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문제 이해

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] What comes to mind when we think about time? Let us go back to 4,000 B.C. in ancient China where some early clocks were invented. ① To demonstrate the idea of time to temple students, Chinese priests used to dangle a rope from the temple ceiling with knots representing the hours. They would light it with a flame from the bottom so that it burnt evenly, □□□ indicating the passage of time. Many temples burnt down in those days. The priests were obviously not too happy about that until someone invented a clock ③ was made of water buckets. It worked by punching holes in a large bucket ④ full of water, with markings representing the hours, to allow water to flow out at a constant rate. The temple students would then measure time by how fast t k d . It was much , it
Integer a semper turpis. Morbi ut leo in metus hendrerit aliquam et nec tortor. Morbi mollis aliquet tempor. Donec condimentum lacinia libero, vel feugiat dui lacinia nec. Morbi vel mauris in ex pretium gravida quis vel diam. Quisque porta nulla at elementum elementum. Vivamus rhoncus lectus id diam consectetur posuere.
Quisque vehicula est ut condimentum viverra. Quisque ut nibh aliquet, egestas urna sit amet, malesuada leo. Ut auctor iaculis quam ac ultricies. Curabitur a mi sem.
Quisque aliquet viverra orci et mollis. Pellentesque neque mauris, bibendum sed auctor id, vulputate eu orci. Ut egestas laoreet sem, sit amet consequat eros malesuada quis. Etiam tempus dictum lacus, vel ullamcorper nisi laoreet at. Donec eu mauris non arcu volutpat interdum. Nulla sagittis erat ut auctor sollicitudin. Pellentesque vulputate feugiat eleifend. Quisque ullamcorper venenatis leo vel gravida. Nam eu semper leo.
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