
• Minho went to the flower shop to plant some
① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개
④ 4개 ⑤ 5개
7. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 목적을 나타내는 것은?
① I want to see him.
② Someone came to see her.
③ I'm pleased to see you again.
④ My father works from 9 to 6.
⑤ We go to school five days a week.
8. 다음 중 밑줄 친 to부정사의 용법이 나머지 넷과
다른 것은?
Hana cannot be a fool to say so.
□ □ □ □ □ to the post office to □ □ □ □ □.
□ □ □ □ □, I □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
To □ □ □ □, □ □ □ □ □ □ □.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □.
Step1. 장소와 목적의 연관성 판별
문장에서 제시

Part 5
Choose the correct one:
알맞은 것을 고르시오.
1. Look at the (dancing / danced) girl.
2. Don't sit on (breaking / broken) chairs.
3. (Barked / □□□□□) dogs seldom bite.
4. I saw the smoke (comes / coming) out of the
5. The girl (is planting / planting) the flowers is
my friend Jisu.
6. The people (are watching / watching) the
movie look so bored.
7. He was looking for a strange object (flying /
flown) in the sky.
8. There are lots of leaves (fallen / falling) on the
9. Anne is looking at the house (painted /
painting) in red.
10. The room (painting / painted) in light pink is
my baby's.
11. The boy (picking / picked) up trash is my son.
12. Are you reading a book (writing / written) in
13. There are birds (singing / sung) in the woods.
14. Who is that farmer (wearing / wear / wore) a
straw hat?
15. The cell phones (made / making) □□□□□.
□□□□□ (□□□ / □□□□) □□□□□
Step1. 1번 문장에 맞는

7. Shakespeare는 내가 가장 존경하는 작가이다.7)
writer, respect, most □□□□□
8. 이것은 한 유명한 예술가가 그린 그림이다.8)
picture, that, artist, draw □□□□□
9. 내가 잤던 침대는 매우 딱딱했다.9)
sleep, hard, in □□□□□
10. Mary는 우리 반에서 내 옆에 앉은 소녀이다.10)
next, the, who □□□□□
in my class.
11. 내가 정말로 보고 싶었던 TV 프로그램이 하나
there, that, really, want, watch □□□□□
12. Jam는 어제 내가 콘서트에서 만났던 소녀를
Step1. 7번 문장 완성

1. I would like to travel Europe with my family someday.
2. I would like to have many foreign friends but not anymore.
3. You had better not talk about the rumor anymore.
4. Damon used to help us a lot before he moved to France.
5. You had better ask Mike about the homework. He can help you.
6. Mina used to live near my house, but she moved to Busan.
7. I would like to watch that movie. It looks interesting.
8. You had better not say anything about her son.
9. A: Can I help you □□□□□?
I used to □□□□□.
1) would like to
2) used to
3) had better
4) used to
5) had better
6) used to
7) would like to
8) had better
9) would like to

However, as society becomes more diverse, the likelihood
that people share assumptions and values diminishes.
The way we communicate influences our ability to build
strong and healthy communities. Traditional ways of building
communities have emphasized debate and argument. ( ① ) For
example, the United States has a strong tradition of using town
hall meetings to deliberate important issues within
communities. ( ② ) In these settings, advocates for each side
of the issue present arguments for their positions, and public
issues have been discussed in such public forums. ( ③ ) Yet for
debate and argument to work well, people need to come to such
forums with similar assumptions and values. ( ④ ) The shared
assumptions and values serve as a foundation for the
discussion. ( ⑤ ) As a result, for □□□□□ as
이 글은 사회가 다양해질수록 사람들이 공통으로 가지는 전제나 가치의 공유가 감소하여, 공동체를 구성하고 유지하는 전통적인 소통 방식인 토론과 논쟁의 효율이 떨어질 수 있음을 보여줍니다.
(1) 공동체 형성 수단으로서의 공개 토론은 각 진영의 논거를 제시하고 공적 의제를 깊이 있게 다루는 장점을 갖지만, (2) 이러한 토론이 제대로 이루어지려면 참여자들이 어느 정도 공통

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Not all organisms are able to find sufficient food to survive,
so starvation is a kind of disvalue often found in nature. It
also is part of the process of selection 1 by which biological
evolution functions. Starvation helps filter out those less fit to
survive, those less resourceful in finding food for 2 themselves
and their young. In some circumstances, it may pave the way
for genetic variants 3 to take hold in the population of a species
and eventually allow the emergence of a new species in place of
the old one. Thus starvation is a disvalue that can help make
4 possible the good of greater diversity. Starvation can be of
practical or instrumental value, even as it is an intrinsic
disvalue. 5 What some organisms must starve in nature is
deeply regrettable □□□□□.
어법상 가장 적절하지 않은 표현은 ⑤번입니다.
문장에서 ⑤번 구문은 “What some organisms must starve in nature is…”라고 서술하고 있는데, 이는 명사절을 이끌기에 적절하지 않습니다. 이 경우에는 “That