인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
5 I made a cheesecake □□□ you.
Mon won't let me □□□ her car.
① to
② of
③ for
④ from
⑤ at
① drive
② to drive
③ driving
④ drove
⑤ driven
Your plan sounds □□□□□.
① well
② perfectly
③ boring
④ interestingly
⑤ excitingly
[6-7] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오
6 ① She got me to hold her bag.
② I asked him open the window.
③ I heard him walking down the stairs.
④ He advised me to do some exercises.
⑤ They didn't allow the baby to climb
onto the table.
7 ① Did he tell you to move away?
② She looked fine yesterday.
③ My mom bought me a new bike.
④ I saw him drop his smartphone.
⑤ This tea tastes very bitterly.
She told me □□□□ the project by
① finish
② finishing
③ finished
④ to finish
⑤ will finish
4 The comedian's funny joke made us □□□□□.
will □□□□□
8 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사가 다른 하나는?
① He showed his essay □□□□ me.
② I'll lend ten dollars □□□□ you.
□□□□□ me.
□□□□□ her.
정답과 간단한 해설은 다음과 같습니다.
1) drive (사역 동사 구문: let + 목적어 + 동사원형)
2) boring (동사 sound는 주격보어로 형용사를 취하므로 boring이 자연스러움)
3) to finish (tell + 목적어 + to부정사)
4) laugh (make + 목적어 + 동사원형)
5) for (누군가를 위해 케이크를 만들었을 때는 “for someone”)

mimic human speech
stand on the hill
have much information
need help all over the world
7. They are looking at the tree □□□□□. 7)
8. There are many poor people □□□□□. 8)
9. Please keep th□□□□□. 9)
□□□□□. □)
이 문장은 관계절을 사용하여 ‘~하는 (사물/사람/동물)’을 이어주는 형태로 완성할 수 있습니다. 예시는 다음과 같습니다:
1) They are looking at the tree which stands on the hill.
2) There are many poo

When reading another scientist’s findings, think critically about the experiment. Ask yourself: Were
observations recorded during or after the experiment? Do the conclusions make sense? Can the results
be repeated? Are the sources of information reliable? You should also ask if the scientist or group
conducting the experiment was unbiased. Being unbiased means that you have no special interest in the
outcome of the experiment. For example, if a drug company pays for an experiment to test how well one
of its new products works, there is a special interest involved: The drug company profits if the
experiment shows that its product is effective. Therefore, the experimenters aren’t objective. They
might ensure □□□□□. □□□□□!
This passage underscores the importance of asking critical questions when examining another scientist’s work. One should assess whether the observations and data collection were conducted systematically and determine if the experimental design allows for reproducibility. Additionally, it is crucial to

내 목표는 수학 시험에서 100점을 맞는 것이다.
My goal is □□□□□ the math
① to get 100 points
② got 100 points
③ to get 100 points
④ to getting 100 points
⑤ not to get 100 points
11 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고친 것은?
① Arabic is so difficult to write.
- enough difficult
② I'm so sad □□□ about his death.
- hearing
③ It is careless □□ you to break the glass.
- for you
④ He has two sons □□□□□ care.
- to take care of
⑤ I had something □□□□ him.
- to told
14 The work was so complicated that he
couldn't do it.
The work was □□□□□.
15 The hotel is so large that it can hold
3,000 people at once.
The hotel is □□□□□ 3,000 people
at once.
16 My boss didn't tell me what I should do.
My boss didn't tell me □□□□□.
[12-13] ( ) 안에 주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰시오.
We were very upset □□□□□ the
news. (hear)
13 □□□□□.
□□□□□ (vis...
17 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은?
① He has a lot of books reading.
② I went to the library to found the □□□□.
③ I like to visiting my friends' blogs □□□□□.
아래와 같이 동사를 to부정사 형태로 고쳐 쓰면 자연스럽습니다.
We were very upset to

49. 다음 중 주어진 문장과 의미가 같은 것은? (정답2개)49)
Dad couldn't drink the tea because it was very
① The tea was so hot that Dad couldn't drink it.
② The tea was very hot, but Dad could drink it.
③ The tea was too hot for Dad to drink.
④ Dad couldn't drink the tea, so it was very hot.
⑤ Because Dad couldn't drink the tea, it was very
50. 다음 문장과 같은 의미를 지닌 문장은?50)
I was so tired that I couldn't do it.
① I was tired enough to do it.
② I was too tired that I couldn't do it.
③ I was tired so that I couldn't do it.
④ I was too tired to do it.
⑤ I was tired enough that I couldn't do it.
51. 다음 중 주어진 문장과 의미가 같은 것은? (정답2개)51)
Mr. Jeong was so busy that he couldn't check
his scripts.
① Mr. Jeong was so busy to check his scripts.
② Mr. Jeong couldn't check his scripts because he
was so busy.
③ Mr. Jeong was busy enough t□□□□□.
Step1. 원문장의 인과관계 파악
문제가 제공한

Ideas about how much disclosure is appropriate vary
among cultures.
(A) On the other hand, Japanese tend to do little disclosing
about themselves to others except to the few people
with whom they are very close. In general, Asians do
not reach out to strangers.
(B) Those born in the United States tend to be high
disclosers, even showing a willingness to disclose
information about themselves to strangers. This may
explain why Americans seem particularly easy to meet
and are good at cocktail-party conversation.
(C) They do, however, show great care for each other,
since they view harmony as essential to relationship
improvement. □□□□□
to □□□□□
문맥상 먼저 (B)에서 미국인의 적극적인 자기 공개 성향이 소개되고, 그 다음 (A)의 ‘On the other hand’가 이를 대조적으로 받으며 아시아(특히 일본)의 자기 공개 성향이

31. Since a great deal of day-to-day academic work is boring
and repetitive, you need to be well motivated to keep doing
it. A mathematician sharpens her pencils, works on a proof,
tries a few approaches, gets nowhere, and finishes for the
day. A writer sits down at his desk, produces a few hundred
words, decides they are no good, throws them in the bin,
and hopes for better inspiration tomorrow. To produce
something worthwhile — if it ever happens — may require
years of such fruitless labor. The Nobel Prize-winning
biologist Peter Medawar said that about four-fifths of his
time in science was wasted, adding sadly that "nearly all
scientific research leads nowhere." What kept all of these
people going when things were □□□□□.
이 글은 학문적 작업이 지루하고 반복적이어서 꾸준히 해나가기 위해서는 강한 동기가 필요함을 강조합니다. 수학자가 여러 번 시도해도 진전이 없고, 작가가 글을 쓰고 버리는 과정을 반복해야 하듯이, 상당 부분이 결실 없는(fruitle

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
When the price of something fundamental drops greatly, the
whole world can change. Consider light. Chances are you are
reading this sentence under some kind of artificial light.
Moreover, you probably never thought about whether using
artificial light for reading was worth it. Light is so ① cheap
that you use it without thinking. But in the early 1800s, it
would have cost you four hundred times what you are paying
now for the same amount of light. At that price, you would
② notice the cost and would think twice before using
artificial light to read a book. The ③ increase in the price of
light lit up the world. Not only did it turn night into day, but
it allowed us to live and work in big buildings that ④ natural
light □□□□□ be
□□□□□ to
* artificial
정답: (3)
지문에서는 인공조명의 가격이 급격히 내려갔음을 강조합니다. 따라서

Raised in a poor family, Confucius truly understood the suffering
of the people. In his view, the lords of his country, only
interested in their own personal gain, ①were responsible for it.
Therefore, he gathered a group of intelligent followers ②□□□ he
trained in several subjects including ethics. He believed that
government leaders must be humane, honest and ③fair not
experts in administration. He taught his students that it is the
role of rulers ④to secure the happiness of their people. He had
considerable success in placing his pupils in positions of power in
government. Whe□□□□□.
were □□□□□ immoral □□□□□nasty.
영문 문장에서 ②에 사용된 what은 목적격 관계대명사가 필요한 자리이므로 올바르지 않습니다. 선행사 followers를 수식하는 형태이므로, who

34. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① His job is teaching English.
② I saw the birds flying in the sky.
③ My sister is singing on the stage.
④ She looks like a dancing machine.
⑤ The sleeping baby on the bed is very cute.
35. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른
① The dancing girl looks so cute.
② Do you know the boy smiling at you?
③ I'm very proud of being her son.
④ This novel is □□□□□.
Step1. 34번 문장 각각의 쓰임 분석
각 문장에

Use the given words to complete the sentences:
주어진 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오.
25. If the banana is yellow, it □□□□ (be)
ripe and ready to eat!25)
26. I always □□□□ (ask) for directions if I
get lost.26)
27. If it □□□□ (rain), I □□□□ (get) wet.27)
28. She □□□□ (be) late, if the train is
29. If you □□□□ (help) me, I □□□□
(help) you.29)
30. If they □□□□ (catch) the bus, they □□□□
(arrive) on time.30)
31. Sally and Sunny □□□□ (go) out tonight if
their parents □□□□ (allow) it.31)
32. They □□□□ (visit) Eiffel Tower if they
□□□□ (go) to France.32)
□□□□ □□□□ (not, be) careful, you
25. If the banana is yellow, it is ripe and ready to eat!
26. I always ask for directions if I get lost.
27. If it rains, I get wet.
28. She will be late if the train is delayed.
29. If you help me, I will help you.
30. If they catch the bus, they