인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
11. Do you see the cat which □□□□□? (11)
12. We are looking for a person who □□□□□. (12)
13. There are a lot of people which □□□□□ in Korea. (13)
1. A librarian is a person who is in □□□□□ of a library.
□□□□ a person □□□□□.
다음과 같이 주어진 표현을 문맥에 맞춰서 “which”는 사물(고양이)에, “who”는 사람에 대해 사용합니다.
1) Do you see the cat which is on top of the house?
2) We are looking for a person who can speak English fluently.
3) There are a lot of people

She is the person you can trust.
→ She is the person who(m)[that] you can trust.
1. I like the dress Susan is wearing.1)
2. That is the car I lost last year.2)
3. Is this the factory you are looking for?3)
4. She is reading the book I gave to her yesterday.4)
5. The old man you met last night is her husband.5)
6. Some of my friends I invited to my birthday party couldn't come.6)
7. They are the boys I went hiking with.7)
8. The computer I bought last week already broke down.8)
9. This is the shampoo the actress advertis□□.9)
관계대명사를 이용해 문장을 연결하면, 목적어가 빠진 자리에는 'that', 'which'(사물), 'who(m)'(사람)을 쓸 수 있습니다. 간단히 문장을 바꿔 쓰면 다음과 같습니다.
1) I like the dress (that/which) Susan is wearing.
2) That is the car (that) I lost last year.
3) Is this the factory (that) you are looking for?
4) She is reading the book (that) I gave to her yesterday.
5) The old man (who/whom) you met last night is her husband.
6) Some of my friends (who/wh

25. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?776)
① If you don't start now, you are late.
② You will miss the school bus, you don't walk
③ If you will eat more vegetables, you will be
④ The flea market will be held unless it rains
⑤ You feel □□□□□ a good □□□□.
(1)은 조건절 뒤 결과절에 will이 필요하고, (2)는 조건절이 올바른 위치에 있지 않으며, (3)은 will을 조건절에 쓰는 것이 어색합니다. (5)는 "good nig

21. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장
적절한 것은?
In the early days of automobiles, tires were seldom black.
The rubber from which they were made was naturally colored
off-□ white or tan. Today's black tires owe (A) its/their
color to an accidental discovery. In 1885, a rubber tire
company decided to try black tires, (B) thinking/thought that
they might not show dirt. They added carbon black coloring
to the □rubber mixture. To their surprise, they discovered
(C) that/what the carbon-colored rubber tires were five times
more durable than the uncolored ones.
(A) (B) (C)
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□
정답은 (A) their, (B) thinking, (C) that 입니다.
(A)는 'Today's black tires'라는 복수 주어를 받으므로 복수 소유격인 their가 적절합니다.
(B)는 회사가 타

33. The acceleration of human migration toward the shores is a
contemporary phenomenon, but the knowledge and understanding
of the potential risks regarding coastal living are not. Indeed,
even at a time when human-induced greenhouse-gas emissions
were not exponentially altering the climate, warming the oceans,
and leading to rising seas, our ancestors knew how to better
listen to and respect the many movements and warnings of the
seas, thus □□□□□. For instance, along
Japan's coast, hundreds of so-called tsunami stones, some
more than six centuries old, were put in place to warn people
not to build homes below a certain point. Over the world, moon
and tides, winds, rains and hurricanes were naturally guiding
humans' settlement choice. [3점]
① ruining natur□□□□□ts
□□□□□ s
* exponentially: 기하급수적으로
조상들이 바다의 경고를 존중하고 경각심을 가지고 살았다는 맥락에서, 안전을 위해 더 내륙으로 정착

Authentic, effective body language is more than the sum
of individual signals. When people work from this rote-
memory, dictionary approach, they stop seeing the bigger
picture, all the diverse aspects of social perception. Instead,
they see a person with crossed arms and think, "Reserved,
angry." They see a smile and think, "Happy." They use a
firm handshake to show other people "who is boss." Trying
to use body language by reading a body language dictionary
is like trying to speak French by reading a French
dictionary. Things tend to fall apart in an inauthentic mess.
Your actions seem robotic; your body language signals are
disconnect □□□□□. You □□□□□
□□□□□ to attract because your body
이 글은 바디랭귀지를 단순히 표면적 신호들의 조합으로 이해하는 것에서 벗어나야 한다는 메시지를 담고 있습니다. 즉, 팔짱이나 표정 같은 한두 가지 행동으로 사람의 상태나 의도를 정의하려 하기보다는, 맥락과 진정성을 갖춘

Part 7
■ Complete the dialogues with a word from the
box using Present Perfect and just, yet and
현재완료 시제와 just, yet, already를 사용하여 박스 안의
단어를 이용하여 대화문을 완성하시오.
1. 1)
A: Can I speak to Tom, please?
B: I'm sorry, but he already has left.
2. 2)
A: □□□□□ you □□□□ your
homework □□□□ ? (yet)
B: No, I haven't. I'll do it after dinner.
3. 3)
A: Do we have to run?
B: Yes! The film □□□□□. (already)
4. 4)
A: Do you like this group?
B: Yes, but I □□□□□ their new
CD □□□□. (yet)
5. 5)
A: Do you like the book I gave you?
B: Yes, □□□□□.
A: □□□□□.
B: Yes, □□□□□.
아래 예문들을 현재완료 시제로 바꾸고, just, yet, already를 적절히 사용하여 문장을 완성하면 다음과 같습니다.
1) 이미 떠났음을 나타내므로
"He has already left."
2) 숙제를 끝냈는지 묻는 문장으로
"Have you finished your homework yet?"
3) 영화가 이미 시작했음을 말하므

14. Harry Potter was written J.K. Rowling.(14)
____written____ $\rightarrow$ ____written by____
15. The forest covered with tall pine trees.(15)
____________________ $\rightarrow$ ____________________
16. Is life existed on other planets?(16)
____________________ $\rightarrow$ ____________________
17. The Eiffel Tower built by a French engineer
Gustave Eiffel in 1889.(17)
____________________ $\rightarrow$ ____________________
18. This car were made in Korea.(18)
____________________ $\rightarrow$ ____________________
19. The light bulb was invented □□□□□.
____________________ $\rightarrow$ ____________________
Step1. 주어와 동사 구조 파악
각 문장에서 동사와 행위자를

Pattern 1 동아(윤정미)
Part 5
Combine the two sentences:
다음 두 문장을 합치시오.
1. 1)
• Do you think?
• What is he making?
2. 2)
• Do you know?
• When did he arrive?
3. 3)
• Do you believe?
• Who is right?
4. 4)
• I wonder.
• How old is your brother?
5. 5)
• Do you think?
• Which is the faster way to go there?
He wants to know.
When did she arrive at home?
We can't predict.
The weather is going □□□□□.
영어로 간접의문문을 만들 때, 의문사나 if/whether(의문사가 없는 경우) 같은 연결어를 사용하고 어순을 평서문처럼 바꿔서 연결합니다.
1) What do you think he is making?
2) Do you know when he arrived?
3) Who do you believe is right?
4) I wonder how old your broth

24. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?24)
① I called my mom yesterday. She has been sick
since last month. X
② They were tired. They had not slept for 24
③ When I arrived at the theater, the movie was
already begun. X
④ I didn't know who he was. I have never seen
him before. X
⑤ He realized that he left his □□□□□. X
정답은 (2) They were tired. They had not slept for 24 hours. 이 문장은 과거 시점에 대한 과거완료*

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
Rejection is an everyday part of our lives, yet most people
can't handle it well. For many, it's so painful that they'd
rather not ask for something at all than ask and ① risk
rejection. Yet, as the old saying goes, if you don't ask, the
answer is always no. Avoiding rejection ② negatively affects
many aspects of your life. All of that happens only because
you're not ③ tough enough to handle it. For this reason,
consider rejection therapy. Come up with a ④ request or an
activity that usually results in a rejection. Working in sales
is one such example. Asking for discounts at the stores will
also work. By deliberately getting yourself ⑤ welcomed
you'll grow a thick □□□□□ □□□□□ you □□□□ to □□□□□
□□□□□ in □□□□□ successful at
dealing with unfavorable circumstances.
* deliberately
문맥상 ⑤ welcomed가 적절하지 않습니다. 본문은 '의도적으로 거절을 경험하여 두려움을 줄이자'는 맥락으로, 거절(거부)이 아