인기 질문답변
QANDA의 1억 명 이상의 친구들이 자주 묻는 질문과 답변을 확인하고 함께 공부해보세요!
0111 B+
순환소수 1.36에 자연수 A를 곱하여 어떤 자연수의 제곱
이 되도록 할 때, 가장 작은 자연수 A의 값은?
① 155
□ □ □
② 160
□ □ □
③ 1□□
Step1. 순환소수 1.36(1.\bar{36})을 분수로 나타내기

17. She asked us (come / to come) over to her
house the other day.<sub>17</sub>
18. Mom told me (get / to get) rid of stains on
the wall.<sub>18</sub>
19. I will get him (go / to go) camping tomorrow.<sub>19</sub>
20. He had his hair (cut / to cut) by his sister.<sub>20</sub>
21. It will help you (to remember / remembering)
the rule.<sub>21</sub>
22. Did you see Mary (plant / to plant) those
23. They wanted me (passed / passing / to pass)
the test.<sub>23</sub>
24. The police officer allowed us (leave / leaving /
to leave) there.<sub>24</sub>
25. My mother told me (do / doing / to do) my
26. I don't want anybody (know / to know /
knowing) the fact.<sub>26</sub>
27. I want you (follow / to follow) me everywhere
and protect me.<sub>27</sub>
28. The woman will not let him (use / □□□□□) □□□□□.<sub>28</sub>
Step1. Identify the correct verb pattern
Check whether each main verb (ask,

19. 복소수 \(z\)에 대하여 \(z + \bar{z} = -1\), \(z\bar{z} = 1\)일 때,
\[ \frac{\bar{z}}{z^5} + \frac{(\bar{z})^2}{z^4} + \frac{(\bar{z})^3}{z^3} + \frac{(\bar{z})^4}{z^2} + \frac{(\bar{z})^5}{z} \]의 값은?
(단, \(\bar{z}\)는 \(z\)의 켤레복소수이다 □□□□□)
Step1. 복소수의 크기와 합 조건 정리
zz̅ = 1이므로 |z|=1, 따

D08 *
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
고2 2011(6월)/20
Since his early childhood, Alvin was a keen model-
maker. He made model cars, model railroad
layouts, and model street scenes. When ① asked
what he wanted to be, he would say, "I want to
be a model-maker or run a store that sells model
kits." Eventually, though, Alvin chose a "real"
career: architecture. He was not very good at his
work, nor ② did he seem to improve. The only
part of his work he enjoyed was ③ made models of
buildings to illustrate proposals. When a recession
hit, Alvin was the first to be fired. Fortunately, one
of his former employers did offer Alvin a contract
④ to take on his firm's model-making projects on
a freelance □□□□. □□□□, □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□□□□ □□□□. □□□□, □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□.
틀린 부분은 ③ made입니다. 동사를 명사 형태로 이끌어야 하는 문맥이므로, making처럼 동명사가 적절합니다. 문장 전체

0249 대표 문제
오른쪽 그림과 같이 밑면의 가로의 길이
가 \(4a^2\), 세로의 길이가 \(6b\)인 직육면체
의 부피가 \(72a^4b^2\)일 때, 이 직육면체의
1 \(ab^2\)
2 \(a^2b\)
3 □□□□□
밑면의 가로와 세로가 각각 4a^2, 6b이고, 높이를 h라 하면 부피는 밑넓이(4a^2×6b)×높이(h)를 의미하므로
\(4a^2\times 6b\times h = 72a^4b^2\)

[164~172] 다음 이차방정식의 해를 완전제곱식을
이용하여 구하여라.
164 \(x^2 + 8x + 2 = 0\)
\(x^2 + 8x = -2\)에서
\[ x^2 + 8x + \text{□}^2 = -2 + \text{□}^2 \]
\[ (x + \text{□})^2 = \text{□} \]
\[ \therefore x = \text{□} \pm \text{□} \]
165 \(x^2 - 2x - 1 = 0\)
166 \(x^2 + 10x + 1 = 0\)
167 \(x^2 - 16x + 16 = 0\)
168 \(x^2 + 18x - 19 = 0\)
169 \(3x^2 + 12x - 3 = 0\)
해 양변을 □으로 나누어 정리하면 \(x^2 + 4x = 1\)에서
\[ x^2 + 4x + \text{□}^2 = 1 + \text{□}^2, (x + \text{□})^2 = \text{□} \]
\[ \therefore x = \text{□} \pm \text{□} \]
170 2□□□□□
Step1. 164번 문제
방정식 \(x^2 + 8x + 2 = 0\)을

47. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은?47)
① He waited in line to watches the movie.
② I'm learning English getting a job in Canada.
③ He ran fast not to being late for the meeting.
④ All the students studied very hard not to fail
the exam.
⑤ Jane practiced again and again to □□□□□.
문장 (4)은 not to fail 구문이 올바른 용법이며, 나머지 문장들은 to부정사나 어순이 잘못된 형태를 사용했습니다. 따라서 *

67. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것은?67)
① What is important is your health.
② The thing that she ate went bad.
③ I ate what my sister made for me.
④ This is not what she wants to have it.
⑤ Brainstorming is writing down what comes to your brain.
68. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 총 개수는?68)
• It is the last chocolate what I have now.
• I will give you which you want.
• Reading books is that he does in his free time.
• Th□□□□□of th□□□□□.
정답은 ④번입니다. ‘This is not what she wants to have it.’에서 it

26. 학생 A를 포함한 4명의 1학년 학생과 학생 B를 포함한 4명의
2학년 학생이 있다. 이 8명의 학생이 일정한 간격을 두고
원 모양의 탁자에 다음 조건을 만족시키도록 모두 둘러앉는
경우의 수는? (단, 회전하여 일치하는 것은 같은 것으로 본다.)
(가) 1학년 학생끼리는 이웃하지 않는다.
(나) A와 B는 이□□□□□
Step1. 회전 기준 고정 및 A 배치

0105 하
순환소수 0.36에 \(a\)를 곱한 결과가 자연수일 때, 두 자리
자연수 \(a\)의 개수는?
① 6
□ □
② 7
□ □
Step1. 순환소수를 분수로 표현하기

32. In an experiment, researchers presented participants
with two photos of faces and asked participants to choose
the photo that they thought was more attractive, and then
handed participants that photo. Using a clever trick
inspired by stage magic, when participants received the
photo, it had been switched to the photo not chosen by
the participant — the less attractive photo. Remarkably,
most participants accepted this photo as their own choice
and then proceeded to give arguments for why they had
chosen that face in the first place. This revealed a
striking mismatch between our choices and our ability to
□□□□. This same finding has since been
observed in various domains including taste for jam and
financi□□□□□. □□□□□. □□□□□.
□□□□□. □□□.V
□□□□□. □□□.□□□□.
정답은 3) rationalize outcomes 입니다.
이 실험은 'choice blindness' 현상을 보여 주는데, 참가자들은 자신이 원래 선택하지 않은 사