인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
33. Recently I was with a client who had spent almost five
hours with me. As we were parting for the evening, we
reflected on what we had covered that day. Even though our
conversation was very collegial, I noticed that my client was
holding one leg at a right angle to his body, seemingly
wanting to take off on its own. At that point I said, "You
really do have to leave now, don't you?" "Yes," he admitted.
"I am so sorry. I didn't want to be rude but I have to call
London and I only have five minutes!" Here was a case
where my client's language and most of his body revealed
nothing but positive feelings. His feet, however, were
the most □□□□□.
이 글은 고객과의 대화 중에 언어적인 의사소통은 긍정적이었지만, 발의 방향과 자세를 통해 고객이 실제로는 자리를 떠야 한다는 마

Jimin and Yumi will be late. I have to
wait for ______.
① me ② him ③ her
④ us ⑤ them
Is this toothbrush ______?
① you ② your ③ yours
④ yourself ⑤ yourselves
______ cars in the parking lot are
① This ② That ③ Those
④ It ⑤ They
______ is 8:50 a.m. The class will
begin soon.
① I ② It ③ This
④ □ ⑤ They
• Do you want ______ (A) hot cocoa?
• I found ______ (B) socks under the
(A) (B)
① any this
② any those
③ some this
④ some these
⑤ some it
• Sorry, I didn't bring ______ (A) gift.
• I liked a white shirt, but Mom bought
me a black ______ (B).
(A) (B)
① some one
② some it
③ any one
④ any ones
⑤ any it
다음 중 밑줄 친 it의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① Where did you find it?
② I like this toy. I find it?
③ It's my f□□□□.
④ □ is □
정답 및 간단한 해설
1) them: (5)
Jimin과 Yumi 두 사람을 기다리므로 복수 대명사 them이 적절합니다.
2) yours: (3)
소유대명사 yours를 사용해야 합니다.
3) Those: (3)
멀리 있는 복수 명사를 가리킬 때 Those가 적절합니다.
4) It: (2)
시간이나 날씨를 나타낼 때는 가주어 It을 사용합니다.
5) (A) some, (B) these

우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 배열하시오.
1 내 여동생은 항상 그녀의 방을 깨끗하게 유지한다. (her, clean, room, keeps)
→ My sister always □□□□□
2 그는 나에게 그의 카메라를 가져오게 했다. (bring, me, camera, had, his)
→ He □□□□□
3 나는 그의 차가 건물 앞에 서는 것을 보았다. (saw, car, stop, his, in front of)
→ I □□□□□ the building.
4 그들은 나에게 조용히 해달라고 요청했다. (me, be, quiet, to, asked)
→ They □□□□□
5 우리가 그를 우리의 회장으로 만들었다. (him, our, made, president)
→ We □□□□□
(□□□, □□□□□, □□□□□, □□□□□)
아래는 각 문장에 제시된 단어들을 사역동사와 문법 규칙에 맞추어 배열한 예시 해답입니다.
1) My sister always keeps her room clean.
2) He had me bring his camera.
3) I saw

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Although it is obvious that part of our assessment of food is
its visual appearance, it is perhaps surprising ① how visual input
can override taste and smell. People find it very ② difficult to
correctly identify fruit-flavoured drinks if the colour is wrong,
for instance an orange drink that is coloured green. Perhaps even
more striking ③ is the experience of wine tasters. One study of
Bordeaux University students of wine and wine making revealed
that they chose tasting notes appropriate for red wines, such as
'prune and chocolate', when they ④ gave white wine coloured
with a red dye. Experienced New Zealand wine experts were
similarly tricked into this □□□□□. □□□□□.
* override: □□□□□.
정답은 ④ gave이다. 해당 문맥에서는 ‘와인을 제공받았을

55. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르면?55)
① This problem is too difficult for me to solve.
② This bag is so heavily that she can't carry it.
③ The story was very funny that everyone laughed.
④ She was too sleepy to do her homework.
⑤ Mo□□□□ sc□□□□□'□□□□□.
(1)은 ‘too + 형용사 + for 목적어 + to 동사’ 구조로 문법적으로 옳습니다.
(2)는 ‘heavy’가 아닌 ‘heavily’를 썼으므로 틀렸습니다.
(3)는 ‘very ~ that’ 대신 ‘so ~ that’을 써야 하므로 어색합니다.

1. I added some maple syrup, (which / that) made
the tea special.
2. A nurse, (who / which) didn't wear a uniform,
was taking care of a sick baby.
3. He was a famous architect, (who / that)
designed the Eiffel Tower.
4. There will be another new hotel, (which / that)
will help villagers make more money.
5. The U.S. constitution, (which / that) was made
in 1787, emphasized human rights.
6. Jason goes swimming every day, (that / which)
keeps him healthy.
7. What was the name of the person (that /
which) bought your old car?
8. I opened the box, (that / which) had lots of
photos of my mom.
9. The girl, (that / who) has a beautiful smile, is
my friend.
10. Did you hear about Sam's brother, (that /
who) works in the hospital?
11. He makes a lot of mistakes, which (mean /
means) he has the possibility of being
12. Mike showed me the rabbit, (which / that /
who) his dad gave □□□□□.
□□□□□ □□□□□ □□ □□□□□ (which / that /
□□□□) □□□□ □□ □□□□□. □□□□□ □□□□□, (which /
who) □□□□ □□ □□□□□.
1) which
2) who
3) who
4) which
5) which
6) which
7) that
8) which
9) who
10) who
11) which means
12) which
13) which

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Take time to read the comics. This is worthwhile
not just because they will make you laugh but ①
because they contain wisdom about the nature of
life. Charlie Brown and Blondie are part of my
morning routine and help me ② to start the day
with a smile. When you read the comics section of
the newspaper, ③ cutting out a cartoon that makes
you laugh. Post it wherever you need it most, such
as on your refrigerator or at work — so that every
time you see it, you will smile and feel your spirit
④ lifted. Share your favorites with your friends and
family so that everyone can get a □□□□□, □□□.
정답은 ③번 cutting 입니다. 문장 구조상 ‘When you read the comics section of

주격 관계대명사
Pattern 1 NE능률
18. (18)
• The student is going to fail the exam.
• He has not studied hard.
27. (27)
• The girl is my sister.
• She has long hair and wears glasses.
19. (19)
• Tom has a cat.
• The cat likes to play with dogs.
28. (28)
• The woman is a doctor.
• She lives next door.
20. (20)
• I know the person.
• He is a doctor.
29. (29)
• Do you know the man?
• He is wearing a hat.
21. (21)
• The boy lives near my house.
• He won the prize.
30. (30)
• Minsu is my best friend.
• He is good at drawing pictures.
22. (22)
• I went to the park.
• It has a lot of animals.
31. (31)
• I like stories.
• They have happy endings.
23. (23)
• There is a girl.
• She is drinking water.
32. (32)
• The children are my little sisters.
• They are feeding rabbits.
24. (24)
• The computer was broken.
• I bought th□□□□□.
Step1. 주어 역할의 중복 확인
두 문장을 비교해 같은

78. □□□ □□□ □□ 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르면?78)
If she heard the news, she would be pleased.
② If she had speak English well, I would employ her.
③ If she had known his address, she would write
to him.
④ If he had come to my party, I would have been
⑤ If we had □□□□□ □□□□ch
정답은 1번, 4번 문장입니다.
2번 문장은 “had speak”가 잘못된 어법이어서 If she spoke English well 혹은 If she had spoken English well로 수정되어야 합니다.
3번 문장은 조건절과 결과절의 시제가 맞지 않아 If s

burning fuel in power plants. Some people use
and throw away plastic products derived from
crude oil every day. Blaming the fossil fuel
industry while engaging in these behaviors is a
slap in our own face. *scapegoat 희생양
① giving the future generation room for
② warning ourselves about the lack of natural
③ refusing to admit the benefits of fossil fuel
④ failing to recognize our responsibility for
글의 핵심은 화석연료 산업만을 비난하는 동시에 스스로 화석연료로 만든 제품을 사용하는 태도가 모순이라는 점입니다.

Part 2
■Complete the questions:
질문을 완성하시오.
1. A: Can you tell me ______What is your name________?1)
B: My name is Jun.
2. A: I want to know ______where are you from?________2)
B: I'm from Japan.
3. A: I wonder ______how is it________3)
B: I like it. It's good.
4. A: Do you know ______□□□□□________4)
B: She has three brothers.
5. A: Tell me ______□□□□□________5)
B: I'm drinking tea.
6. A: Can you tell me ______□□□□________?6)
B: Yes. She likes spaghetti.
7. A: Do you know ______□□□□□________?7)
B: Yes. He likes his job very much.
8. A: Do you know ______□□□□________?8)
B: Yes, I do. He is from England.
9. A: Do you know ______□□□□________?9)
B: Yes. It starts at 1 P.M.
10. A: I have no idea ______□□□□□________10)
B: □□□□□.
아래는 각 문항을 간접의문문 형태를 올바르게 사용해 완성한 예시입니다.
1) what your name is
2) where you are from
3) how it is
4) how many brothers she has
5) what you are drinking
6) what she likes*