인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
59. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은? ① Can you tell me if he will come tomorrow? ② I don't know why he is so down. ③ Do you think where we should go? ④ We wanted to know what he did yesterday. ⑤ Do you know how we get to the post office? 60. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은? ① Do you know how the hotel is far? ② Can you tell me where is the man? ③ Do you think where Jane met Mr. Han? ④ Can you tell me when will the store open? ⑤ Would you tell me whether she lives in Seoul? 61. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은? ① Can you tell me where the department store is? ② Do you know what the country side is like? ③ Do you know how much is it? ④ No one knows when he left for school. ⑤ I don't care who she is. 62. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은? ① Can you tell me where is the bank? ② Let me know how long I should wait. ③ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
Step1. 간접의문문 어순 확인 먼저 간접
15. 다음 동등비교 표현이 어색한 것은?15) ① I am as happy as a lark. ② He is as tall as a snake. ③ She is as lovely as a puppy. ④ Jane is as small as a rabbit. ⑤ Sam is □□□□□.
이 중에서 He is as tall as a snake.가 어색한 표현이다. 뱀은
17 반간에 알맞은 재귀대명사를 쓰시오. I don't need any help. I can do it 18 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오 A: □□□ is very hot today. Can you turn on the air conditioner? B: Sorry. □□□ doesn't work now. 19 대화가 성립되도록 ()안에서 알맞은 말을 골라 쓰시오. A: Is there a bank near here? B: Yes, there is (it, one) on Queen Street. A: Is (it, one) far from here to the bank? B: Not really. 20 이 선물은 너 (gift) 21 차를 드시겠어요? (tea) Will you have □□□ 22 이제 여름이다. (summer) □□□ now. 23 거리에는 눈이 조금도 없었다. (snow) There wasn't □□□ on the street. 24 너는 네 자신을 믿어야 한다. (trust, oneself) You should □□□□□. 25 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것을 모두 고르시오. ① This is very bright in the room. ② There □□ any water in the bottle. ③ My brother made dinner for himself. □□□□□.
아래는 각 문항에 대한 간단한 해석과 답안 예시입니다. • 17번: “I don’t need any help. I can do it \(myself\).” • 18번: “It is very hot today. … Sorry, \(it\) doesn’t work now.” • 19번: “Yes, there is \(one\) on Queen Street. Is \(it\) far from here to the bank?” • 20번: “\(This gift\) is for you.
24. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Language is one of the primary features that distinguishes humans from other animals. Many animals, including dolphins, whales, and birds, ① do indeed communicate with one another through patterned systems of sounds, scents, and other chemicals, or movements. Furthermore, some nonhuman primates ② have been taught to use sign language to communicate with humans. However, the complexity of human language, its ability to convey nuanced emotions and ideas, and its importance for our existence as social animals ③ setting it apart from the communication systems used by other animals. In many ways, language is the essence of culture. It provides the single most common variable ④ by which different cultural groups are identified. Language not .
어법상 틀린 부분은 (3) setting 입니다. 해당 문장은 동사 형태가 적절하지 않아 문법적으로 어색합니다. setting
Part 5 ■Complete the sentences using conjunction so that and given words: 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 단어와 접속사 so that 을 활용하여 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오 1. 그는 그의 가족이 편안하게 살게 하기 위해서 열 심히 일을 했다.1) → He worked hard □□□ that he□□□□□ (in comfort) 2. 나는 기차를 제 시간에 타기 위해서 서둘렀다.2) → I hurried so that I could take (take, can, on time) □□□ on time 3. 나는 영어를 공부하기 위해 캐나다로 갔다.3) → I went to Canada so that I could (learn, English, can) learn English. 4. 새로운 어휘들을 외우기 위해 나는 어휘 플래쉬 카드를 만든다.4) → I make vocabulary flash cards so that I can remember vocabularies. (remember, vocabularies) 5. 그것들을 좀 □□□□□ (□□□, □□□□□, □□)
문장들을 so that을 활용해 목적을 나타내면 다음과 같이 완성할 수 있습니다. 1) He worked hard so that his family could live in comfort. 2) I hurried so that I could take the train on time. 3) I went to Canada so that I could learn
14 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Plastic is extremely slow to degrade and tends to float, ① which allows it to travel in ocean currents for thousands of miles. Most plastics break down into smaller and smaller pieces when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, ② forming microplastics. These microplastics are very difficult to measure once they are small enough to pass through the nets typically used to collect ③ themselves. Their impacts on the marine environment and food webs are still poorly understood. These tiny particles are known to be eaten by various animals and to get into the food chain. Because most of the plastic particles in the ocean ④ are so small, there is no practical way to clean up th□□□□□.
정답은 (3) themselves입니다. 문맥상 미세 플라스틱 입자를 잡기 위해 사용되는 '그물(nets)'이 플라
65. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?65) ① I want to test how smart she is. ② I wonder if there is a father like him. ③ I'm wondering if it will be rainy tomorrow. ④ She wants to know why I was late for school. ⑤ Can you tell me what about your new movie is? 66. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?66) ① I'm not sure if is the answer correct. ② Do you think where the hospital is? ③ She wonders if Peter's hearing is okay. ④ I'd like to know whether can she drive a car. ⑤ Do you think who will win the game? 67. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?67) ① Do you know what color is □□□□□.
65번에서는 5번 문장이 어색합니다. 올바른 표현은 “Can you tell me what your new movie is about?” 형태가 되어야 합니다. 66번에서는 3번 문장이 옳은 문장입니다. “She wonders if Pet
96. Choose all the sentences that are grammatically wrong from the box below.96) a Can you guess why they do this? b Do you suppose what made him come here? c I don't really know when is the class over. d He asked me how did she help me often. e Let's ask her who the man in the picture is. f I'm not sure when he arrived at the airport. g I didn't know how I dealt with the situation. h Do you thin□□□□
Step1. 간접 의문문 구문의 올바른 어순 확인 각 문장을 읽고
Part 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct of verbs from the box 빈칸에 주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태를 쓰시오. relax write leave play 1. Reading before bed helps me □□□□.1) 2. Mr. Park made us □□□□ a report.2) 3. He will let me □□□□ early if I finish quickly.3) 4. The teacher had the students □□□□□ outside.4) carry clean call buy water 5. She makes his son □□□□□ the garden every morning.5) 6. My parents let me □□□□ a new computer.6) 7. He had the kids □□□□□ the dishes tonight.7) 8. I'll have my mom □□□□□ your mom and ask if you can come over.8) 9. She helped a man □□□□□ his bag upstairs.9) watch pick clean do make lie 10. I don't let my kids □□□□□ violent □□□□.
아래와 같이 빈칸에 동사 원형을 넣으면 됩니다. 사역동사(make, have, let 등)와 help 뒤에는 주로 to 없이 동사 원형을 사용합니다. 1) relax 2) write 3) leave 4) play 5) water 6) buy 7) clean 8) call 9) carry 10) watch 11) pick 12) lie 정답 예시 1) Reading before bed helps me relax. 2) Mr. Park made us write a report. 3) He will let me leave early if I finish quickly. 4) The teacher had the students play outside. 5) She makes his son water the ga
42. How many sentences are grammatically correct?(42) a Tony has not woke up yet. b How long have you been together? c Isaac has been in the hospital then. d When did you met your uncle? e Daniel have read the book for two hours. f Mr. Stark has gone too far already. g Logan has broken this window yesterday. h Jane has studied in this school since 2013. i When I met Thor for the first time, he was in London. j □□□□□s ago.
Step1. 현재완료 용법 확인 문장에 'has/hav
82. 다음 주어진 두 문장을 현재완료를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.(82) He started writing books on insects three years ago. He still does. → He □□□□□ three years. 83. 다음 두 문장을 읽고 현재완료와 주어진 단어(for) 를 반드시 사용하여 의미에 맞게 한 문장으로 완 성하시오.(83) I bought a bike two years ago. I still use it. → I □□□□□ (for) 84. 다음 주어진 두 문장을 현재완료를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.(84) • I started to play the guitar five years ago. • I still play the guitar. 85. 다음 주어진 두 문장을 현재완료를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.(85) • Alice □□□□□ a. • □□□□□.
82번: He has been writing books on insects for three years. 83번: I have used this bike for two yea