인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Your parents may be afraid that you will not
spend your allowance wisely. You may make
some foolish spending choices, but if you 1□do,
the decision to do so is your own and hopefully
you will learn from your mistakes. Much of
learning 2□occurs through trial and error. Explain
to your parents that money is something you
will have to deal with for the rest of your life. It
is better 3□what you make your mistakes early
on rather than later in life. Explain that you will
have a fam□□□□□.
어법상 틀린 부분은 3번의 what입니다. 문맥상 “It is better that you ma

Verbs of Perception
Look at the picture, and fill in blanks.
In the park, I see...
28. I see Tom Jumping □□□□□28)
29. I see Sora playing bad□□□□29)
30. I see Jane running □□□□□ with her dog.30)
31. I see Minho playing baseball.31)
다음 그림을 보고 <보기>와 같이 빈칸에 알맞은
말을 쓰시오.
<보기> I saw a girl having a snack.
Actual Test
35. I saw an old man □□□□□
36. I saw two people □□□□□
37. I saw a boy □□□□□
다음 그림을 보고 주어진 단어를 활용하여 문장
을 완성하시오.
38. I can see a boy □□□□□ (oven, cookies, put)
39. I can see □□□□□ (make, cookies)
40. I can see □□□□□ (care, a baby)
41. I can see □□□□□ (play, child, doll)
see 동사와 함께 동작을 -ing형으로 써서 상대방이 하고 있는 행동을 직접 보고 있음을 표현합니다. 예를 들어, “I see Tom jumping rope”처럼 목적어(Tom) 뒤에 jumping과 같이 동사의 현재분사(-ing)를 붙여

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
It is said that among the Bantu peoples of Central Africa,
when an individual from one tribe meets someone from a
different group, they ask, "What do you dance?" Throughout
time, communities have forged their identities through dance
rituals that mark major events in the life of individuals,
including birth, marriage, and death—as well as religious
festivals and important points in the seasons. The social
structure of many communities, from African tribes to Spanish
gypsies, and to Scottish clans, gains much cohesion from the
group activity of dancing. Historically, dance has been a strong,
binding influence on community life, a means of expressing the
social identity of the group, and participation allows individuals
to demonstrate a belonging. As a consequence, in many regions
of the world there are as many types of dances as there are
communities with distinct identities.
① What □□□□□D
* forge: 구축하다 cohesion: 결속
□□□□□? □□□□□!
정답은 ②번 'Dance: A Distinct Sign of Social Identity'입니다.
글에서 춤이 공동체의 정체성과 결속을 형성하는 데 중요한 역할을 한다는 점을 강조하고 있습니다. 중앙아프

3. □□□□ 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The loss of many traditional jobs in everything from art
to healthcare will partly be offset by the creation of
new human jobs. Primary care doctors who focus on
diagnosing known diseases and giving familiar treatments
will probably be replaced by AI doctors. But precisely
because of that, there will be much more money to pay
human doctors and lab assistants to do groundbreaking
research and develop new medicines or surgical
procedures. AI might help create new human jobs in
another way. Instead of humans competing with AI, they
could focus on servicing and using AI. For example, the
replacement of human pilots by drones has eliminated
some jobs but created many new opportunities in
maintenance, remote control, data analysis, and cyber
security. * offset: 상쇄하다
① What Makes Robots Sm□□□□
지문에서는 AI가 사람의 직업을 일부 대체하더라도 새로운 일자리가 생기는 등 긍정적인 측면도 강조합니다. 전체적으로 AI가 단순히 위협이 아니라 새로운 가능성을 열

다음 문장을 가정법으로 바꿀 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
1 I'm sorry that I can't play the drums.
— I wish I □□□□□ the drums.
2 I don't have a car, so I can't give him a ride.
— If I □□□□□ a car, I □□□□□ him a ride.
3 I'm sorry that I didn't buy the coat then.
— I wish I □□□□□ the coat then.
4 As the weather is fine now, we can go for a walk.
— If the weather □□□□□ fine now, we □□□□□ for a walk.
5 In fact, the accident didn't happen yesterday.
— I can remember the accident as if it □□□□□ yesterday.
6 As I didn't miss the bus, I was not late for the meeting.
— If I □□□□□ the bus, I □□□□□ late for the meeting.
7 As Hal didn't invite me to the party, I didn't go.
— If Hal □□□□□ me to the party, I □□□□□.
다음 그림을 보고, ()안의 말을 이용하여 가정법 문장을 완성하시오.
1 If I had enough money, I □□□□□ (buy this dress)
3 □□□□□. (□□□□□)
[정답 예시]
1) I wish I could play the drums.
2) If I had a car, I would give him a ride.
3) I wish I had bought the coat then.
4) If the weather were fine now, we could go for a walk.
5) I can remember the accident as if it had happened yesterday.

49. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은? (정답 2개)49)
① I don't know what I can attend the meeting.
② He can't decide if he will leave the city.
③ It doesn't matter whether you pay by cash or
④ He asked me if I will accept the proposal.
⑤ I wonder if or n□□□□□.
정답은 2번과 3번입니다.
1) “I don’t know what I can attend the meeting”는 what이 아닌 whether 혹은 if를 사용하는 것이 옳습니다.
2) “He can’t decide if he will leave the city”는 if가 맞게 쓰였으므로 올바른 문장입니다.
3) “It doesn’t matter whether you pay by cash or check”에서 whether는 ‘~이

17. He had his hair (cut / to cut) by his sister.17)
18. It will help you (to remember / remembering)
the rule.18)
19. Did you see Mary (plant / to plant) those
20. They wanted me (passed / passing / to pass)
the test.20)
21. The police officer allowed us (leave / leaving /
to leave) there.21)
22. My mother told me (do / doing / to do) my
23. I don't want anybody (know / to know /
knowing) the fact.23)
24. I want you (follow / to follow) me everywhere
and protect me.24)
25. The woman will not let him (us□□□□□)□□□□□cut)
영어에서는 사역동사(have, let)나 지각동사(see, hear 등)의 목적 보어로 동사원형을 취하고, 일반적으로 목적어 뒤에 to부정사를 취하는 동사들도 있습니다.
17) cut
18) to remember
19) plant
20) to pass
21) to leave
22) to do
23) to know

21. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Jack Welch is considered to be one of the USA's top
business leaders. In a gesture ① that was at once symbolic
and real, Welch directed the ceremonial burning of the
old-fashioned GE Blue Books. The Blue Books were a series
of management training manuals that told how GE managers
were to get tasks ② done in the organization. Despite the
fact that these books for training ③ had not been used for
some 15 years, they still had great influence over the
actions of GE managers. ④ Cited the need for managers to
write their own answers to day-to-day management
challenges, Welch swept away the old order by removing the
Blue Books from □□□□□'s □□□□. Now, □□□□□
□□□□□ taught to □□□□□ than
□□□□□ up in a □□□□ book.
가장 자연스러운 문맥 연결을 위해서는 ④의 Cited가 현재분사 형태인 Citing으로 수정되어야 합니다. 즉, 문장 앞부분에 나

32. There is a major problem with □□□□□ by counting, such as
To determine the number of objects by counting, such as
determining how many apples there are on a table, many
children would touch or point to the first apple and say
"one," then move on to the second apple and say "two," and
continue in this manner until all the apples are counted. If
we start at 0, we would have to touch nothing and say
"zero," but then we would have to start touching apples and
calling out "one, two, three" and so on. This can be very
confusing because there would be a need to stress when to
touch and when not to touch. If a child accidentally touches
an apple while saying "zero," then the total number of apples
will be off by 1. [3점]
① counting from 0
② number □□□□□
정답은 (1) counting from 0입니다.
0부터 세기를 시작하면, 먼저 “0”을 말할 때는 아무것도 만지지 않아야 하고, 그 다음부터 사과를 하나씩 짚으면서 “1, 2, 3…

18. (Did you meet / Have you met) Susie yesterday?
19. Judy (wrote / has written) some letters since this morning.
20. (Were you ever / Have you ever been) to Holland?
21. Mel (gave / has given) me a nice birthday present last year.
22. The headmaster (just complained / has just complained) about Ted's behaviour.
23. Let's go to the arrival section - the plane (landed / has landed) a few minutes ago.
24. Sam (lost / has lost) his car keys and can't get home.
25. Mark (hasn't gone / didn't go) to the football match yesterday.
26. I (broke / have broken) my arm last summer when I (fell / have fallen) do □□□h stairs.□□□□□. □□□□□
Step1. Identify time expressions
각 문장에서 'yester

11. Do you see the cat which □□□□□? (11)
12. We are looking for a person who □□□□□. (12)
13. There are a lot of people which □□□□□ in Korea. (13)
1. A librarian is a person who is in □□□□□ of a library.
□□□□ a person □□□□□.
다음과 같이 주어진 표현을 문맥에 맞춰서 “which”는 사물(고양이)에, “who”는 사람에 대해 사용합니다.
1) Do you see the cat which is on top of the house?
2) We are looking for a person who can speak English fluently.
3) There are a lot of people